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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. I don't think the GMs right now would want to be "upgraded" to be an event GM. The only point to log this GM would be if you wanted to hold an event, nothing else. He's not a GM that would look for macroers/help newbs/create mi itanz/etc.


    100% agree like always.


    White u do a nice job. The idea of a GM is, for me, to help newbs talk with players help with problems. I dont like the idea of always make events. Events fill the server with items and dont help. Ppl got plenty of items now.


    I saw Withe[GM] Squall[GM] (lazy but still there) and farjat. Where are the others gm. ITs sims like u become a GM and u font have time to play anymore? U dont have internet? wtf :S

  2. The staff is good for me. Maybe u dont c the gm cuz they are not online but they are working a lot for the server.


    Maybe It will be nice to have more gm to help new ppl to learn how to play, where to train, what monster kill, when there are is raid time.


    In nem 1 Hunter makes a PvP School. Some of the good players on pvp helps the new ppl to make a nice pvp. Thats a nice idea to do.

  3. only malaysian player who played from the start of nemesis till now :D

    i love japppppppppppp!



    Smellz you dont play from the start of nemesis... dont lie please


    yes sengir i played from start of nemesis but u not noticed me. i play when there is 100% skill manual. when dad[gm] was still alive. nimda[gm] etc etc. when scat used to be very active gm before. those time when there is alot of singaporeans playing. sg gangsterz if u can remember the aresden guild. durin that time argenlandia is already around elguason, shion etc.


    HAYZZZZZZZ synz i'm not sohai!


    Argenchina was before i make Argenlandia. Was nice to have 100 manu 100 mining on char lvl 150 :D



    Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina

  4. Raid day every day, please. Thats all what is needed to bring me once in a while back to enjoy hb, perhaps even more.


    Same with events: Get other GMs who are able to do events and do those atleast 3-4 times a week, Jaapy can GM commands easily if needed (dunno if he is active anymore though).


    He isnt active. But he is always around for important things.


    There is some people that also like the "peace" part of the game.

    Dealing with shop boxes etc all days is very anoyying for some of us. weekends enoff.


    agree, and how about event GM's?


    hunter's very busy with personal stuff so it's hard for him to organize events.

    Many of the other GM's/admins are also very busy in their personal life, but at the evening in my timezone I do have time to organize a single (quick-)event, perhaps if I get the permission and rewards I could organize some events in the evening of my time zone... eventually when i'm in college and got a spare hour (or two) I could organize events at that time, the time is too short to start decent lvling but is right good to organize events :)


    U can make event without rewards and summon some monsters. Its just for fun like Frost did with the Figth club. Its not matter of give items is matter of look for some fun for the players. Make huge war on the tp island. Thats a nice event for me.

  5. Raid day every day, please. Thats all what is needed to bring me once in a while back to enjoy hb, perhaps even more.


    Same with events: Get other GMs who are able to do events and do those atleast 3-4 times a week, Jaapy can GM commands easily if needed (dunno if he is active anymore though).


    He isnt active. But he is always around for important things.


    There is some people that also like the "peace" part of the game.

    Dealing with shop boxes etc all days is very anoyying for some of us. weekends enoff.


    Im with Skyas on this. There are something called Recoll and there are is a shop in farm. Its easy to get shop farm. Box wh and shop is part of the game.

    But is ur server ur rules. Its just a suggestion.

  6. Si calu... digamos que en lineas generales... somos malisimos todos. Los que salen primeros sacan 120 puntos... o sea... en dos fechas hacen mas que nosotros en toda la temporada

    Si algo asi... pero en lineas generales tambien, si no te tomas el trabajo cada semana de mirar si tus jugadores juegan o no, estas en el horno...


    Todos mis jugadores jugaron solo que sacaron 4 todos menos carantea que saco 1. Asi que no c que es peor si no juegan o que saquen todos 4. Por que asi no tenes escusa :D

  7. u need to send ticket even to help thje server this is really bullshit just dont write anything SG(ZaI)


    anyways gms wont listen



    3 days ago when u was stupid and lost your GBH i recovered it as soon as i was back from travel.

    But, because your stupid attitude, will not be helped again.

    And GBH -1




    Ticket sistem help us see things clearly and straight related to game to solve issues fast SG(ZaI).

    If u need help or report, faster way to GMs is ticket system.



    Log in the website using your game account and in "support" section do a "new Ticket". Then wait for the answer in your registered email.






  8. estoy subiendo mi char elvine en d2 golems elvine. tengo un ares 180 subido por mi loggeado por si baja un elvine hacer ek count. Tambien tengo un elvine 180 por si viene un ares a matar mi noob.


    Pues lo dicho. vienen dos ares 180 magos y no consiguen matarme el noob (q pr0s), loggeo y cojo el elvine 180 y uno me loggea y el otro me corre. Al cabo de un momento el GM me sumonea y me mata y me banea la cuenta:


    La cuenta de Warro 22 a?os

    una cuenta 1 mes

    otra cuenta 1 mes m?s

    otra cuenta 1 mes m?s


    lo veo bastante injusto la verdad. No he atacado a los de mi pueblo en ningun caso. Supongo que despues de todo el d?a de intentar matarme y no conseguirlo ... debe ser frustante, hagamoslo facil llamaremos a mi superamigo GM y le mentire para que me ponga un ban y el pit me lo deje a mi solito.


    Pq me banea las otras cuentas si ni si quiera me he conectado con ellas desde hace 6 meses por lo menos?


    Espero que no siente mal las criticas y me baneen de por vida, almenos que me dejen expresar mi opinion ... y si la tienen en cuenta mucho mejor.




    Perdoname que sea molesto pero no entiendo que paso. Vos estabas en un elv y vinieron 2 ares. O vos estabas en un ares y vinieron 2 elvs. Por que explicas que vienen 2 ares magos y luego decis me coji a un 180 elv.


    No creo que sea tan simple el tema. Luego de que te banearon. Logeaste en tus otros chars para hablar con el gm. Por que eso es motivo de ban.



  9. creo q las sacaron por q bananon no se paraba de poner firmas ofensivas



    Ah si? Contame mas...





    Ninguna de las firmas fue mas ofensiva que una textual que lei el otro dia en contra de los peruanos.


    Justamente aunque fuera 1, las sign las sacaron por esas cosas en primer lugar.


    Si es lo que vos pensas, pefecto. Cada loco con su tema.

    Linda comunidad esta, que no ve mas alla de las rodillas, y no sabe diferenciar una ss comica de otra racista.


    Lo que para vos puede ser comico para otro puede ser racista. No creo que te guste que digan algo comico sobre vos o te va a molestar. La idea de este foro no es poner algo comico en la sign. SI para vos lo es el que esta mal sos vos.

    Yo miro mas alla de las rodillas como decis vos y aun asi me parece que estas equivocado. Igual como decis vos. Cada loco con su tema.