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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. Hizo mas amti en 4 dias que muchos otros personajes :D


    Y... la gente con esa preferencia sexual es asi.. les gusta todo ordenadito^^


    sos groso mati :lol:


    Ahora el marica no c conecta con el char y no juega mas. Yo solo quiero un raid con todos en ts meandonos de risa como antes. Solo que ahora mati no puede estar por que tiene poderes especiales. Mepa que hay que discriminarlo :D

  2. This is offtopic but I havent had a chance to ask.


    What happened to Beir[GM]? You and him were the only two GMs that were fair and helpful and nice.


    Plz men dont put Frost[GM] and Beir[GM] on the same post. It is an insult.


    Frost im happy with this decision. I know ur gonna make great work with ur new lvl


    Gj and continue with the good work :D

  3. ok this is to all the players that play my game as you all know my son plays and has always played and loved this game.


    as part of his christmas i told him i would give him 2 items he has now said what items he wants and i have agreeed to them and also told farjat.


    i will give him these 2 items and 3 zems only after that if you kill him and the items drops and you get they are yours,


    i wont need to say the items as you will all see them, all i will say they are not a medusa or xbade items.


    so good luck to you all.. and good luck to my son keeping the items..




    My entire guild will chase him all over the maps :D


    Tyrone become in the Publiz enemy n?1 in nemesis now


    jajajajaj :D

  4. i will talk with farjat about the DK sets give me a few days



    First of all Thanks for the server.


    Second i need to tell u that the dk set are just fine. Dk set dont make some1 to lose an ek. Dont touch anything. Lets go back to nem 1 and we are all going to be really happy :D

  5. Wait, what? No more summons cause of a retard player?


    Guys hb is one of the games that has the dumbest people on earth, just cause an idiot jacked the drop, is no reason for no more summons. You will have retards in both towns, in every guild, and in most hunts, and in every part of the game. :blush: :P


    Con que motivo le vas decir idiota a un flaco que consiguio un mshield. Mostrame las reglas donde dice que los drops de un summon event tienen que ser foodeados entre los participantes de la hunt. Acaso esta mal sacar provecho de donde podes. Claro , a vos te falta la viveza seguro.



    In aresden it was all done in peace, everybody co-operating and drops were fg'd. Whateva! Annihilation / STD is full of utterly and stunninly stupid ppl.


    They ruin other players huntings, even if they are from same town.

    They jack off drops.

    They steal exp.

    They TPabuse in sades.


    Imo, they are the worst pests in the history of this server. Tridente was just full of noobs. These guys are insanely rude and noobs.


    Show me the rules. Show me where it says that we can kill ares or elvs. Where its says that we can use tp at sade. This is bullshit, pure and quite simply ridiculous bullshit.


    wuta i really admire u and that still remains ppl at HB like u, who dont care having summons and drop if retarded players fck all; ya STD/annihilation are retarded, noobs and cowards 100% agree that; also agrees skyas, ares hunt was kinda good, so wuta if u want sometime to do a hunt between ares and elv whisp demenester or Debso, not sure if allbody will cooperate but we can try :P .

    PD: Anihilation noobs recallers, came to elv to try to show power, result= Abuela boxed at D1 and dropped df10 neck, magoo and Assasin recalled ---------> NOOOBS :D


    Its easy, if we know that are ares ppl hunting, we gonna go stop them. Should i care if any elv, in this case the looser of wutafreek, its there?. We saw ares. We attack them. We kill them.


    If u kill AbuelA in box, that mean u were at least 8, why u talking so much, when we are more than u , u all recall. And now u come here to lie. FU


    Any guild want a clan arena?


    Aca no hablamos de reglas. Creo que todos quieren decir que hay un cierto modo de comportarse en la misma ciudad. Si t volves loko por un drop es que mucho de hb no sabes. LA verdad yo hace mucho no mato summons en la cuidad por que me rompe las bolas tener que ver como se matan por un drop de mierda. Yo simplemente si uqiero un drop salgo con mi guild y hunteo. Es mas facil y rapido

    Repito no es ilegal, pero es aventajar a mucha gente que coopero. No es ilegal pero esta mal.

  6. Hey guys when i click on the helbreath.exe to update nothing happens, what am i doing wrong? I downloaded the one that sexy pinned awhile ago, is there a newer one or anything?


    Put the file into ur hb folder and click it there. Wait a while till the update start working and y will c the download.

    It just matter of time :D

  7. Well thats it... i leave it, i dont like what they do wit exp and pits... so i wanna tnx all player for giving me 1 of the best server i played... Tnx aresden and elvin... Good luck...



    Cya!! :lol:


    MasterYoda elv Warr---------> off


    Pim elv mage-----------------> off




    This is example of not being an *censored*.

    He dont like so he quits, without shouting and arrasing. An Example!


    When i choose nemesis, i choose an exp *1 server, not a *5 less a *25... if u decide to rise it *25, i can decide not to play too, u are being an *censored* dude... and i didnt shout it, i was polity i only say i dont like exp and pits and say byebye to all... whats the forum for?



    farjat vos sos el menos indicado para decir algo aca... te chupa un huevo todo no te metes nunca, le diste mas bola a alkon q a este server... y hablas encima... Elegi el nemesis por su exp y por su drop q eran X1, entendeS?? no digo q no kiero q entre gente, pero por lo menos tene la delicadeza de dar la cara y preguntar q onda, a dentro del juego viste...yo como player me siento cagado... le di duro una banda de tiempo y ahora cualkier boludo entrena 7 dias y llega a 180. buenisimo. Osea no te pido q me entiendas, pero cerra el culo si te mandas flor de cagada y saber respetar a los demas, cosa q no haces, tamos???


    Che men calmate. No tiene sentido que te pongas asi `por un juego. Creo que no podes culpar a farjat por no darle bola al game. Es su problema y si queres preguntaselo en privado. Creo que buska lo mejor para los jugadores. y lo mejor por ahora es subir la exp en un juego que ya quedo viejo. Si le dio bola o no al nem ahoran o importa por que lo que importa es que el juego vuelva a se lo que era. Entiendo lo tu calentura pero no es para hagarrarselas con nadie.

    Fijate que se ahce mas divertido asi y proba divertirte en un juego y no hacerlo algo tan serio :D