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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. ' date='May 30 2007, 01:34 AM' post='187393']

    It seems to me that a Low lvl server attracts a more serious community.


    Word spreads and this server always grows by the life and death of other servers.


    Other servers go down, they come to Nemesis. Some stay some leave.


    In the beginning everyone was complaining there were TOO many Elves.


    So My advice to you is Relax, enjoy the game for ALL of it's gameplay, and watch the server grow.


    I played here when we had MABYE 10 people playing.


    I've seen this server so crowded you couldn't move in the WH or shop.


    Just chill out and have some faith. B)


    The time wen we walk all over the maps to find some enemy. ahhhhhhhhhhhh those was the nicest moment here :D. Great ppl

  2. Muchachos los rares no estan mal. Antes era mas facil matar ciertos bichos que eran los uqe todos mataban. Matabas algunos y pasabas de nivel tons nadie se quedaba. ahora como para pasar de nivel hay que estar todo el puto dia algo tiene que caer. Igual eso de que hay 100 personas online es una mentira. Cada vez que entro veo menos gente y cuando entro a otros servcos encuentro mas gente conocida del nem que en el mismo nem. YA ni en foro hablan y solo se dedican a llorar y bardear otras guilds. Esto se va al carajo. :S

  3. List of rules:



    I'm guessing it's not allowed simply because it's as annoying as hell, but I don't really know. :blink:



    MMM Is MEANT to fly people and monsters, but using it to fly buildings is not allowed here.


    End of story.


    hay we got a new gm here nais


    Haha I was a GM on another (un-named) server (dead now) and I guess a little bit of that rubbed off. :mellow:


    Now i read it. Thanks.


    List of rules:



    I'm guessing it's not allowed simply because it's as annoying as hell, but I don't really know. :blink:



    MMM Is MEANT to fly people and monsters, but using it to fly buildings is not allowed here.


    End of story.


    hay we got a new gm here nais


    Haha I was a GM on another (un-named) server (dead now) and I guess a little bit of that rubbed off. :mellow:


    Now i read it. Thanks.

  4. ' date='May 27 2007, 05:32 PM' post='187021']

    ' date='May 27 2007, 12:30 AM' post='186956']

    coming now....


    and when I catch them, theyre banned


    This is not permitted


    Why thats not permited. Its not a hack. Its just a good way to take out the Arrows tower. They are not doing something wrong to me. Maybe is annoying but not bad.

    it is abusing a feature and is not allowed, that's been a rule here since the beginning of nem 1

    and i seem to recall YOU and your guild screaming when the members of Wretcheds guild did this to YOUR base during sades. Short term memory loss perhaps?


    they move the buildings away from the mana collectors


    and excuse me but you dont play anymore Turulo...right? so why show up all the sudden and start disagreeing with everything i post?


    Did i said something wrong?. Im just asking. I never complain about that. I nver c that wretcheds guild doing that to me. Maybe some of my guildmates but not me.

    I disagreeing with u?. Im not disagreen with u. I just ask why is not permited. Thats all. All ppl on nem 1 use the mmm to move the mana tower in town to put it up on shop. I never saw a gm tell everybody thats not allowed. So my question was about why is not permited. I always ask this question cuz i dont know all the rule. And i c this on nem 1 and nem 2 so i ask.

  5. ' date='May 27 2007, 12:30 AM' post='186956']

    coming now....


    and when I catch them, theyre banned


    This is not permitted


    Why thats not permited. Its not a hack. Its just a good way to take out the Arrows tower. They are not doing something wrong to me. Maybe is annoying but not bad.

  6. dejense de hinchar las bolas, yo juego todos los dias con juanse y apuesto que es EL MEJOR PLAYER DEL SERVER sin duda y es mas esta tan limado que me entrena mi char.




    Por fin alguien que piensa como el pueblo. Chuky al poder.

  7. Nah make exp x3 at least and get rid of the cast bug. More people will come back and new people will start playing.


    Then make Cakes[GN] nd u r r0x srvr. u liek mi ideaz?


    I want Cakez[GN]

    Cakez nid Turuloz[GN] haha


    ' date='May 22 2007, 01:32 AM' post='186406']

    Hb low exp means u have to train 10 hours a day for 1 or 2 miserable levels...


    uh you were all for this low exp server in the beginning


    I agree with the people who say its because they see no admins here on forum or in game doing anything whatsoever to address the problems, issues and concerns of the server.


    I dont buy for one second its because of lag...same lag as it's always been.


    I also think when we ban some people, their friends also leave. But really..we have only banned cheaters. And i dont want cheaters here. period.


    H is not about ban some players and his firends go. We the Argentinian ppl always got problems with lag. And here we dont like low exp sever. We play Hb to fun not to train the only 2 hours i can play. Thats why i dont play anymore.

