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Everything posted by Svafnir

  1. Svafnir

    Dk Great Sword !

    +15 seria mas util... +7 pega algo, o es mejor una ancient? Me suena que estan re al pedo, salvo para entrenar
  2. Svafnir

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    I always thought about a Darkelf Neck. It will act as Ice Elemental Neck does, but giving 100% protection from arrows. Of course it would be very rare, just imagine any character with amp and this neck :P Well its obvious that it would drop from Darkelfs. I will be thinking about another Accesories, but this I've been thinking since I met DEs (and when started I thought this neck existed :P)
  3. Svafnir

    Winners Of Design A Weapon Contest

    :D Thanks very much GM's, very nice event btw, now I will do my entry for the Accesory ^^
  4. Svafnir

    Caught Being Good Program

    Idk portugese, but I understood what MJ said, and I agree. Those webpage-made translation are horrible. They just translate everything word by word, and thats not good... Translate to the language you know and thats it please :S Here's a good spanish translation. SPANISH TRANSLATION Los GMS te van a empezar a agarrar... siendo BUENO! Cada GM tendra alguna recompensa para entregar cada vez que vean a un jugador haciendo algo beneficioso para el server, siendo gentil con los nuevos jugadores, ayudando sin que se lo pidan, o simplemente, haciendo alguna buena accion dentro del juego. El GM al momento de dar la recompensa, te explicara porque te lo entrego. De ninguna manera vas a obtener un premio si se lo pedis al GM o si le contas acerca de la accion buena que hiciste. No puedes venir y contarnos o decirnos lo que hiciste, los GM lo veran por si mismos. Queremos hacerles ver que realmente nos damos cuenta cuando alguien hace una accion noble y quermos recompensarlos. Las buenas personas NO terminan ultimos esta vez!
  5. Svafnir

    Remove Dk Set

    No no and no.
  6. Svafnir

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    Very nice event, I thought i would die at BH pit, I got stucked long, but finally made it through :D Anti freeze pot helped me alot heheh
  7. Svafnir

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    Hunter, suppose that all winners picks up one food, and top prize doesn't comes out, what will happen? You will say winners to choose another food and repeat until it comes out? Or everyone just haves one chance and they win whatever they pick up?
  8. Svafnir

    Becoming Popular Online....

    People who lend items each other, they know each other, you lend them because you trust that person. Im sure you have good intentions, but no one is going to give you, or any stranger, good items without any guarantee, because they dont know you. Im sure there are many person willing to help from another aspect, by helping you training, or giving you some low but useful items for a starter. There is where you can start forging your "fame". Let us know you are trusthworthy and maybe someday you will get into that :P. Dont expect it to happen tomorrow, it takes time. Just as in real life xD
  9. Svafnir

    Becoming Popular Online....

    I dont understand the relation about being popular and having/wanting a MP set :S Anyway, either you go train and get items, or pay $$ and get items :P But no one is going to lend you items with this method :/
  10. Svafnir

    Simple Suggestion

    I been thinking about an Item Counter at Warehouse page. Somethings that says Items: X of 120. Its quite simple, but is very useful when you have a lot of warehouses in use, and most of them with many items, you loose the count. I know that if you log at the website it shows you, but it would be nice to see it ingame also. Ty.
  11. Svafnir

    Alchemy Summon Event

    Oh yes, and hp35 pick axe, lol
  12. Svafnir

    Alchemy Summon Event

    I remember last year Hunter made a Miners event where he droped diamons,rubys, mithrals,etc at ML Mines. Very nice event, maybe he will do it again
  13. Svafnir

    Alchemy Summon Event

    Slimes jellys please!! :P TY Hunter!
  14. Svafnir

    Little Question About Stats...

    ie sword = 130 str FS xblade = 143 str FS
  15. Svafnir

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    Yeah, hes main char is Elv, but lately i've seen him playing ares thats why I said he was ares hehe, but you are right
  16. Svafnir

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Antes del 1ero de Mayo, fecha limite
  17. Svafnir

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    Smith isn't Aresden?
  18. Svafnir

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Distant Axe - No Activation. Special axe that drops only from Stalkers. Its damage is same as Battle Axe+2 and its colors is the same as GBH. Has the special feature of having a long range attack, being 4 tiles for criticals (same as Stalker), and 2 tiles for Dash attacks. It has 3000 endurance. ________________________________ Feather Weapons - It applys to every possible weapon drop. It gives a -2 bonus for Attack Speed, turning for example GiS into 130 str FS, flameberges 104 str for FS, BH into 156 str for FS, etc. It would be a very rare, and secondary drops. Color: Cyan.
  19. Svafnir

