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Everything posted by Svafnir

  1. Svafnir

    Solo A Demon

    5 -10 demons? Wow, nice. Im able to solo 4/6 Demons and im totally knock out..
  2. Svafnir


    Todo el lag aca no puedo moverme que hago dc xD
  3. Svafnir

    Server Offline?

    Me too, want to play held.....
  4. But the difference between 191 and 200 dex is veeeery slight change. I recentely removed those 9 points of dex and found almost no change. I mean, its better to save those 9 points for other stats (mag, vit) because at such high value of dex, those 9 points make no difference. At least in my experience..
  5. Svafnir

    Solo A Demon

    I have 0000 items, but still i can solo demons. As said above, depends on demons, some die faster and hit less. Other demons are hard to take down. When i go soloing demons y just carry mi dk+10, and a said before, i have no items.. Just pfm, invi, zerk and hit.. I get stuck between walls no to get kicked and so i dont need to pfm twice..
  6. Svafnir

    Gmsm Farjat Read Please!

    The server is extremely LAGGED!!! I can't play since the last shutdown farjat did. I (and many others) find impossible to play. I get DC every 5 minutes ingame.. Please restart the server, its impossible to move!
  7. Svafnir

    Server Time At Arg

    Ahora estamos 4 horas (por el cambio) Osea, cuando dice Held a las 2:30Pm aca seria las 6:30 PM
  8. This happened to me a while ago. Training at Elf, after a while a Plate M drops. I was ver happy because i never had a Plate drop (yeah..really bad luck ??)..I go to pick it up: POISON RESISTANCE 21!!!! I kept on training, another drop! Plate W. Well, its W at least i can trade it. I Pick it up: POISON RESISTANCE 21!!! !!GOD! This happens only to me hahaha
  9. Unlucky? Mmmh, never got a decent drop in about 180 lvls and 30 majestics. Get DCed twice at Infernia while hunting.
  10. Svafnir

    *attention* All Players Please Read

    But the way he told it in the server made me think that the situation was critical. I know he told he was probably overreacting, but it sound pretty dangerous the issue. Just want to know a bit of whats happening. Maybe when the situation is controled it would be better then.
  11. Svafnir

    *attention* All Players Please Read

    Can you explain whats going on? We are told to change our passwords inmediatly, that is a critical situation.... Someone explain please..
  12. Svafnir

    Magic Resistance %

    go naked to garden, 42 hp pots and run.. take a low mr shield, 21, 42 work perfect. You could also poison cloud yourself.
  13. Svafnir

    Speed Bug Abusers

    True, I forgot that little detail xD
  14. Svafnir

    Speed Bug Abusers

    What if you can acces peace/attack mode only by clicking the peace /attack mode button? In addition create a 3, 4 seg delay between consecutive changes, meaning once you entered peace/attack you have to wait 3,4 secs to go peace/attack again.
  15. Svafnir

    Hompage Droplist.

    The Giant Plant drops Wands ms10, shields up to Iron i Think (never droped me a Lagi), War Axes, Leathers, etc.. At the page doesn't appears these drops
  16. Svafnir

    Some ... Suggestions?

    Take 2 Weapons and problem solved..
  17. Svafnir

    Magic Resistance %

    Those MR parties are very useful. It would be great to have another one soon :D
  18. Svafnir

    Change The Raid Days

    I wouldn't chnage the raids days. Evenmore im in favor of extending the present raid days all to 1hour raid. What I would do is to add pits. All over the world. Create medium level monsters pits such as: Trolls, Giant Plants, Clays, Stones, Helhounds, Giants Frogs, Rudolphs, Dire Boars... To create this pits over ML, Also the nowadays abandoned Dungeons and so reactivate it. Also at the Town's respective hunting zones. Rocky Highland its also an almost dead map...
  19. Svafnir

    Some ... Suggestions?

    I like all ideas more or less. The one of the DK weapons is great. I would like to see a DK Rapier+15 in action, or a DBow +15. Its would be very nice to see plenty of different builds on chars. But I mean really giving them an important role. For example the bow atm its only to cut mages casting and no further important purposes.. It would be great to see mass fights with bows xD
  20. Svafnir

    Hybrid/battle Mage

    Atm Im having a Bmage trained. Lvl 140 my stats are: 104 str, 50 dex, 70 vit, 123 int and 130 mag. I plan my final stats as: 104str, 50 dex, 93 vit, 200 int and 150 mag. But I also wandered to do 130 str, 50 dex, 87 vit, 130 mag and 200 int to use DK sword. But its getting really hard to train. Although i want to level this char yes or yes, i find difficult to find suitable training places :S
  21. Svafnir

    How Do U Make The Big Word Critical?

    I was able to do a Critical with my warat lvl 170 with a bbh from blacksmith to mobs. Its not necessary to have all great items as dm+4 and rod...
  22. When zerked, does the hitting prob. decreases? Because I noticed y hit more when not zerked. Its just casuality or it is a fact?
  23. Svafnir

    Nemesis Deal Or No Deal Event

    Va a ser un quilombo :s
  24. No se una garcha de que deporten hablan xD Pero guiandome por los numeros de arriba: 15 - 24 Eagles
  25. Svafnir

    Old Schoolers?

    The Barracks Raiders were the best xD Ekeing with lvl 40 esterks mages xD that was great