    Admins and gms are rarely in game. Nemesis 2 got the sames problems as nemesis 1. So i ask. Was really good for game to reset?. Dunno. But wen i log i dont c more ppl than before and the ppl i c is bad ppl.

    I dont like to c nemesis like this but it what i c.

  8. Yo no pido que sea honesto, nomas me parece alpedo esto. Si hubo reset alguna vez fue para limpiar estas cosas, por algo perdimos 3 a?os de laburo. Si empezamos asi, va a terminar igual que antes, asta q lleguemos al nemesis 9 y ya nadie kiera jugar. Lo decimos por el bien del server nomas, por que son las peque?as cosas como estas que despues se terminan llendo de tema, si sigue asi, no va a faltar mucho para q troubles le termine prestando algun item a algun amigo suyo, como paso en el nemesis anterior...

    Nando vos bien sabes que no es solo troubles el problema de edit en este servo. Vos bien sabes quien edita y quien no. Asi que hablar de troubles es al pedo. No solo no hacen nada con eso sin o que no hacen nada con nada. Al pedo fue resetear pore que podrian haber hecho un simple wipe de todo y listo. T dejan en pelotas pero con el lvl y el jiro. Con eso todo el mundo seguiria jugando. Resetearon bajaron la exp y asi nadie quiere seguir jugando. Estas discuciones las tuvimos siempres y los geemes y admines son los mismo. Que queres que cambie tons ?

  9. Im agree with u king. O suffer all the wipes. But Troubles was not the only problem on nem 1. He wasent the only 1 editing items so we love u Sexy but u need to make more about the creating items. Not only ur son, all that have acces to a create item gm.


    Nem 1 starts worst cuz we got in the past some corrupt Gms. No Nem 2 dont have those Gms so is posible to make this hb server clean. I hope so

  10. Wow i actually agree with Gaucho for once.


    haha ty :D

    Nice item Gratz on that .


    Ppl plz dont cry about an item. Train and try to get 1. Don mke this stupid post cuz u are celous.



    It's not crying.

    I would only say that it has been dropped, not all knew it.

    And when i know think about it, it make all sence.


    Im not playing nem anymore :( So if any 1 want to read this dont do it.


    The history said that wen in nem 1 appear rare items 90% of the time where edited. Thats why the ppl dont belive in the rare ?dropped? item. Now i belive this change so try to belive a little more in the Hunter and staff.

    Its hard to belive rares can be droped cuz in this server was soooooo rare to drop something.


    If u need a post on forum to not delete the items is that no 1 belive in the Admin and gm stuff. There is a little Gms can create an item. So wen u make this cain of post sound like u dont belive in Hunter Sexy and farjat cuz they are the only 1 can make item.


    I know i hard to belive that nem can change but thats is what happend. Nem cchange for good. And now is time to not make this type of post.




    Yes but thats hard to believe when TROUBLES jumps to 2nd place on top 10 from 1 day to the other :blink:


    Thats what makes us wonder if nemesis really did change :mellow:


    TROUBLES is the son of sexy. He can make whatever he want. And thats the true.

    Like i said before. Once a cheater always a cheater so i dont care nothing about him. If he is happy with editing his char and items ist his issue not mine.


    Sry mirai if i dont understand u. Its not for u my post. Its in gral

  11. Nice item Gratz on that .


    Ppl plz dont cry about an item. Train and try to get 1. Don mke this stupid post cuz u are celous.



    It's not crying.

    I would only say that it has been dropped, not all knew it.

    And when i know think about it, it make all sence.


    Im not playing nem anymore :( So if any 1 want to read this dont do it.


    The history said that wen in nem 1 appear rare items 90% of the time where edited. Thats why the ppl dont belive in the rare ?dropped? item. Now i belive this change so try to belive a little more in the Hunter and staff.

    Its hard to belive rares can be droped cuz in this server was soooooo rare to drop something.


    If u need a post on forum to not delete the items is that no 1 belive in the Admin and gm stuff. There is a little Gms can create an item. So wen u make this cain of post sound like u dont belive in Hunter Sexy and farjat cuz they are the only 1 can make item.


    I know i hard to belive that nem can change but thats is what happend. Nem cchange for good. And now is time to not make this type of post.



  12. Sade +1



    At sade you can hit the Civilians too.


    The civilian went to the enemy city at Sade. Then he logged out there and came back when the sade finished...


    Entre nosotros yo le pegabo por 35 en la sade a ese flaco con crit -.-" y tengo BBH osea que todavia algunas cosas no me cierran, despues tiro como 20000 summon en el shop y que no se de donde saco los puntos ,porque estaban todos los shield intactos en la city , asique la verdad no se :sleep:


    Ademas debe ser que sigue el bug que le das sumon points a los guildmaster tons el chabon tiene puntos para repartir. Antes pasaba eso asi ue no veo por que ahora no.