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Name: Majestic Blade/Hammer/Axe/Wand It has the permanent feature of giving 50% more experience. The damage will be the same as a Gis for LS, BH for hammers, Baxe for axes. Im the case of the wand, it only drops MS20. Drops from Ettins, Mountain Giants, Lizards, Gargyoles, Master Mage Orc, Abbadon, Demons, Black Dragons. They have a dark-violet color in the shape of Gis/BH/Baxe/Wand. ____________________________ Shock Blade - Activation Weapon. When active it has the ability to cast a spike-field effect on target. The player will loose between 10-15 HP everytime he does a new step. It will also cause the victim to get stuned every few steps. The effect last 30 seconds. Drops from Minotaurus.
  20. Svafnir

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Forum Event Crea un arma. Usa tu mejores habilidades para crear e imaginar y dise?a un arma para ser usaba en el Helbreath. Luego se votara la mejor/favorita arma de entre todos los participantes. Asegurate que sea un arma y no una magia o accesorio (capes,boots). Hazlo lo mas detallado posible, y una imagen del arma ganara puntos extra. El ganador se llevara un paquetes de stones de: 3 meriens, 4 xelimas y 5 zems El arma no sera incluida en el server, es solo por diversion. Pero nunca sabes... quiza nos inspires. Haz lo mejor para impresionar. Gracias, Hunter Nice event :D
  21. Svafnir

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    El 25 de Abril, despues de la Heldenian, se estara haciendo la Carrera de Obstaculos para aquellos hombres o mujeres valientes que creen tener lo necesario para sobrevivir. Se les dira donde ir ese Domingo. Un portal va a estar abierto para poder acceder al evento. Una vez que esten todos esperando, se cerrara el portal. Esto es para evitar que una persona pueda meter mas de un char. Elegi el mejor char para jugarla. Si te perdiste el tiempo de duracion del portal, quedas afuera. Este estara abierto solo un determinado tiempo. El recorrido sera una combinacion de arrow towers,cannons, guards, sorceress, ancient knights y archers. Va a ser muy dificil atravesarlo. Aquellos que logren sobrevivir, se les dira que formen una fila en una determinada area. Esos jugadores entraran en un foodgame por premios. Los premios van a estar enterrados debajo de un area de comida. Se les dira que se paren sobre una y esperen. Cuando sea el momento se les dira que revisen que hay debajo de la comida. Todos ganaran algo. Puede ser un zem, un item, otra stone, una capa, arma, armadura, etc. El rango de premios es de una stone hasta una Ice Sword or MA 21 Chain. Dado que no se cuantos van a sobrevivir, no se cuantos van ganar. Puede haber 1 ganador, asi como 12, todo depende. Tendras que elegir una estrategia para la carrera. Usaras AMP? de ser asi, los archers se divertiran con vos. Te daras PFA? entonces usaran magias sobre vos. Deberas elegir la armadura, magia, estrategia, escudos apropiados para poder sobrevivir. Todos estan invitados a participar, y los GMs podran participar con sus chars normales. REGLAS: La unica regla para esto es no usar invi de ningun tipo, pots, scroll, magic. Tenes que esperar donde el GM te lo indique y no castear magia desde los costados o interferir con el evento en ninguna medida. Obedecer las ordenes del GM. Si moris,estas afuera. Tenes que resetear y no quedarte en el piso. Los GMS se reservan al derecho de cambiar cualquier regla. Lo que el GM dice, se hace. Cualquiera que discuta con el GM staff, sera echado del evento. Preguntas, comentarios? Posteen aca.
  22. Svafnir

    Sleep Mage

    As far as I know, Sleep can't be broken with fields, and the first hit done hits double dmg. Now, I dont know how it works with blizz for example, if it doubles the first hit, or the whole damage (of all the hits).
  23. Svafnir

    Hellfire Ftw! Fresh Drop From Gg!

    LOOL Funny, yesterday we talked about going to hunt gg today and look :( We came late xD gratz haha
  24. Svafnir

    Another Suggestion

    Yeah, I think its too much. Maybe having the ability to do for example, 50% more of armor break and striping, or something like that
  25. Svafnir

    Lag ?

    My ping sux, but it always stays at 400-500.. But lately im having lag, a lot, which most commonly, I never have...