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Posts posted by Ganksta

  1. Wouldn't like to see BBH+5 as a normal rare, i like BBH+3 as one..

    Also imagine Sharp BH+3, Sharp Baxe+3, that would be insane man...


    What's insane is mages having such easy access to increasing their damage (for which warriors have no real easily available way to reduce, unlike mages) while warriors get the stiff.

  2. I think it helps balance warriors with mages.


    It also helps (slightly) against BBH stripping your armors so damned fast. Even at +1, a 14% strong item is about the same +endurance as a +1 armor.



    to the first point ballancing wars and mages, so mage armor doesnt strip as much (theres already quite abit of def on this server and as you pointed out tower shields and mshields yeah lets see you hit all mages running around w/ tower+3)

    and lets not forget the ballance between a bbh war and a dkwar, you cant upgrade a dk item w/ stones and making it safe to +3 all you will do is increase the amount of +4 and 5 bbhs in the game.


    respond all you want here or flame me, this is my last post on the topic and my mind hasnt changed.




    Your point of view is very one-sided. That is all.

  3. this guys are retarted, i hope who duped gets ban, they just exploidt a bug :S what a retarteds -.-'



    10 Hacking and/or using exploits is not allowed. This also goes for the use of accelerators. Understand these do not add to your skill as a player but only to your stupidty. When you are discovered you will be banned immediately.


    16 Do not duplicate items. Duplicating items will result in an immediate ban from our server. Depending on the severity of your offense you may also get IP banned.



  4. After zerk is when +dmg is added. It's apparent because normal swings I can hit 55 dmg (max i've seen) but on zerk swings my max has been 99. Theoretically it should be 110 if + is added before zerk calc, but it isn't. It's added after. (Same with crits)


    The only MA piece that I've found hard to break as a mage, would be MA helm. They are hard as hell to break, but there aren't that many good ones in game. The rest is easy as pie to break, doesn't even take that many armor breaks.

  5. Do you disagree with the fact that you mainly play "mage" type characters, Eldon?


    You say it's not needed, from the perspective of someone who is usually casting blizz.


    By the way, things have been suggested in the past, and player views were different all over the board. The GMs are going to do what THEY want to do, regardless of what we think.


    well, it sounds nice...




    "xelima rapier +3" ... "GBH +3" ... "Light plate mail +3" ...


    they'll become common, which would be bad I think.


    the idea is nice if it's about blacksmith items (bbh, tower shield, ...) but I think for rare items it would make it bad.



    Just re-read this post. The whole idea of it isn't to make bbh's more overpowered than they already are, it's to bring the other weapons on par with the massively upgraded bbh's we see all over nemesis.


    Basically if you don't use dk15 or bbh+x on nemesis atm, people consider you to be mildly retarded. The +3 without losing your item balances this out, as well as the imbalance of mage damage vs war damage atm.



    A mage has two VERY easy items to obtain, that reduce warrior damage almost completely. Those being mshield and tower.


    A warrior can obtain emmy ring, which is 20%ma, and pfm which is 50%ma from blizz.


    Mages can still hit warriors for ~80-90 damage through pfm and emmy on directs, and ~200 damage with only emmy. All the while warriors are hitting less than 10 damage at a tower+mshielded mage.


    +3 gives you those extra few secs/mins of your armor not stripping (considering it isn't already strong), and brings up warriors damage VERY SLIGHTLY. It's in no way game breaking, and I would volunteer to help test if needed.

  6. 1. There isn't even GiS+1, that should be included if they were to throw in a GiS+2 recipe. Baxe+2 is fish-able.


    2. xp slates


    3. super potions via alchemy? (maybe they aren't edible via insert/delete, in which case I would support binding super pots to insert/delete) Also if you eat a gold carp, or any hard to catch fish, your next regen will own. Same with meats from big monsters (I know you mean it to be instant hp recov, in which case Alchemy already has it covered)


    BTW: Billy Mayes > Sham Wow Guy.

  7. Neither can ancient weapons, it doesn't add strength to your argument.


    Ok, so HB Korea and HBUSA have done it. Yes.



    More people will upgrade, benefits both warriors and mages.


