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Everything posted by Du^^

  1. Du^^

    10 Consec Wins

    vamos poop!!!!
  2. Du^^

    Happy Bday Copa

  3. Du^^

    Happy Bday Copa

  4. Du^^

    Happy Chinese New Year

    Lol give me cash cash cash pls lol
  5. Du^^

    The Official Lower Abby Drop Rate Topic

    Ok, I don't understand. First Update New spells and increase drops with abby drop rate went up or watever, I understand the Gm's and staff want players come back or watever but making drop rate from abby is crazy. I have to agree with sergio he have a point, this wat happen to HBusa they increased the abby drops and now its mass cancels etc. but im not compairin nemesis to usa so think over it and i like it the way it was. Du ps: sorry for my english its suck lol
  6. Du^^

    A Idea

    ya if u pull or log out when u log back in u still gonna be in the area.
  7. Du^^

    A Idea

    A Pvp Area, U go the location where the pvp area at. while ur in the pvp area theres no way out, cant recall and u can get the ek u most die to recall back town. just a idea. Du
  8. Du^^

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 5.04 Release.

    Very Nice..I really shock atm.. Gj Staffs. One Question How Much Ints FOr the New Spells?
  9. Du^^

    New Year Pvp Event

    So no1 didnt video taped?
  10. Du^^

    New Year Pvp Event

    Lol Lucky?heehe Next event ill be on ares side for sure or else sam gonna kill me ^^
  11. Du^^

    New Year Pvp Event

    i let him win!!!
  12. Du^^

    Pl 180?

    What they (gms) should do is.Make A Event in Pl (lvl 180 or watever) at the end of any month, their will be 1st 2nd and 3nd place on the eks count and so on. 1st place get lech neck or sg neck + a extra +1 of any armor or weapons 2nd ROD ring or rogm 3nd place mc2 mp35 Helm(any kind) or cic2 hp35. just imo. Du^^-
  13. Du^^

    Christmas Wish List

    ms10 or ms20 zwand
  14. Du^^

    Dilr0y Is Back

    Haha! Welcome Back noob
  15. Du^^

    Who Wants To See

    u on my side may?
  16. Du^^

    Who Wants To See

    Lol tag team? faggets- I Go Solo Then If Dan go tag team wit u
  17. Du^^


    Where Do You Download this? HelbreathArgs I was thinkin start a new beinging
  18. Du^^

    Post Our Pics With Your Rl Hb Friends

    hhaha at fighting vietnamese kids in the street. and that noodle they eating is asain noodle is very good and hot
  19. Du^^

    Post Our Pics With Your Rl Hb Friends

    haha alright i didnt kno u was that young lol. and marc..haha thats all want to say to u.. And blizzy hmm idk
  20. Du^^

    To All.

    Wassup Guys and Ladies. Some of you might heard rumors and stuff.I want to post bcuz i everyone kno what happened.Well, you all knows that i played a char named Marclorc.And Today For some reason Marclorc decided to scam my char back and he did.When i logged on my pler, people started askin me "wat happened'.I don't kno why did marclorc did it, but its just Fked up man.So i figured that i go get Du^^ back. I recover my pass and stuff. Static and some of my friends in ares said that Solrav fooded the Dk wand and sword +8. A nd he did. And thats fked up too.I really don't care Cuz i kno its only a game, but thats just fkin childless. I was gonna to quit playing nemesis, but i won't bcuz of my friends in nemesis. I have all my friends and new friends in nemesis, so i won't leave them.But thats all i guess.. Now I'm playing Du^^ I'm back now so watch out elvs.. PS: I really had fun with elvs and playing Marclorc.Its was crazy playin in elv first time in HB history xD.<3 goin to miss u guys. Du <3
  21. Du^^

    To All.

    I like what u had said there Dan(static). And its true.i just want to play the game fair and get my dk's back and have fun.The reason why i made this post, cuz i want to kno whats going on.And i dont want no1 to get ban at all. Its not ur fault real alright bcuz u tho ur rl friend (marclorc) was a honor man.But hes not.So its not ur fault.Just forget it.And u was tryin to help me as well when it happened.And marclorc the reason why every1 aimin on u cuz u did something wrong and its fkin lame.you have no reason u at mad at may.Cuz He is right.
  22. Du^^

    To All.

    Well I did. like 3-4 weeks ago i asked Hunter (in game) that is it possible to change email acc.He said he not sure and told me talk with Farjat.And when i whisper Farjat he never reply to me.I'm not blaming u hunter or farjat.And yes i Did made a ticket bout it.
  23. Du^^

    To All.

    Well, Marclorc i have nothing to say to you.Bcuz i don't why u did it at first.(receover pass) and ur Dk+8 sword isnt gone it's in ur wh all day i never used it.Cuz when i got home today.U changed recover the pass.So i don't kno how its gone and whatever.But to be honest, that was really lame what u did.I was shock when real RngD told me this. Solrav-I will never recover the pass if this isnt happening.And wtf I have 0 chars, Ofc i have to get Du^^ back, If not then u play Du^^ and ur old Mage.aint fair right?So i did it. But at first i didnt want to recoever it, but i heard u fooded the dk's, so i got pissed and recoverd.Man its all good man not ur fault that marclorc scammed me.But u fooded the dk's cuz if u fooded dk's Marclorc don't care cuz he dont play the char no more.right? May- love u! lol Dargo- lol thanks you and ofc we can raid. BUt i have to get my stats back. its kinda fked up atm.. and get my dk's+ bac.lol