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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. Uh buena onda no sabia que estaba este post en espa?ol.

    Yo postee en el otro en castellano tmb por que no sabia. Estaria copado que alguien lo traduzca asi los uqe no leen castellano lo entiendan.

    Calu pusiste que mantengan el post ne spanish :S

  2. Since now we have a coder that can change things we need without risking server stability. But we still want to Keep the Game as Original as Possible. This are some minor changes i have in mind and want to listen for Ppl Thinks.

    As thi post is started in spanish, keep it in spanish, or make a new threath.

    Stay ontopic.


    Changes we have done for 4.51:

    10 seconds no damage Rule for Crusade Guild Teleport

    Angels fix when +1 on a stat with already 200 Level up Board Off

    Private Pits Test Stage.


    Change we figuring if possible for 4.51:


    1) Stop Illegal Repotting.

    Its not even on my mind to punish for this as game leave us make it. But what about adding to server something "like" Block reds and blues GIVEs, exchanges and Volunteer Drops ONLY in aresden and elvine Maps. Anyway if u dont want them, u can always sell to shop or Chug.


    If game leave us make it why u think its bad?. I think is not a good idea.


    2) Stop Spying

    i guess we should fully Disable the Civilian "option" because i saw civilians involved in fights. I am not against a civilian aresden fighting elvines but in some elvines can use also as repoter/see ares pfms, etc. I really see civilians like something that make more damage than help. Need much discussion on this.

    Also We should make Blue chat more private. Like in some maps there must be Blue Chat min level like 160 or something.


    Like the chat idea, but erase civi mide isnt good.



    3) EK Lamming System.

    I am really sure we dont have a bigger EK lamming soon or later we perm ban the lammers, sometimes we just leave them be fat first :P

    The new Coder offered me to add a system limit also for lammers. Like 1 kill/hour and we discuss it and we get to make a limit of 2 kills/hour AND 5 kills/day.

    I prefer some ppl to start get in screen like "u already killed this character twice yesterday. than keep banning people from server.


    So if i kill some noob and that noob come again and again and again i cant kill him but he can boder me all the time till he tired. Cuz I cant kill him more than 2 times. I dont waste mana to attack him and try to get ek cuz this system wont give me ek. I think is not a good idea. I like the ek anouncer in screen. That way is a more controled by the players.


    4) Anti-Pullers System.

    This is the real challenge to make. Because must be good or must not be as this is a thing can entire broke the game.

    The idea is something like "the body of a puller will stay 10 more seconds online" IF this character got damage from ENEMY only.

    This will not happen to u if the damage was taked in train as monsters hits will not count to this.

    The problem is the ppl that will get real DCs as they will be 10 more seconds free ek.

    Theres options in that point, like making this char No give EK or no Drop. but i dont see this good as can also be used as advantage.

    This topic really need to be tested and we open for ideas.


    I am a player with lag. Crapy pc and South American inet. SO dc for me is often. Lag for me is bad so if i stay anyways 10 more second later than de 5 sec i stay freeze by lag is not good. The 2 hours in ib and said This boy is sendit to bi for pull is better than to make some system than makes all the dc lag ppl dont play.





    Calu vos sabes que el lag nos hace hacer dc muy seguido. Ese sistema lo que genera es quese nos complique mucho por que si estoy frizado 5 sec mas los 10 que queres poner es regalar un ek sin poder hacer nada. Simplemente me parece que lagunas cosas no se pueden cambiar por que son parte del juego. Lo de los civi es molesto pero es lo que hay.

    Si queres hace que los civi sean como elvs. Que no puedan ver las magias que tienen cada uno y no puedan leer los chats de la ciudad. De esa manera si no ve las magias que tiene y no lee el chat de la ciudad solo sirve para repotear que es algo que no da ventaja solo ayuida a ganar tiempo.

  3. Pulling will never be away from the game. Sky can cacth 1 but he cant do it with all.

    Lets face it is a game. A game dont make more honor or less to a person. U can use all the strategys u have to dont get killed. If some 1 dont like u or the rest its not the player issue.

    If it is not ilegal so any1 can use it. Like i said before ppl this is a game not a way of life. Here u can do everything bad cuz ur worst punishment is ban. U create another char and start all over again if u like, if u dont u can play millons of others game.

  4. Calu encerio no lo se. Hay alguna ley que dice que no c puede pulear?

    Por que si lo hay estaria copado que todos lo supieran y se castigase a todos con la misma dureza.

    No defiendo pero a mi me da mucho dc y la verdad la diferencia entre lag y pull no se nota. Por eso no entiendo esta politica de banear mutear a la gente por pulear.

    Ademas ponerlo en gral siendo Gm me parece una barbaridad y no tendria que haberlo manejado de esa manera.

