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Everything posted by Svafnir

  1. Svafnir

    To Prove My Point Right...

    Of course it happens, sometimes I escape easly, other times I die or I chug 80% of my pots. Fights are meant to last, it would be a pitty if you kill someone with 2 lizes. (which still happens a lot) I had no problems finding fights the last time I played (1 month ago more or less) now server seems to be getting even better. Its true that they are not everywhere, or that you will have to wait, but then, you can arrange them also. Now, if theres a fight and people recall (under fair conditions), then that is another problem, having nothing to do with server. 100 people on should be enough to make nice fights constantly if players have the will to make them.
  2. Svafnir

    To Prove My Point Right...

    No, I know how things really are, because I played, both of you just cry at forum. So, what your claiming here is to be able to kill a war you alone, in 2 lizes or so..? Thats where you make the mistake. This is a MMORPG, things are not made for you to play alone. I assure you that on a fight 2v2, 3v3 or any big fight things change completely. You want to make a 200dex/str war and be owning everyone out there alone? Thats bullshit. And im not against because im Bmage, im against because of common sense. Its a game designed to play in groups, not alone. If you want to kill 1vs1 you can do pvp, there you wont worry about mshield/tower or whatever pa shield he carries.. I can give you a lot of examples of people that start from 0 and make their way through, that are learning to fight and that they can ek perfectly fine.. So, once again, my advice is: Log in, play, get involved in big fights without recalling, and see.
  3. Svafnir

    To Prove My Point Right...

    Whine less, play more.
  4. Svafnir

    How To Make The Sv Waaay More Interesting

    1. Agree 2. Its not impossible. 3. Maybe they should have some special quality... 4. Already happens. Manu weapons already do more damage and has better chances for upgrading them. 5. Stop whinning, go kill mobs for a while and items will drop. You want to make a set in 1 month? Oh, so the people that already have items, will have more! and you will keep whinning and later you will ask for a reset. Increase the drop rate is stupid. 6. Maybe dm5 and ms18 are valuated as they should. It should be hard to make them, they are good items. Besides a mas16 - dm4 are not hard to make.. 7. Not for now at least.. 8. -- 9. Easier to get dk15? Its very fast, what the hell are you talking about? want to increase drop rate and exp, basically you want to turn nemesis into a fruity server. My advice, stop whinning, log in and start playing. New people comes everyday and many make their way without any trouble.
  5. Svafnir

    I Would Like To

    Gotta study a lot until june at least, and then hopefully 2 months free hehe
  6. Svafnir

    I Would Like To

    I quited playng but stay in elv bro :D
  7. Svafnir

    Pink Dye Event

    Maybe some trivia type event? Ask about many different subjects, player with the most of points wins. Reward the knowledge!!
  8. Svafnir

    Welcome Zorak[GM]

    Welcome ^^ Dani trolin :D
  9. Svafnir


    300 eks
  10. Svafnir


    Didnt know about that :o (I bet noone did :P)
  11. Svafnir


    Magic Emmy gives you MA %, with a maximum of 10% I think. The formula is the % of the gem /10. Hero Armour are bound to the player like dk items. You cant drop them, you cant borrow them to a friend permanently neither. Flags are for Heldenian Castle Siege type. The town attacking has to plant the flag in the middle of a circle beyond the bridges. Only guildmasters can plant it, and it has a cost of 10ek each flag at Command Hall.
  12. Svafnir

    Calu, Jugatela Xd

    Me refiero a que este server (por lo menos el Int) dificilmente va a volver a tener 200 on, sostenidamente como lo fue hace 2 a?os. Hace tiempo que este juego dejo de tener atractivo en la nueva generacion de posibles users. Los que poblan el server son, en su mayoria, gente que jugo/conocia el helbreath con anterioridad. Mucha de esa gente ya no tiene tiempo, porque crecio, estudia, labura, tiene otras cosas en la cabeza. Por eso digo que es dificil volver al tiempo de auge de este server. Ya no se capta gente entre 14-18 a?os, porque se van a otros juegos peodrros como el MU o el WOW..
  13. Svafnir

    Calu, Jugatela Xd

    Lo de los 200+ on no va a volver a pasar jamas, no quieran volver a eso.
  14. Svafnir

    Calu, Jugatela Xd

    No creo que a la larga sea una solucion. Partiendo desde el hecho de que solamente con el reset, muchisima gente dejaria de jugar. Sumado a la realidad de que el Helbreath dejo de atraer gente nueva hace tiempo, a la larga lo va a terminar por hundir mas. Si me decis que es un juego que tiene un flujo de usuarios muy grande, me pareceria perfecto, hasta haria reset cada 1 a?o, a?o y medio. Pero en la situacion del HB no creo. Quiza los primeros meses explota, pero no creo que vaya a durar.
  15. Svafnir

    Armor Dyes

    Did I say something like that? I said it looks fruity and ugly.
  16. Svafnir

    Armor Dyes

    Fruity and it looks so ugly.
  17. Svafnir

    Heldenia Bugged?

    Sade bug yesterday also, there has been no reboot..
  18. Svafnir

    What Gm's Up To

    I didn't think you liked girls, Mari! :o
  19. Svafnir

    Recall To Evade

    To complicated "solution" for recall thing. It is well know how to "fix" recall spell.
  20. Svafnir

    Donation For Rep Reset: That Exist?

    Maybe do some fix value per every point of rep. Just to put an example: $0.10 every point of rep? But, for values above -3000 or so it would be to much, to pay $300. Maybe put a top of $100, 150 maybe? So if you have beyond certain high amount of negative rep, you wont pay $1000 to reset from -10.000 to 0. But if you have for example, -754, you would pay $75.
  21. Svafnir

    Whats Ur Highest Zerk Damage To Mobs?

    No sade, Zerked, dm5 rodrag, ABH Rep5, Critical on normal hit :P
  22. Svafnir

    Total Change On Recall System

    Recall being a rare, or even deleted its not a bad idea neither.