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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. its good to see that the boss is active, thats why i kinda said that we're being ignored, worked just like i hoped!


    about a new gm, and a korean one, im just hoping that where ever a new gm's from, he can speak proper english.


    people just stay active on the server and we'll live thru this!


    Its hard to say Active GM. There arent lot of ppl that can be online more than 3 hours.

    How can some 1 be online 100% of the day?. That is not posible. The idea of a Korean GM its nice. There are to many corean ppl that plays here and doesnt speack english

    But Nemesis dont need Event GM thats for sure.

  2. presionar, es obvio que no....

    pero si ves varios muchachos, por ahi, si estas al dope le das bola.....


    si yase, jodo nomas.


    Hace una version en Cordobes. Mucho Papudaso Culiadazo dando vueltas.



    "Has tomado una pot de fernet, tu hp aumento 68 puntos"


    "Has tomado una pot de fernet, tu hp decrecio 1268 puntos"


    No me jodan que pueden tomar solo un Branca. Es imposible. Luego caes al piso. Ek+1

  3. Noone is saying get rid of Hunter, surely another GM and Hunter can co-exist. And as for Elguason, sure he has been good on HB Arg, but you fail to see what we are saying. The player base has shifted from HB Int. The majority of players are not from the North/South American region anymore. There is no point in having Hunter AND another America based event GM. If HB Int is to survive we need to appeal to the players living in the Asia/Europe area, this means an active GM on in their time zone.


    Elgua is GM on hb arg, but he still plays more int than arg...

    Choosing a non trusted person isnt an option.



    I'm so happy that our boss drop us a reply! It shows that he does care! XD



    Thats 100% sure cuz i play with him. Even if he was on Hb Arg he check tickets and log into ours chars to play. And no 1 knows who Char he use.

  4. Maybe new GM is not needed. Lets give some new ideas to Hunter or the Stuff.


    Maybe Hunter or some Admin read this and see what event Nem int ppl likes.


    Give some nice ideas about some event. DONT give the prize, just give some nice ideas to Hunter, and maybe he will make it.


    Plz dont spam.




    Digan alguna idea para hacer eventos. No pongan premios, solo den algunas lindas ideas para Hunter, y por ahi el lo realizara.





    Fast hunt Event.


    Summon in CH some mob count how much time 3 ppl takes to kill them all. The less time wins.


    Its not a big deal but its a War event. thats why i make it on CH

  5. I thinks Gm cant change nothing. I barely play the game and inteeds i try to help ppl with my own char. If u want to help ( and i know u do Eldon) its not necesary to have more GMs.


    Whats the point to make more events? Go hunt look for ppl from another city.

    ppl Ask for events cuz they want som prizes. they want to win something with no effort. Win 1 hours event its not so hard. Hunt days for an items is hard. Event GM is the same that raise the drop rate.

    And if the event have NO benefit, no 1 will play. And i saw that. I play this sever since the statarter and i know almost all the ppl that plays here, so i can tell u that.


    Yes but you are someone who has done almost everything on this server. Events arent anything special to you anymore.


    Look at EVERY new server that pops up. Without GM activity and without events the server DIES in weeks.


    This server is going through a new stage where a lot of the players have come from other servers, without GM activity these players LEAVE.


    If there is a lack of players, like there is now finding an enemy is sometimes hard, an event once a week or so will atleast give people something to do if they are bored.


    Thats not true Vampyr. Neme arg hasnt have event and the amount of ppl doesnt change. I saw wen there is no prize the ppl wont participate. I was there wen 1 GM said in Gral about event in ml and no 1 shows cuz u can lost zem or die and u wont get a prize. Event is something for the moment. Like u said all will log in his char play the event and log.


    Im looking here that to many wants to become GM telling that is the only solution. And ist not. We need to past this few months and talk with ours all hb frinds and bring them here. There is no need to become a GM to help the server.


    New Gm Event will not change anything. Its just make for 10 min or the time Event, but ist not a long time solution.




    Hunter is the person with more desire and passion to play everyday than the rest of us. Ppl can be mean with a Gm cuz the always thougth that they deserve some items that GM wont give him. He support some thing that no 1 of us will do. He must stop play with his gm cuz he recibe pm all day about he is edited, so he need to stop playing his char.