    Repito no defiendo a phonix ni lo ataco solo t comento lo que pienso.

  5. ' date='Mar 6 2008, 02:14 AM' post='205099']

    The GMs have access to the full ban list. I dont see the purpose of posting it here on forum.


    Dream wasnt sure about the rule so she did let me know what she found and I posted it in the GM room.


    She wasnt aware that Ruutu had talked to farjat already about this issue.


    Mostly of the time the players are the ppl to tell u to follow some char cuz is in some strange move.

    If we can c who is ban and why we can follow this char better and tell Gms what we see.

    Players are always online. More time than the Gm can be cuz the players rotate. If the players got that information the players that want to do something ilegal will think twice till he make it cuz he knows all are wachting him

    Black list is shame for any 1 there.

  6. pls where i can find a translator that translates the sentences correctly? babel fish? rofl.


    please tell me where to find one. i dont know.


    I dont know. Like i said. I dont use translator. If i dont know what u said just I DONT CARE :D

  7. el tiro es blockear ares paras que entren en elvine y balancear, para que nlockear si algun gm te da teleport, x eso no hay gms que te asista Tav


    How about post in english since is an english topic? ffs :glare:


    How about not to read what u cant understand since u dont know spanish :D


    thats just the point. we cant understand what people are saying and we are curious tho. they are talking on-topic i guess and i want to know what they have to say about the subject. please dont be a smart *censored* we've asked you to post in english many many many times WHEN the topic/thread is made in english language. I dont even click threads that are made in spanish language. so please. try to write in english, you write in english in game too so please use it on forums too. thank you.


    Just like u guys don't know how to speak spanish, many people don't know how to speak english, so demanding for them to translate when they don't know the language is not only annoyiong but really stupid. If u guys want to know so bad what he said, then use a translator. He has the right to use any language he wants.


    We are pretty tired of this "post in english" thing.


    It's kinda rude and confusing to post with a different language than the topic was started with. Imo it would be fair if you post spanish in a topic started in english YOU go use the translator instead of us who are trying to read and make something out of it instead spamming and leading the topic to a fight. And yes everyone has a right to post in any topic with any language ( I guess ) but is it ''polite'' to do that when you know it will cause confusion? Of course this is abit different with ''official'' topics than so called ''private'' ones.


    No 1 is leading the topic to a figth. Tha fact is he dont know how to write in english but he can understand.


    I think for us is hard to learn another language. Maybe not for all but for us is hard. End write is worst. U can check this out with me.

    Anyways i think this is turn in a mess. But is simple. If i dont understand i use the transalator and thats all. I dont care if u post in another langeguage than english and spanish. I just dont read.

    Like some wirte in spanish he know not all can read so what he need to said is not going to be heard. Try to focus in the topic and stop with this plz



  8. el tiro es blockear ares paras que entren en elvine y balancear, para que nlockear si algun gm te da teleport, x eso no hay gms que te asista Tav


    How about post in english since is an english topic? ffs :glare:


    How about not to read what u cant understand since u dont know spanish :D

  9. Lot of ppl do much things to the server and dont have any benefit.

    farjat and sexy works so hard without no benefit. All Gms makes his job without benefit.

    For me to have Gm is not a benefit. Its pain in the *censored*. Get 1000000 whisp about to make item or event or help with anything is not a benefit.


    This boys did make wrong to get the code, but we need to realize that he already got it so what we can do now.

    Like farjat said he wont be able to get acces to server so he really can help if he want.

    Anyways we never can predict what is going to happend but we can give him a chance to repair his error.

  10. Maybe the idea is not so bad. He is not asking for a gm, he is not be able to have acces to the server. So basicle he can help server making some fixed on the codes.

    The way the make it is ilegal or bad. This way dont talk so well about him, but he can make worst this thing and, he never said it would make something like that.

    Farjat said he wasent give him a gm and he wont use his char again.


    So i Said Why not?


    Anyways its farjat and sexy`s choice.


    Calu la limas pero igual asi t banco. Creo que si no le das ningun privilegio estaria bien

  11. chau ivi un beso tanto tiempo, saludos al pene de nando, cuando vuelven, yo tmb toy a full con la facu, toy en el cursillo de ingreso


    porq chau?


    Porque es retrasado mental, a un nivel mayor al tuyo. Dice que esta a full con la facu, porque ensusian los pisos muy seguidos.



    Inner koinor, poderoso el chiquitin jaJAJJA

    jajajajaja, q sea a un nivel mayor q el mio no dice nada ,porq yo soy re inteligente, pro, capa, diosa, groxa, la best, todo junto jajajjaa


    Ahora no tenes nada :S


    Sos news boba sin capa fea y la peor, todo junto


    Chupense 3