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Posts posted by Ganksta

  1. Does nemesis have the str bonus now?

    i remember it didnt have the bonus during nemesisI...


    NO, nemesis never had it, prolly will never have it...


    Strength does not affect the amount of damage you deal.


    it only affects the amount of damage dealt when using your hands (str / 12)


    on the other hand... DEX increases your HP (hitting proability).


    how does it do it? your HP increases by DEX - 50 if your dex is higher than 50.


    so 200 dex = 150 HP (200 - 50)


    Well I guess that explains a little bit. You're supposed to get a damage bonus for adding strength <_< That would be like mages not getting a bonus to magical dmg for getting 200 mag -.- I think I remember it being .3% bonus per 10 mag, and .2% bonus per 10str, which is 6% at 200mag, and 4% at 200STR respectively.


    Yet another way warriors get gimped!

  2. Maybe at least factor in the + dmg from right weapons before the crit/zerk calculation? I think this would make right weapons suck less, because they are bunk on nemesis :P



    NO, as in "Right weapons aren't bunk", or NO, as in "Don't factor in the +dmg from right weapons befor the crit/zerk calculation"?

  3. I definitely agree that the + on weapons should be added with the diceroll. For example, all you people wondering why your bbh+4 sucks. 3d10+2 on large monsters. BBH +4 is 3d10+2+4, but apparently the way the server is set up, that gives you a max 36 dmg. add dm3 and dragon ring and you have 44 dmg max (i know it sounds odd, this is without STR and level bonuses so bear with me).


    Now that those calcs are outta the way, time to show what it looks like zerked.


    Your max 36 dmg with a bbh 4 translates into 64 damage instead of 72 like it would appear it should do. That example is 8!!! damage less.


    Your max of 44 damage with bbh4/drag ring/dm3 translates into 74 max when 88 would be max if they were added prior. 14 LESS DAMAGE!!!! OUCH


    I think that coding at least the + on weapons to be calculated WITH zerk, not just added on after, will help to balance warriors. It's pretty much all that would be needed imo.

  4. It's something like this Giggles:


    Quite *censored* it has a point. If you cannot distinguish the important topics those who it are not and you *censored* in the important ones without realizing that you are arming confusions do not use any more the forum.

    For the time being 30 days.

  5. Probably the ONLY idea that YOU have that is VALID, is the "close off the ares tp in beginner zone" idea. And that, my dear friend, is already implemented.


    For someone that has "Vote Videl GM" in their comment, you sure do miss alot of basics. Bring assassin back? What good would that do anyone, he dies faster than maconhado..


    A couple of months ago Aresden were making the same types of posts, talkin about imbalance etc.


    Your pleas will go unheard, and unanswered, due to the simple fact that this game (Helbreath Nemesis) always has a way of "balancing itself out".


    You already went Ares, and said you were staying there (obviously a lie now) and now you make this post about elvine. And then you make a post about selling your character. Make up your mind(s).



    PS: Posting in multiple languages doesn't improve your chances at becoming a GM. You have to actually be personable for that.

  6. 1 of the characters i bought already quit. he maybe gets on once a week to say hi to friends but thats it. as for NoC he told me he was quitting along with luzbelito

    he lied

    also luzbelito kept playing until he dropped his friends ie neck lol



    they still play plenty they just playing ares also l0l


    aka SoyGat0 and ELCUCO


    and anyone else in "Blue House"


    other previous active elv also playing ares..

    ]Lord~Mag[ = Cabe etc etc..



    and to Eldon comment - yes they would either be playing or given items to friends (likely same town) if they didnt sell, making same town(elv) a little more powerful / active. Instead the items are absorbed into...


    and thank YOU Ganksta.


    I vote you quit and fork SB this way.

  7. This video is not avilable in your country. Wtf? :S

    ANIMAL SEX!! lol


    Eww why link that lol?


    It's a song called "Crank that" by Soulja Boy. I posted it due to Cleanser's annoying capitalization and excessive use of the word YOU.