    The Gms are fine. The Comunity of Nemesis must change. Like i said millons times. Dont look for a solution make by a gm or admin. If u like the Game try to change it, try to make this more fun. Help new ppl to play insteed to kill them all the time. Give him some items and introduce in the gameplay. Thats much more better than to make events where the best items, or most online players of a guild win.


    Maybe im wrong but its what i think.

  6. I thinks Gm cant change nothing. I barely play the game and inteeds i try to help ppl with my own char. If u want to help ( and i know u do Eldon) its not necesary to have more GMs.


    Whats the point to make more events? Go hunt look for ppl from another city.

    ppl Ask for events cuz they want som prizes. they want to win something with no effort. Win 1 hours event its not so hard. Hunt days for an items is hard. Event GM is the same that raise the drop rate.

    And if the event have NO benefit, no 1 will play. And i saw that. I play this sever since the statarter and i know almost all the ppl that plays here, so i can tell u that.


    Its the worst idea. the old palyers will quit for 2 months and the sever become desert.


    Ppl Must log into the HB forum and advertising. If u bring 40 ppl to neme arg u won Some meriens or Xelimas (I said stone cuz this dont unbalance the game) this will make the ppl try to make some ppl log into neme Int


    this is about to find some new players or old players that have no server to play. Int needs our help now and we need to help the server to growp up. Its not matter of make more events or pits. Cuz always some 1 will not like it


    ?Dont ask what Neme Int can do for you, Ask what YOU can do for Neme Int.

    ok lets make ettin pit and medusa swords beeing sold in shop

    and ye make yellow heros and glowboots and a lot of coloured armor.

    and if we can lets make 1 ek be worth 10 ek then we dun need 7 days raid...and ppl will be able to lvl durin week.

    and make it possible 1 ppl soloing a tw


    *cough* ironic *cough*


    well u can quit for 2 months if u dun want the event item or if u arent able to play without items just for some time....btw 2 months war just an idea u can make it w2 weeks or wat ever



    New servers are in the market. Ppl will go cuz they got his items with effort. That way u give the chance to the new ppl but no 1 will play without his items. thats fact. I dont want fruit server, but i dont want to lose my items.

    th idea of help new ppl is the best. Help him with gold items and train. Thats much more easy.

  8. EK trade system will make hapopy just to a few ppl, doesnt count...


    Ettin pit is imposible. Server rares will really screw. And if droprate changed, whats the point. increasing random is enoff.


    Make EF and DV farmstile sounds better than allowing 180- since mages doesnt have a better place than gardens...


    Safe training should be the way, but on the other side more clever than making "safe train place" is to make barracks to 179....Then train outside with all the disadvantages but with a char almost ended...

    actually i think safe lvling sucks

    and prolly all ideas arent any new way...hb is old game and it is good as it is.

    what changes were made on hb argentina? almost none...

    advertise was doing the whole thing...schould be done on hb nem int too.


    an idea i think of is maybe lock all rares for some weeks that all are pure chsars without rares and heros and in that time u advertise sand a lot pppl will start and after that time u can unlock rares. but the rares u got during that time from hunting u can use.

    and the guy with most eks in that item less time will win a price or sth


    i hope u got what i wrote i ts 2 am now ;)


    Arg doesnt count as an example since all ppl starting from 0.

    Try to start at arg now, its a nightmare....


    Problem here is Old ppl eating fresh fish, sounds great but means a high percentage of fresh fish will quit.

    Adverticing worked for Arg, because i live from adverticing in real life in argentina. its peace of cake to manage for me. I am a newspaper, i got contacts in argentina to make it done cheap.


    Adverticing Int Nemesis is complicated, theres nothing new, if i make barracks to 179 at least i can say its fast now...

    Have bad things also of course, like people doing fast chars to logout on different places, but i can cover that with "recall on connect" settings because its builded for this from a begining.


