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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. There are plenty of people on right now, you guys are just used to being on top and now you dont wanna train like everyone else. Too bad get over it.


    Anyways if u said that u need to visit the arg new server. Is low exp and u will find all the arg was here. So i dont think the exp is the only reason :D


    which one? cursed?


    Nop. Farjat Hlep that server. If u want to know just pm me

  2. If you want an actual "call to solidarity" you guys might want to speak so that we all can understand it. Just a thought.


    If i want u to read something i wrote i will post un english. If i want to some arg read what i wrote i wrote it on spanish. Its thats simple. If u dont know what it saids dont read it. We know if we need some admin read what we wrote we are going to post on english. Ty

  3. There are plenty of people on right now, you guys are just used to being on top and now you dont wanna train like everyone else. Too bad get over it.


    Anyways if u said that u need to visit the arg new server. Is low exp and u will find all the arg was here. So i dont think the exp is the only reason :D

  4. Edited paks must be allowed for me. I never use it. I always got the ss rigth cuz i dont use paks. But for some ppl help on the fps. Edited paks dont make a person plays better. For me is not a big advantage.

    Anywas is imposible to Hunter knows who use it and who dont.

    Paks are not allowed but are imposible to cacht

  5. Gaucho shh plx !


    And stop calling me amanda!


    Well as you see, Hunters has wroten in this thread, and asking for a translation, then you might see a point why it's sad to post in spanish?


    plx relax a lil gaucho ..


    Hi amandas u nize girl.


    Ok Amanda. Im relaz Thanks.

  6. Rules: FunnyGirl is a moron and needs to get shot.


    Why are you posting rules on fourms in Spanish? SexyBitch is not Spanish, nor is Hunter, just because you biased mexicans dislike people who speak english because they make fun of you, don't need to get all biased on everyone.


    Btw, I'm not racist, I have many friends that are dominican and mexican.


    I am not racist, I just do what is best for my "Country men" - King ;the d0wny. (Biased loser) If you really want to help your 'Country men' why the *censored* are you sitting on your computer and not on the streets helping them? I'm sure that the people on the computer don't need much help, they have a computer don't they?


    This is why there is always a war going on, biased losers like king. Who think his 'country men' is more important than other people around the world, Everyone is equal, maybe not king but everyone else is equal. I was born and raised in a 3rd world country, i know what goes on around, so don't tell me shiet about how your people suffer because you're from a 3rd world country. People suffer everywhere around the world, there are people dying as I speak, but you can only worry about your 'country-men' because you're biased, but can't admit it, you're stupid and ignorant, you need to get shot. (Btw, sorry to offend any args / mexicans, this was only towards king the biased fool)


    If you believen God and the holy bible, it says; everyone is equal. (I don't believen God nor the Holy Bible)


    Mexicans / Args are not better than anyone else in the world, stop speaking like your Country is so great, if it was so great, why is it still a 3rd world country? maybe it might be a 2nd world country, who knows? I don't live there, nor do I ever want to live there.


    lol :wub: Kevin.


    Now i don't know anything for what you just have wroten.


    But theres some things i have to agree with AzN on.


    This is a general English server, with a lot spanish ppl on to, i agree in that. But if rules should be postet on this forum, write it in english.


    Yes theres retards that diss ppl like you about your english.

    Ignore those guys.


    Only Farjat as an owner can read this..

    Pretty pathetic !


    Stfu Amanda.

  7. Maybe it's just me,

    but i think nemesis should hire som serious ppl to be a GM

    like hunter .


    Hes one man about it all.

    I havent seen any GM on else than him


    Or yes a couple of times. But all ways Hunter.


    Sry mirai but nem dont need new gms. Nem need admins to fix some issues. Gm cant do nothing if the owners dont let him do. Or just they dont know how to do it. Gm was made to help ppl and talk to then. Admins are to fix the problems server got. Here the admins takes some vacation and thats what happend.

  8. 3:is through the farm the ONLY way to get to the opposite town?


    No u cant go through farm to the opposite town. U can go only to ML. Pl got max lvl 120 and u got to farm opposite town then u got recalled. Take Middeland way to get opposite town or got trough Dungeon. Dungeon and ml are the only way to go the opposite town.

  9. i know sql c/c++ and i speak english portuguese a lil bit and spanish of course lol




    Thats why Lexus become gm :S and u dont :D


    It's about charisma obviously =)


    Thats rigth. Not only language and programing. U need to have charisma and be a nice person.


    Colo morite hahahahahahahahahaha