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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. As said in the other topic sexy has her reason to unban.

    I talked a little with MJ[GM] yesterday, and got told that all her lamed eks were deleted and the cape was deleted..



    i think i dont understand something...if somebody lamme for example 40 EK, GMs delete those 40 ek?? (only the 40 ek) not ban FOREVER?


    If u lame is ban forever.


    This case was different. U all can flame him but he didint lame.


  2. By removing the chain mail from the mage, along with the tower shield, we create a class which is very vulnerable to phisical attacks. Now, a warrior launching its crits would hit quite a lot, and even without crits would still hit very nicely. In fact, a couple of warriors critting or using arrows will pawn a mage in a few seconds. Mage will still have high hp, but with a bbh hitting a robe, most hits will be at least -30 or probably more, and crits will be around 80-120 (if not critical), specially with an upgraded weapon (+4 will rock them). Still, the mage will be able to wear mp set, but based on leather armor only. Also, without 100% shield, mages will be actually killed in the 15 seconds paralise spell lasts. Also, arrows, will now hit more, meaning we'll probably see lots of arrow raids from now on.


    Then, warriors won't be able to pfm or amp. If we think about it, a spell that neglects an entire class's form of attack is stupid, specially if it can be cast by the opposite class. Of course warriors will still be able to get pfm or amp, as long as they have a mage near by. Also, warriors won't be able to get zerked (again unless they have a mage near by), giving the mage its rightful power for buffing. They can also use Zerk slates if they are so desperate for zerk soloing.


    Wars will get hit by blizz, mages will suffer from crits. A group of mages will pawn a warrior, but now a group of warriors will pawn a mage (we won't have those unvincible characters running around, escaping from a group of 5-7 enemies chasing them).




    I stand by this 100% and often ask myself why this server u cant kill people 1on1, its because pfm+tower. i wish i coudl say how excited hearing someone elce saying this made me but i cant. AMAZING POST THANKS FOR SHARING MY IDEA im not sure i woulda spent the time to write.


    Now i just wish everyone would read that post a few times and look at nemesis gameplay and im sure they will find they cant agree more. Wars sould be able to kill a mage EASLY.Mage sould kill war EASLY. and thats just not the case here and thats a shame.


    That isnt hb. Ty for Fruit Helbreath :S

  3. My idea is Helbreath Nemesis PVP Center. A place like arena where u can make pvp. 4 Arenas. 1 y 2 only 1 vs 1, 3 arena only 2 vs 2 and in the 4 arena Max 5 vs 5

    The Arena got the same thing like Ml. But u have to take a ticket to go. U reserved the pvp room and u can pvp 1 vs 1 without interruption.


    La idea mas o menos es la siguiente. Un pvp center en donde se puedan ir hacer pvp. Un lugar tipo Arena que se pueda hacer lo mismo que en ml. La idea es tener 4 salas. la 1 y2 son para pvps entre 1 vs 1. La 3 es para pvp 2 vs 2. y la 4 hasta un max de 5 vs 5 players. Se puede poner cierto costo a los tickets para ir a esas arenas pero eso corre por cuenta de uds.

  4. I think there is a technical problem on making the tickets drop different things managing a chance, jaapy will probably provide something more detailed than this when he sees.

    ALso the 200 CHR thing IS a problem, unless of course we disable CHR low prices that is something really with sence.

    Or make lower prices ask for CHR and guildmaster status? dunno.

    Then later we can add some other interesting use to CHR


    But u can buy it in a 200 chr char and use it in another with 10 chr. Its the same. For me is more easy to hunt Wyv and get stone. But not to add mass rares to lucky. Stone pack is nice for ne

  5. Its a good idea but with the gold rate now its easy to get some gold to have lot of ticket. U make 200 chr char and u can get lot of tickets.

    Zem drop rate i think is not teh same as nem 1 so is not easy to have zem. I saw trade ms10 for zem so i like that

    Zem for me must be rare item. U are gonna try not die better. :D


  6. cody is not playing or is in ares with new char. Elgua is Gm (Squall[GM]) king and trinnie are in elv and Hisoka makes and elv.


    Lew is not on right now. For time troubles (Work) he cant connect.

    And i dont c Blooder on or he got new char.


    Guardian and Simple remake Damnation in elv. Hope u can join that guild again :D

  7. who will ban aresden pullers if 90% gms are pleying on ares chars?


    Its not about citys is about what he saw. Pull is bad and is lame. So i dont care if it is elv or ares. Is just the same. Senchi got mass lag and always get CL. But anyways if farjat decide its his choice, and its fine

  8. Muchahos es al pedo al discucion. Hay diferencia hasta los 200 250 fps luego de eso no cambia una mierda.

    Lo importante aca es el delay o el lag. Eso cambia mucho. Al ser todos de distintos paises es imposible que todos tengan el mismo pin.

    200 fps me parece mas que razonable y esta ya impuesto. Asi que esta discucion pierde sentido

    Los fps son parte del juego. Sin fps o con delay la comes asi es el juego. Lamentablemente no c puede hacer nada. Si tenes 30 fps como tenia antes yo es mas probable que no disfrutes el game.

    Como dije antes 200 fps esta bien ademas si tenes mas no sirve de nada

  9. Almost all Gm knows me and are welcome to check me. I dont use speedgear, but i always recive acusations about speed. I dont know hoe hb works but if run like u i can easyly scape from u cuz i have the fps of u. If u acuse me of speed i dont really know if u know what speed is.

    The other day i saw 1 ares acusing speed over a char of a GM. Its seems like now the idea is to acuse all the time about speed cuz u cant cacht him.

    Like i said before, Run faster is not about Ping is about fps. Cast is about Ping and i cant cast faster than the rest, so for me its fine. I saw lot of ppl scape from me and i dont said SpeedGear.

    So plz Try not to use that word on every1 cuz is not true.


    About the pull. Its anoying as hell, I hate it, but its so hard to cacht that is imposible to make a punishment for that.