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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. Ok today i have talked to my son tyrone who owns SLYONE and Boy chars, Yes these chars was allowed to be used by wetwandy and from a post i saw and showed my son today he is now changing his passwords to his accounts so he will be the only one that has axx to them from this point.


    I know we cant do much about the hunt but i myself dont agree with what i read and nor does my son.


    Tyrone also said to say to everyone that he is sorry about this and has only just find out as he has not been around much, well you all know what its like at his age girls girls girls :S






  2. Wen i start playing on nem i was addicted. I got much more time to play and i do it all the time.

    Now is much more talk to friends read the forum and play a little. I never got item and i never hunt for them.


    I just log to have fun and be with the HB friends. I always like to log on my char to talk and fun with all the elvs and ares.

  3. Syn i dont know who said that over 200 fps is the same. Cuz i probe it with a 1200 fps pc and mine with 400 fps. And he outrun me. We bouth live on Argentina and got the same Inet company. Beltron is not Argentinian. He is From Venezuela. Maybe there are better connection than here. With my inet with 1 mb of connection i have a ping of 180.


    Lag dont make u run faster. Just Bump and dc.

    Fps over 200 did make difference.

    There's a cap on running speed built into the game, hence why you get disconnected when you use a traditional speed hack. FPS has a depreciating value the higher it gets. You'll notice SOME difference between 400 and 1200 fps, however gains in performance are minimal at best.


    I've talked at length with Jaapy about it. He knows people are using speed programs.


    I can tell u that i dont use speed hack. I never use it and i never do. Not even change the paks original. Even so some one tell me that i got speed hack. I dont know how the fps works on this game but its look like rare.

    There is something i can tell u. Here the lag and delay is horrible. When im on, i got dc laged everyday.

    Anyways get the speeders is really hard but i want some can cacht them :D

  4. Syn i dont know who said that over 200 fps is the same. Cuz i probe it with a 1200 fps pc and mine with 400 fps. And he outrun me. We bouth live on Argentina and got the same Inet company. Beltron is not Argentinian. He is From Venezuela. Maybe there are better connection than here. With my inet with 1 mb of connection i have a ping of 180.


    Lag dont make u run faster. Just Bump and dc.

    Fps over 200 did make difference.