  8. Elvines have Boy and ShaGGnuT - so that pretty much cancels out the effect anyway, it happens on both sides (not Boy - but you know what I mean). Also, Kyoko has tried to sell his char twice in the past. He's not really doing his part as elvine's one cancel mage (compared to SLYONE that is).

    dont be ridiculous


    shaggnut doesnt even fight



    Boy is always playing slyone ,


    ares got noc, eos and other item buyers



    item buyers arent the problem. ive only bought 2 chars and yes they came with lots of items. but as eldon said i rarely play do to the fact i work all day mon-fri. im lucky enough to play 10 hours a week mostly sat/sun. There is no rule saying we cant buy items the only rule that there is about it is that gms wont help in any of the trades. But if you think its the items i'll be happy to transfer to elv and just afk there like i do most of the time. still wont help. Winning is not based on 1-5 players or just 1 guild. its base on team work through the town. Survivors and Crabz like to team up during sades/helds along with some of the other major guilds. Its all about the unity



    i don't think anyone thinks YOU having items is "helping ares". the problem is the players YOU bought items from no longer play after selling YOU their items.


    NoC not playing or having his items is a big disadvantage to elv because HE lead a group of people and HE was good with the items YOU now have.


    you having items effects no one in terms of YOU using them, but the items YOU have came from good elv players who no longer help elv.


  9. Elvines have Boy and ShaGGnuT - so that pretty much cancels out the effect anyway, it happens on both sides (not Boy - but you know what I mean). Also, Kyoko has tried to sell his char twice in the past. He's not really doing his part as elvine's one cancel mage (compared to SLYONE that is).



    I thought you got a ban when you posted spanish in an english thread, or has that changed now?


    Can someone translate whoever quoted me please.


    you are right..funnygirl jumps on every english post and type spanish....


    i talk to farjat and gms my opinion if u guys want know what i said go use traductor


    That's not the point "FunnyGirl". The point is that YOU are breaking a forum rule by posting a language other than english, in an english topic. I honestly don't understand why you even wrote that comment.


    If you are gonna respond to someone who writes in english, then YOU use a translator, and respond in english.

  10. It was bugged before the mercenary spawn change (random spawn). They turned random spawn on to try and get a perspective from default settings, on what is causing the problem.


    Just speculating, but maybe it's D1/farm being on the same server as ares? I know that elvine is hooked to d1/farm as well, but as I said, just speculating.


    Could be that the mapdata for ares is corrupted as well D=

  11. Yeah but the point is that there's already other places that are superior to train at in a party rather than relying on a random spawn counter that frankly, lacks luster. It doesn't really excel in the solo or group aspect. If I wanted to do a 2-person party in toh, I'd do it in toh2.


    In fact, possibly even Garden is better with all those giant plants running around.


    Sounds to me like you have never actually leveled seriously in TOH1.

  12. It's called tower of hell, because it's not supposed to be easy. In my opinion TOH1 is the BEST place for a warrior/mage combo to level. It effectively negates the constant AM/AP spawns.


    If you think toh1 needs to be changed, you are a noob IMO. Effectively choosing the best protection spell under the given circumstances are part of the challenge. Sounds like you want to make it a relaxed zone for lazy players.


    I am voting against both of your recommendations.

    I figured some smartass would come in here and call me a noob for suggesting making the "TOWER OF HELL" (OH SO HARD....) "easier." An even more increased spawn rate wouldn't make this a safe place at all, I'm just asking for it to be a more practical training grounds for SOLO and GROUP alike.


    I bet I can guess how many times you've been to toh1 to TRAIN in a group, I bet it's between 1-15 times because there are better options out there. 80% of the players play solo when leveling.


    Way to jump to conclusions Sir. I have trained in TOH1 a hell of alot either on a mage and with a warrior, or on a warrior and with a mage. From my experiences is where my speculation came from. TOH1 is good AS-IS and needs no tweaking WHAT-SO-EVER. It isn't meant to be a solo spot. If you want to solo, use one of the numerous pits already implemented in the game.


    You are asking them to take things out of TOH1, that frankly MAKE toh1 what it is. If you think it's too hard, then get a friend. If you want to solo dark elves, ogres, cycs, zombies, then go to one of those respective pits.

  13. It's called tower of hell, because it's not supposed to be easy. In my opinion TOH1 is the BEST place for a warrior/mage combo to level. It effectively negates the constant AM/AP spawns.


    If you think toh1 needs to be changed, you are a noob IMO. Effectively choosing the best protection spell under the given circumstances are part of the challenge. Sounds like you want to make it a relaxed zone for lazy players.


    I am voting against both of your recommendations.

  14. Nice video, looks like you have fun there :D


    Did you change the speed of the Video? Sometimes everything move so fast that give me a headache! lol



    Obviously all of survivors was using speed hacks during that raid period.


    (I had to say it before FunnyGirl did.)


    Also, what is gimlin talking about with the Bolivian thing? Is that supposed to be derogatory or racist in some way towards Bolivians? (I'm American fyi)


    On another note, what program did you use to record the footage Skyas?