    Also giving price for Eks means give more damage or defence to ppl that already have a lot, then we are on the same. Big fish eats easy fresh fish and quit!




    ok u didnt get wwat i meant.

    i mean u should lock/ban all items(rares,sets,heroes,dk items) for maybe 2 months. All old players start with DK set and DK stuff +0 and no angels. No hero set, no rares. U have to see it as a 2 months event that.

    All new players can lvl peacefuller because there are no hero sets no zwand no gbh no dragon rings etc.

    It is almost same situation as in Argentina server. All have nothing just their stats, name,contri,eks and majestic points.

    The only difference at the beginning will be some lvls but thats easy to compensate.

    During that 2 months u will advertise for hb nem int. New ppl will join and see that they arent really *censored*ed by old players..eking is almost fair and lvl will be easy.

    But the idea is that all players fight in those two months for a lot of eks.Since it s fair eking , all got the chance to get an good item at the end as an event price. U have to see it as a BIG pvp event with a duration of 2 months.

    But the items dropped by monsters or hunts or event s ppl can keep. And after 2 months old players get back their items and new players can keep those that they got during the time when all players were equal.

    And the winner of the equal "2 months pvp"event will get a nice item like xel neck or sth.

    So everyone got a motivation for play. Old players because they can get stronger. And new players because lvlin fighting with equal guys and they also can try to win the "pvp" event.


    i hope u got it now better. Its Like a 2Database server for 2 months. 1 with items and the other 1 without.

    And after the 2 months u combine those two databases.

    Its the worst idea. the old palyers will quit for 2 months and the sever become desert.


    Ppl Must log into the HB forum and advertising. If u bring 40 ppl to neme arg u won Some meriens or Xelimas (I said stone cuz this dont unbalance the game) this will make the ppl try to make some ppl log into neme Int


    this is about to find some new players or old players that have no server to play. Int needs our help now and we need to help the server to growp up. Its not matter of make more events or pits. Cuz always some 1 will not like it


    ?Dont ask what Neme Int can do for you, Ask what YOU can do for Neme Int.



  9. es cuestion de voluntad esto..

    personalmente nunca deje el hb enserio, lo dejo cuando me aburre o no encuentro un server en el que pinte jugar.. pero hasta ahi nomas..

    si se me cruzara x la cabeza dejarlo ahora, en este momento lo dejo.

    es algo que con el tiempo me va ocupando cada vez menos espacio en la vida y asi va a desaparecer ^^


    Jajajja eso lo dicen todos los adictos a algo. Te queres autoenga?ar que el Vicio no te domina pero te es practicamente imposible que lo dejes. Es algo parecido con el pucho. Todos saben que hace mal, Todos saben que lo pueden dejar cuando quieran PERO nunca lo hacen.

    Es mas si abre otro server lo prueban. Esto lo demuestra los casi 450 players que tiene este server :D


  10. making huntzones raidable on different times than town is messy, and will probably *censored* up things.


    What can be done easy, is to make them like farm. And max level 170 or something, but then, where do they train?


    Make them max lvl 179. That way 180 players cant go there. Most of the players become 180. No 1 will make 179 char only to raid Garden/Ef

  11. Raid only in the city is nice. That way ekers can fun and the new 1 can train.


    I really dont know about code but maybe u can make some change on the droprate of some mob. for some random time.

    Like u said a clue in the forum or game and for like 2 hours that mob drops more in that time. that will make that all the ares and elv figth for the pit or for the map that mob lives.


    Sry but i will talk to farjat cuz my english sucs :(


    calu nada de lo que hagas cambia la gente que juega.Obvio si haces eventos regalandos cosas algunos se alegren y otros lloren por que no ganaron nada o no hacen los eventos en el horario que ellos juegan. Yo creo que el server esta bien. Tan laburando zarpado y eso se nota.

    Como decian antes solo deja que ek la ciudad y los demas mapas no asi los nuenos pueden entrarn mas facil. Si no ni da entrenar y que te achueren apenas salis de Farm.


    Es jodido meter algun cambio por que si tocas los drops se quejan de ser fruta. Por ahi entrar hacer evntos como los que hacian de Thieves. Eso hace que sea divertido.


    Thieves fue un gran evento


    Igual como siempre lo dije este es mi ultimo server asi que para mi esta de 10. Sigan asi :D