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Everything posted by Gaucho

  1. Gaucho

    Habby B-day Gaucho !

    Eso mismo me habia enterado yo. En realidad me dijeron que lo vieron a kangee haciendo trencito con elguason y angel. O sea elguason le da angel y angel t daba a vos. Moraleja sos el mas puto por que recibis pero no le das a nadie. Es jodido eso kangee
  2. Gaucho

    Guild Captains And Co-guildmasters

    For me is a good idea. Its hard for me or was hard for me to test new ppl to join guild cuz i cant be online all the time. Its good to have ppl that helps u on the guild. I want to said that i will be nais to mute in my guild. Only for a litle bit cuz sometimes i dont like to c on my guild some discusion
  3. Gaucho

    Habby B-day Gaucho !

    Kangee la verdad banda que no t vemos pero dejate de joder. O sea no llegas a ser tan marica como ?Angel? pero tas cerca.
  4. Gaucho


    Its hard but find some admin to check this boy. This topic was created cuz there is nothing more to talk :D U cant prove he is a lamer cuz he is low lvl. Its maybe hard to belive but is not imposible. ITs hard cuz server is almost empty so. What the hell he kill?
  5. Gaucho

    Habby B-day Gaucho !

    Gracias a todos. La verdad es una sorpresa que se acuerden de mi cumple. Thanks to all. Its a soprise to me that remember mi bd. I miss nem 1 wen i talk to every 1 and fun all the time.
  6. Gaucho

    Habby B-day Gaucho !

    LosMachosDelLais es el servo?
  7. Gaucho

    Auto Updater Please Read

    Nais. :D
  8. Gaucho

    The People Who *moved* On.....

    I play here and i have my GM active. I dont hacve time to play but wen i am on i dont c no 1 and i dont c u. I always make /to Hunter[GM] and it said nothing. Maybe i dont log into ur time. If u del my guild seccion del all the guilds there cuz i dont c any of those guilld active in game. dont do it cuz u dont like what we have to said.
  9. Gaucho

    Hapy B Day Simple

    Funny stop reading the bday list dude. Simple is not on since lot of time :D Anyways Happy B day Simple
  10. Gaucho

    Bye All

    lol hey i been on alkon too i saw Inner and trulala and i saw elguasonW afk I dont see u.
  11. Gaucho

    Need Admin

    Thats the million dollar question. Not even Hunter[GM] Knows where are thwy. Dont hold ur breath waiting to solve ur problem. Sorry
  12. Gaucho


    No es un tema de farjat creo yo. Ya el servo estaba en decadencia. Molestaban los editados que aparecian y la verdad cada vez menos gente jugaba por que ya todos teniamos dos ful hero y no entraba gente nueva por que era muy jodido jugar con todos 180 y dk+15. Mepa que si hubieran bajado a la mitad la exp seria mas divertido. llegas rapido a un lvl para radiar y esta bueno. Esta exp es injugable y ademas aburre que no haya nadie.
  13. Gaucho


    speedy For Argentina got some troubles. Is the isp
  14. Gaucho

    Boca Juniorssssssss

    jajaja tomatela !!!!! contra oriente petrolero ganan copas... hay cada uno. encima seguro todo lo q ganaron fue campa?a politica de Macri, ahora se les va y cagaron, a la B directo. En el barrio de la boca viven todos bolivianos, cagan en la vereda y se limpian con la mano El sabado en Bailanta se van a poner en pedo, y se van de vacaciones a la playa del Riachuelo Hay que matarlos a todos Mam?, que no quede ni un bostero Hay que matarlos a todos Mam?, que no quede ni un bostero. Da no llores que ganaste varias libertadores cuando solo jugabas la final papi. Asi que no t vengas hacer el loko ahora.
  15. Gaucho

    This Server Needs...

    Mayb if we coplain cakez become GN. Cakez[GN] For life.
  16. Gaucho

    This Server Needs...

    I can answerd ur question. Helbreath is old game. No 1 want to pass all day training 1 char. With this exp and the low ppl no 1 want to play. More Gm are useles. Nem always got lot of them and i always c 1 of them Hunter. Some1 can said some bad stuff about him, but he was the only 1 trying to talk with players. In a good server u dont need more Gms. U need more players. Hunter makes a really great job here and with 2 more is snuff. Some players ask for more GM to make more events. Anyways. Bugs are part of the problem not all the problem. If Nem got the same exp as before i will be back to play and i think a lot of players will back again. Agustin
  17. Gaucho

    Happyyyy Bdayyy Guss!!!

    Sabes que igual t quiero gus :D
  18. Gaucho


    En lo que aca llegue a 80 alla hize dos char de 60+. Es mas exp x3 y cae lindo gold. Esta lleno de gente y esta divertido. La verdad vale la pena men.
  19. Gaucho

    Happyyyy Bdayyy Guss!!!

    La verdad no c. Pero cada vez sospecho mas. Muestra fotos de hombrecito pero no aparece cuando nos juntamos. Debe ser ademas de traba un traba feo
  20. Gaucho


    Juga peneke. Nos cagamos de risa un rato con lo chikos. Si queres t mando pm con mi pass y acc y t cagas de risa un rato. Tengo un mago y un war. SI esperas estara listo para pl.
  21. Gaucho

    Happyyyy Bdayyy Guss!!!

    Meri birday stupid. Cuando haces la fiesta asi nos vemos alguna vez. Empiezo a sospechar como amanda que sos traba men.
  22. Gaucho


    Anyways if u said that u need to visit the arg new server. Is low exp and u will find all the arg was here. So i dont think the exp is the only reason :D which one? cursed? Nop. Farjat Hlep that server. If u want to know just pm me
  23. Gaucho

    Feliz Dia Del Padre,happy Father's Day!!

    Feliz dia Mister popo. FunnyGirls Dad`s
  24. Gaucho

    Calling To Solidarity !

    If i want u to read something i wrote i will post un english. If i want to some arg read what i wrote i wrote it on spanish. Its thats simple. If u dont know what it saids dont read it. We know if we need some admin read what we wrote we are going to post on english. Ty
  25. Gaucho


    Anyways if u said that u need to visit the arg new server. Is low exp and u will find all the arg was here. So i dont think the exp is the only reason :D