    Cons: Stronger sets, more +5 weapons around etc (regardless of it being a low success rate it still takes two (quite hard) steps out of the equation).


    It's just not needed.



    You are missing the point of my post. The HB Nemesis staff has always made it clear that Nemesis will be as close to original HB as possible. Original HB = HB Korea.


    If you want to go back to the days of level limit 130, no blizz, no amp, no ews, no hammers, no gis, no horns/wings then by all means, go make your own server.


    +3 safely adds balance to helbreath.


    Your pros and cons are basically saying the SAME THING, just using different words.


    Most of the reasons I've seen against this feature, are people who already may own some +3 etc items that they don't want devalued (which they won't be massively devalued), or mages who are afraid that they won't just be able to plow the average warrior while taking minimal damage anymore. Or people who are "Omgz I wont be able to break their setz no more they have 45% extra endurance on a 300 endurance hauberk!!!1!1!1" (which by the way still only puts it at about 435ish endurance)


    Hi Toxic, welcome to Helbreath Nemesis.


    Warriors can have a variety of stats, but I'll give you three great stat set-ups to start out with:


    #1 - This build is for killing Ogres, Cyclops, and Werewolves effectively

    STR: 130 ; DEX: 200 ; VIT: 158 ; INT: 59 ; MAG: 50


    #2 - This build is for killing Ice Golems effectively (This one can vary a lot)

    STR: 130 ; DEX: 180; VIT: ??? ; INT: 112 ; MAG: ???


    **More VIT for survivability in PVP and getting jumped, more MAG for casting Absolute Magic Protection a lot. Never have less than 50 MAG.


    #3 - This build is for killing players and does a decent job at hunting

    STR: 200 ; DEX: 180; VIT: 108 ; INT: 59 ; MAG: 50




    All up to personal preference.



    Warriors in general are quite item reliant to PVP.


    Easiest ek build for a non-itemed warrior is number 3. It can also hunt most of the solo monsters pretty easily (e.g. WW/Cycs).


    I believe this is relevant to this post.

  8. 10-15 mins is a short time in any real pvp scenario.


    Who knows what R8's sets stats are, they could be strong 91% for all ya know. Strong items can't be +3 so don't make assumptions about people's sets being upgraded, or make posts about how "I won't be able to kill anyone".


    This is not about making eks easier. If you want easy eks go to "hb banana" as White says :P

  9. well for 1, ma and mr break at the same rate w/ AB or BBH it doesnt matter.


    I don't think what timma says is true, but someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. As far as I know, you have to actually do damage to the person for Armor Break to affect their armor's endurance, but, like I said, I'm not sure on that. So, you can't "strip" someone in safe zone, or if they are AMPed/PFMed. If someone has a lot of MR, you're going to miss more often with AB than if they just have regular MA, and they won't strip as fast. No?



    Correct. If you miss the armor break or bbh swing or ESW, the armor breaking effect doesn't happen. You can strip people in safe zone though, same premise as draining their stamina. Although the safe strip only works with spells and not with weapons (you still have to "hit" them for it to break the armors, even though you don't actually do damage).

  10. Well, I know the point of Nemesis is to be as close to original hb as possible.


    Original HB = HB Korea, and hb korea has this implemented.


    Maybe it's been discussed before, and maybe staff doesn't agree....BUT


    I think it helps balance warriors with mages.


    It also helps (slightly) against BBH stripping your armors so damned fast. Even at +1, a 14% strong item is about the same +endurance as a +1 armor.

    So it's not a 100% chance to succeed +1, +2, +3..... But you cannot lose the item unless you fail on +4.


    Once again if this has been posted before and shot down, I apologize :P



    Edit: It took a little digging, but I found the actual update post on hbkorea that says they have +3 safe (it can fail but you won't lose the item).



    This is the Google Translator link, translation is REALLY rough on this part, but I think you can interpret it correctly.


    Bolded and underlined for the reading-impaired.


    It helps warriors by allowing them to do (slightly) more damage. Not gamebreaking damage, but enough to help the balance.


    It helps mages not get their sets completely ripped by bbh warriors in a few hits.


    Both warriors and mages benefit from this.

