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Everything posted by Gaucho

  1. Gaucho


    I think thats a nice prize. I cant pay it but is just nice to c high prize. Noob set without a cape $50 for me.
  2. Gaucho


    calu, the master coder is sitting right here, ready to double, tripple or quadrupple the amount of colors !!! Just MAKE time to code for me plz :D jajaja thats the spirits. Let White make more colors. :D
  3. Gaucho


    i like the Sleep idea. Noob set is nice but the cape is not such a good idea cuz are really rare. cape 7 or 14 makes different cuz they are rare. Nice idea.
  4. Gaucho

    Me Presento

  5. Gaucho

    Event Suggestions

    Then ppl will just wait till someone finds the right one and announce to guild or town unless hunter can make it a area that when u enter you cant talk right away .. But then theres always ventrilo :-( Then make a line with mana And u have to chose 1 portal. U cant change it. That way ur choice its only 1. That way there is only 1 chance.
  6. Gaucho

    Ettin Event

    Nice :D
  7. Gaucho

    Event Suggestions

    Put some drop in some map near a portal. Make 6 portals and let the ppl o chose. 5 are fake portals (and maybe dead portals, like tw pit or something like that) and 1 makes go to arena to fight for the prize. Whatever enter in the portal figths and win some stone or zems. or anything u want o give to the winner. Its Lucky pvp Event jeje.
  8. Gaucho

    Ettin Event

    yeah maybe u can block tp. But if 20 elvs use tp it will be room for all? U can block 4 spaces and put some GM to Ban all elvs that use tp to cheat the event. Or send to bi.
  9. Gaucho

    From Maggie

    Nice ss. Nice pink Princess Bad Hp :D jajaja
  10. Gaucho

    Ettin Event

    Martes a las 8 Am del server tendremos un evento de Ettins La isla de Middlelands, cerca de la entrada a las minas sera cerrada. Una vez que entres para el evento, no podras salir a no ser que mueras (o recalees como un bebe) Los Ettins seran sumoneados a un ritmo estable hasta que todos los jugadores esten muertos o se hayan ido Las dos ciudades pueden trabajar juntas para matar tantos ettins como sea posible? o mataran a todos sus enemigos y quedarse con los ettins para ellos solos? Ya lo veremos Ademas el drop rate en los ettin en esta area sera incrementado en un 50% durante el evento.
  11. Gaucho

    Iten Evento

    Nice event. Was my 1 event :D Congratz to Shemee- pd: It was a joke H what i said.
  12. Gaucho

    Survey I Stop Playing Or Not?

    Vaca si dejas te juro que voy a la comisaria donde laburas en San Vicente y entro a los gritos preguntando por mi amor el policia. Eso es motivo de dejar la policia. Es un juego men. Segui jugando y no jodas. pd: si no llegaras a jugar dame tus items. jajajaja
  13. Gaucho

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    Ese partido lo tendriamos que haber filmado. A penas termino juan miro a mati y penso: " Ups la cage" jajajaja
  14. Gaucho

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    JAJAJAJJA. I saw the face of Dissident wen he lost. To much alcohol on that nigth dont help. Different lost.
  15. Gaucho

    Players Beware Of Hwarang

    They dont know how to make a traicion. A Shame.
  16. Gaucho

    2010 Nemesis Scavenger Hunt List

    Thank YOU for the event :D
  17. Gaucho

    Nemesis World Cup Fifa Event

    The winner town plays to Staff team maybe? Nice event. But i cant play im sorry :(
  18. Dont said that cuz i always be there for u nubi. :D We always help ppl to improve his gameplay. But sometimes its imposible. Dangerous was playing with us ......... Anyways we are going to try to help some elguas... sry Noobs.
  19. Gaucho

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    Gimi itemz. it Was me giving that rep.
  20. Gaucho


    There u got H :D
  21. Gaucho

    Welcome Myth[GM]

    lol its u who is he? who is u?
  22. Gaucho

    Hell Fire

    To many zem dropers here. (Synz is the only one out of this) :D Close topic plz
  23. Gaucho

    You're Addicted To Helbreath When...

    Use a power green ! Not even with that we can run more than 5 min. hahahaha 1 day i saw some figth on the street and wen some 1 taste the grass i said uhh nice ek.
  24. Gaucho

    Who Remembers...

    Dangeorus XB activations to monster jajajaja. Those old times was really nice :D