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Posts posted by Gaucho

  1. gus dame el ring of dragon y el dm4. Ya se donde trabajas. Lo nesecito para un amigo. No seas puto!!!. Despues pasamelo a turu y seras bien reconpensado. Un beso de juan cuando nos vemos en el asado de chompy


    pd: es en serio total seguro achanas otro char y listo.

  2. jajaja. yeah Some Arg players plays better drunk than sober. Some others gives Zems to all server Saturday morning. jajjaaj


    Many Arg players I know play better drunk than sober. I think it's hilarious. :P


    Yeah i dont know why but the best time on server was sunday morning wen 80% of the ppl come drunk and play. Hilarious time like u said. And u dont listen us on skype jajaja

  3. Hi Selling



    DK15 Full Hero Mage elvine with hero cape


    MS18 ROGM,MAG ANGEL+2 MP56 Leather w, MP35 hoses w, MP 42 berk W, MP84 Shield.




    Offer me by pm, thank you.

  4. I Will have to wake up at 5 am to play, but I don' , If my team can at that time I'm more than ok 8)


    According to my calculations, 6 AM server time is 8 AM arg time...


    8 Am Saturday, Maybe some1 will be still drunk at that time jajaja



    Ty white for the event!


    Drunk enough to play hopefully... how else do you play nemesis? sober? LOL ! (just kidding :P)

    jajaja. yeah Some Arg players plays better drunk than sober. Some others gives Zems to all server Saturday morning. jajjaaj

  5. I think basicly is making a rule and applying with common sense.

    Rule:you cant spy or help anyone from the opposite town


    I posted a video of clearly helping opposite town and i think Shmee was banned for 1 week, i will take him for example

    If "firends" which are well known in this server, in this case shmee-rast., even if he didnt Invi him, it was clear he was there spying as he wasnt attacking them and was just standing there. Probably on skype or ts.

    same can be applied to 99% of spy cases, when some1 lags out and comes with a traveler or some char from opposite town its exactgly the same.

    Its impossible to prove that some1 is afk telling all the opposite town in skype whats going on, but the other spy cases are kinda obvious


    Maybe is not necessary to be knowed friends. Its about to c the ip of those chars. If the same guy use that char make posible that he knows the other player but with that u cant be sure that he is talking with other. I dont want to use real names but if i use Turulo and Matias use Matiaspoop (ares player) i know him but still i can be in the same figth with him cuz he wont tell me shit about the ares and i wont tell him nothing about elvs. To all ares he will be spy and for the elvs i will be spying. Its only 1 case but how could any 1 decide whos spying and who dont. Gms and admin, for me, are not with time to check all the posible spy cuz they gonna check 100 complains a day.

  6. Entiendo. A?n as? lamentablemente con barracks a 180 resolverias parte del problema, porque mucha gente +15 y con angeles se ir?a, ser?a inevitable de cualquier forma.


    No se si es tan f?cil como poner barracks a 180, pero poner por un tiempo los skills b?sicos a 100% tambi?n ayudar?a.


    Pero bueno... quiz?s no hay que ser tan pesimista y a ver que pasa.


    Claro pero ahi esta el tema mira:


    En un principio dijiste sin items. Pero pones el +15 que significa que enrealidad quisiste decir "el char y 1 item"


    Ahi ya tendria que migrar items tambien. es lo mismo hacer 1 o 132341234124123 porque es linkear 2 bases de datos.

    Si pudiera linkearlas podria mover todo en un click, pero no puedo, porque:

    Hay muchos nombres de usuario repetidos, nombres de chars, ID de chars, ID de items. Tendria que hacer una herramienta que vaya insertando, que es algo que se puede programar, y de hecho lo intente, pero no me sale.


    Calu hacelo tendria 2 Turulo. Uno en ares y el otro en elv. 2 Argenlandias. Una traitor y otra bien. Dios por que no se les ocurrio antes. jajajajajja.


    Si me dijeran que es un server con poca exp todavia pero la verdad que no creo que les joda entrenar un +15 en un server con esta exp. No seria nada dificil ademas de juntar bastantes items. Si limaste un +15 y un angel tranquilamente lo podrias hacer aca. No jodan y ponganse a entrenar.

  7. Yo lo que realmente no entiendo es...


    Alguilar server :S ? desde cuando te interesa alquilar server viejo :S

    Si no lo haces por guita esto vos, para que queres alquilar servers :S


    Lo que menos entiendo, es como alquilarias tu server a x personas y dejaras quemar el nombre nemesis por un pirulo...


    Alquilar y acomodar los files a gusto del que pague :S ?

    Si vos sos tradicional, me llamaria mucho la atencion que acomodes unos files a exp 23424


    Trato pero no logro entender por que estas opciones...


    Subir el server pero sin soporte :S ? no es tu estilo pero ni a palos :S


    O raptaron a farjat o sufio un ataque de psicosis xD


    Alquilarlo porque yo y el chino ya no tenemos ganas de administrarlo.

    Pero nadie va a alquilar un server donde no se puede editar!


    Son las 3 de la tarde y hay mucho sol en corrientes. No tengo ganas de pensar en esto y acaba de llegar una mina para que vayamos a la pileta.


    Lo levanto para que me dejen de hinchar un rato y lo dejo hasta fin de mes para pensar que hacer. de ultima ya esta pagado hasta el 30 de noviembre.



    Server Up.


    Preparate que vamos de raid de nuevo muy pronto!!!!!!!!

    Dejalo up aunque estos pibes no saben lo que se pierden hasta que lo pierden :S

  8. We don't put a cap on the number of items dropped.


    Drops are purely based on chance, REP doesn't influence it...

    There is only 2 factors that influence it: wether or not you have won Heldenian and wether or not you are in a party (of any length). For 2nd drops you get a bonus chance when you killed the monster in Middleland map.

    That's it, nothing else will influence your drops. Not by eating Unicorn Meat... not by having more REP... not by wearing lucky gold ring... not by your character's LUCK value... NONE of that.


    White Japy told us some time ago that the party for the bonus can be of 1 person. this was a part of old discusion about the drops and Jaapy told us this.



  9. Hey,I made this post to talk to GMS,before I start I'd like to say some gms are really helpful like MJ and Juli.

    but my main problem is with Hunter,why you never answer to questions? why you never listen to people opinions?


    why you allways say you will mute me when I ask you something x2 when you dont answer?


    I wont give examples becuase there are too many,really I hope your attitude will get better or maybe you are tired of this GM job because I know you been doing it for years and I respect you for that.


    anyways I hope someone will do something about it.




    Maybe u dont realize that he have 1000000 whisp asking to make something they want. like Make event sumon mobs and something like that. He will mute his whisp cuz its imposible to make an event with 100000 whisp asking for tp


    U have to think that he is not ur personal Gm and he have the most whisp i ever c in my live.


    Just be cool and talk to him. He is the nicest person in Hb and maybe u go it whith tons of whisp.