  11. i just dont see the benefit here.


    you say to encourage more builds but in the end, all this will do would make more BBH wars,

    no point of upgrading a BS or Manu item except for BBH, yes it would make certain items better

    ie. Sharp Baxe and GiS, but at the same time you will be making the DK war weaker.


    also theres already people who complain about breaking other players armor sets, imagine the

    uproar when everyone starts to have ma+3 sets.


    and finally im not sure but when upgrade a item with a xStone doesnt it add Hitting Prob also ?

    (i could be completely wrong on this point i honestly dont know.)


    Who says that all those MA sets are upgradeable? You can't upgrade strong items with merien stones. Their ma sets might all be "strong x%" you never know. It's not really hard to break any ma set, it's actually quite easy to do. The hard sets to break are MR.


    well for 1, ma and mr break at the same rate w/ AB or BBH it doesnt matter.

    im just asking you to provide the upside to making this change, as i said before

    just becuase one server does it, does not mean we have to do it here as well.


    To the point you dont care what players think, just to let you know several players discuss

    things like this w/ the admins so player opinions count.


    Im just asking you to provide the positive side for this change, you might persuade me to change my mind about the topic, thats all.



    I already said the upside. Obviously you didn't even take the time to read my post before you went on a rant.

    I don't care what players think about it, you're right on that.


    It's sort of like voting for president of the united states. The People have the popular vote, while the Electoral College actually decides what happens.


    Admins of nemesis are the Electoral College so to speak.

  12. i just dont see the benefit here.


    you say to encourage more builds but in the end, all this will do would make more BBH wars,

    no point of upgrading a BS or Manu item except for BBH, yes it would make certain items better

    ie. Sharp Baxe and GiS, but at the same time you will be making the DK war weaker.


    also theres already people who complain about breaking other players armor sets, imagine the

    uproar when everyone starts to have ma+3 sets.


    and finally im not sure but when upgrade a item with a xStone doesnt it add Hitting Prob also ?

    (i could be completely wrong on this point i honestly dont know.)


    Who says that all those MA sets are upgradeable? You can't upgrade strong items with merien stones. Their ma sets might all be "strong x%" you never know. It's not really hard to break any ma set, it's actually quite easy to do. The hard sets to break are MR.

    Correst me if I'm wrong but could armor be light and have MA? I wouldn't know because I've never gotten any MA armor drops, but I wouldn't think that the armor would be strong just to have MA%.



    Yes it can be any substat and have MA. My point was that they are probably -mostly- strong armors that can't be upgraded, and even after you upgrade those light/crit/mc armors to +3, some strong items will have more endurance anyway.


    My only purpose in this topic is to suggest it to admins, as they strive to be as close to original hb as possible (hb korea). All of my suggestions have come directly from HB Korea (with valid sources).


    Whether or not players like it isn't my concern honestly. I'm sure it's divided amongst the whole server, probably close to 50/50, but I don't think hb korea players would have it any other way.


    Edit: I also must re-iterate that just because you won't lose the items while trying to +3 them, doesn't mean you can use 3x stones or 3m stones and have a +3. The chance to fail is still the same, and you will, more often than not, lose the stone in the process. It's still very risky to attempt +4 any higher and it's an insane chance to fail and lose everything.



  13. i just dont see the benefit here.


    you say to encourage more builds but in the end, all this will do would make more BBH wars,

    no point of upgrading a BS or Manu item except for BBH, yes it would make certain items better

    ie. Sharp Baxe and GiS, but at the same time you will be making the DK war weaker.


    also theres already people who complain about breaking other players armor sets, imagine the

    uproar when everyone starts to have ma+3 sets.


    and finally im not sure but when upgrade a item with a xStone doesnt it add Hitting Prob also ?

    (i could be completely wrong on this point i honestly dont know.)


    Who says that all those MA sets are upgradeable? You can't upgrade strong items with merien stones. Their ma sets might all be "strong x%" you never know. It's not really hard to break any ma set, it's actually quite easy to do. The hard sets to break are MR.

  14. it would have been nice before every1 had a rod

    but now its not a nice idea imol


    This was input AFTER the direction bow era on hb korea/usa (where d-bows hit twice and you could mow TWs in seconds) when everyone had a demon/xelima ring.

    you just have said it

    tw era was one big mistake and it was on hb korea


    not every update they do is good


    It was a bug, and they fixed it. Don't you think if +3 safely was bad for the balance they would've removed it as well?

  15. GBH does hurt sorry, even with shield casting its damage is decent.


    There's already some +5 weapons around, and that's considering you can lose the weapon past +1. I like it how it is. With +1 a +3 weapon is rare, with +3 a +5 weapon is rare. It's just going to make them more common, which I don't see doing anything good for HB economy.



    By "+5 weapons around" you mean +5 bbhs amirite? bbh3 is -NOT- rare in hb nemesis. bbh5 -IS- rare in hb nemesis, and will still be rare with +3 safe due to the insanely high chance to fail past +3.


    Not to mention it will make items ---other than BS items that you can just buy and upgrade, without worrying about failing because all you lose is an xstone--- better. You will see more GiS users, more bh users, more baxe users etc. Not just bbh/dk15 wars everywhere you look.

  16. GBH damage is shit as is, I don't see how +3 can hurt. It's not an obscene amount of damage added, but it does help enough to warrant it being implemented.


    Have you ever been hit by a GBH while playing a mage?


    If so, you wouldn't have said that. :P It does hurt, and it strips a heck of a lot more than a normal bbh.


    Yup I have, and if you shield cast it really doesn't hurt.

  17. I like this idea..

    But yet warriors will be overpowered to with this..

    Figure out a BBH+3, DM5, Dragon ring.. THats kinda huge..


    And if the MA set with evertyhing +3, it could be hard for mages to strip it?


    Im not quite sure about what im saying.. Been a hell of a time i played mage sooo.. Please correct me if i am wrong


    There are already mass bbh+3 in game, actually it's almost more common than bbh+1... MA set isn't common at all btw, and armor break gets rid of those pesky ma armors REALLY fast, unless it's a helm.


    +3 on armors only adds around +45% endurance (correct me if I'm wrong here)


    On a chain mail that's still only 1450 endurance, so it's not THAT great, just a little better.


    +4/+5/+6/+7 are REALLY hard to get without breaking an item, and items like those won't flood the game, be certain of it.


    well, it sounds nice...




    "xelima rapier +3" ... "GBH +3" ... "Light plate mail +3" ...


    they'll become common, which would be bad I think.


    the idea is nice if it's about blacksmith items (bbh, tower shield, ...) but I think for rare items it would make it bad.


    x rapier +3 doesn't even matter, no one uses it for the dice damage :P. GBH damage is shit as is, I don't see how +3 can hurt. It's not an obscene amount of damage added, but it does help enough to warrant it being implemented. It's the really big risk takers that will go for +4 on things like these.


    The extra endurance to armors isn't enough to make a huge difference with the power of armor breaking items in the game. It makes just enough difference for those few extra swings of bbh or casts of armor break.


    The +3 on weapons isn't enough to make you smack a critical on every hit, or even uber high damage, but it is just enough to make a difference in the meager damage of warriors vs mages in hb nemesis.

  18. Well, I know the point of Nemesis is to be as close to original hb as possible.


    Original HB = HB Korea, and hb korea has this implemented.


    Maybe it's been discussed before, and maybe staff doesn't agree....BUT


    I think it helps balance warriors with mages.


    It also helps (slightly) against BBH stripping your armors so damned fast. Even at +1, a 14% strong item is about the same +endurance as a +1 armor.


    So it's not a 100% chance to succeed +1, +2, +3..... But you cannot lose the item unless you fail on +4.


    Once again if this has been posted before and shot down, I apologize :P



    Edit: It took a little digging, but I found the actual update post on hbkorea that says they have +3 safe (it can fail but you won't lose the item).



    This is the Google Translator link, translation is REALLY rough on this part, but I think you can interpret it correctly.

  19. Mage goes to Static. Most of the time people run from him, and he dies 8v2 most of the time. Still gets people's eks in the process.


    Warrior I would say UnderDawg. He owns plain and simple.


    Bmage I would say Komatose. I own.

    kimTaeHee would go for this, but I only ever see him blizz.

    Not many other active bmages around.