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Posts posted by Ganksta

  1. I support White's decision in this matter. MGD is a general douchebag and should be treated as such.


    I think you should keep him muted farjat :D


    3. Do not curse, flame, use etnic, racial and/or sexually offensive slurs on the forums. Violation of this rule will have various actions depending on the severity. This means you may not do any of the earlyer stated things towards either players, administrators or GMs.


    Seems there's more than one person that can't follow the rules.


    Ethnic and earlier are spelled incorrectly sir. I figured I would point this out to you since you are always hugging all the GM's nuts, and will never be one :P


    I personally find it funny how nice people can get when they get banned or muted in Nemesis. When you unmute MGD he will be right back to normal, guaranteed.



  2. yeah u see lots of players called d1 full heros ... :lol: seriously how can u see that has any relevance?



    Cant tell you how many times while raiding ares i go 2 retime and d1 is boxed/blocked. But i was just using that as an example 2 show that each town has pros and cons.


    In d2 the third cy pit is very close 2 ares d1 ent, but takes forever for elvine 2 get there. So ares can train there in peace.


    Each town has pros and cons, if u dont like ur town... switch


    Most scorp ek's die in 2-3 crits, or 1 blizz.

    Aresdens boxing their own d1 to kill noob 180 elvs that raid is quite different than picking off helpless scorpers.


    Logic has failed you sir.


    Good day!

  3. Gamile/KemaR on hbint since version 1.9x or maybe even earlier....was a loooooong time ago. Quit when it went p2p and moved to hbusa. Used the same names there until I acquired Apoo and Ganksta on hbusa. Been using those names ever since :D


    Played many a private server, including the infamous HB Rob (If anyone even remembers that). Was a fun, although short-lived server.


    Alas, once maynard and his mexi-gang left hbusa, the fun left with them :D

  4. i dont want to flame, but why since SLYONE moved to elv survivors are whining so much?!

    i could see that at flame chat, some survivors saying "omg when is slyone getting esw?", "omg now they have inhi!", "omg why he gets all items" (naming survivors becouse they r the players i most see complaning, and doing this posts, maybe some other ppl also complained)


    CMON elvines have fought against slyone for way more time than u did, we also had to fight static, so what? u saw any elvines crying in forums becouse ares had esw + cancel? answer ---> NO


    to farjat: i agree with the other players, giving a cancel away isnt the solution, but if u want to use cancel, do it, u dont play 24/7 so it would be balanced. And not using cancel on helds is fine too



    and i repeat, tyrone is in his right to get any item he wants, so is sexy to give items to her son. Solution for ares people ---> instead wasting ur time complaining at forum, try doing some teamwork and take tyrone down, SLYONE/Boy are not inmortal at all. And in the worst case, what can u loose if u get canceled + inhibed? a zem? i bet thats a terrible problem...


    Just want to point out to Gimlin, that no one is crying or complaining about ESW. Also it wasn't obtained in the same manner that Tyrone's items are, so there's no comparison.




    Edit: By the way, you guys can complain as much as you want, but it won't change the fact that this is not a democracy.


    The character owner's mother pays for this server, which is the best Helbreath server there is.

  5. he got inhibi fairly, stop whinning u have boy


    Being that they have the same user(s) it really doesn't matter if Aresden has Boy or not.


    On top of that, both users suck at using Boy so he really doesn't tip the scale as much as say...... A MAGE WITH LEET HAX.

  6. Most of the complaints are probably coming from the fact that elv has two cancel mages now where ares has 0.


    When slyone was ares and Boy was elv there wasn't nearly as much, if any complaining about it.


    Two cancels in game and both are elv, and what a game-changing spell it is.

  7. Shompy... there is a difference b/w how and when you log. This difference is causing threads like this to appear.


    A.) logging out can be done anywhere anytime.. because its your char and you choose how you wanna apply your time in HB..and when you wanna log etc etc (if the enemy chased you but you lost them and now they probably gonna tgt you or what not, but no one is around , go ahead and log..its your decision)


    B.) logging out in the middle of a fight, because people are chasing you and they are hot on your trail, they see your steps-you see them, or you are low on pots, or nearly dead, or too far from safe etc .. this is just wrong and weak. And was used by elvines all last year and still do it the most this year, it was mastered by the guild SKINRATS, who in turn made Aresden's angry and jealous because they got away with not dying etc etc... so now Aresden also abuse this.


    B. is the one which is causing the problems, logging is fine... but not in this situation.




    On the recall issue.. I dont agree with the people who say if you recall you are a coward etc.. and that you should run and run until you lose them.. infact I dont agree with any 'standards' 'unwritten codes of play and conduct'. Most of those standards and codes are just plain pathetic.. and nerdy. Probably the only one i follow is not using pfm unless the enemy does or not pfm'ing in even numbered/distributed fights.


    **Half the people who say, if you recall in HB you are a coward - are without a doubt the weakest people in real life, they act tuff on HB because in real life they are weak. This is their way of feeling manly and strong, because in real life as an example id tell em to get off my seat on the bus and they'd do it.... out of fear. Guaranteed. Where as im sure alot of the ppl who do recall and dont follow these 'unwritten codes of conduct'.. could hold their own, in RL. - Just a theory which Im sure isn't too far off the mark- 8 times outta 10.



  8. The problem here is this guys, you are confusing items that could be expected to be legitimately ingame with fruit items.


    Should we remove Xel rapier and Xel axe as well?


    Can someone explain, with the existence of Xel rapier and xel axe why ice rapier/ice axe with a well-thought out drop rate should not be added.


    If you fall back on "its a fruit item like medusa bow" then you're not doing this discussion service. It's in a completely different league.


    Why is it impossible to allow ice rapier ingame but be ok with xelima rapier? If development was continuing properly for this game (not at the ice-age crawl that HB Korea has) it might be an item we could expect to see.


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


    You guys want either more crit range + ice effect, or more dice damage, less crit range, and ice effect.


    IMO Nothing needs to be added in this regard. The sword is a happy medium of dice damage and range. When used properly it almost always results in an ek.


    Xelima Rapier is a way for mages to X people. They don't need a weapon that would freeze, because they have SPELLS that freeze already.


    The only addition that could POSSIBLY be reasonable, would be the ice axe, but who really wants to sac the LS crit range for mediocre battle axe dice damage? (Hint: YOU AREN'T USING ICE SWORD FOR IT'S DAMAGE, AND YOU WOULDN'T USE ICE AXE FOR IT EITHER)




    yeh like you say, you wouldn't use it either cos dmg sux- thats why i reckon they shuld have 182/169+ full swing for this axe and give it some might- almost like bbh3/a decent sbh or something.. and give it some crit range or not and make it rare, like rare..more rare than xr for sure, has to be.



    You're just crazy man.... just crazy.

  9. The problem here is this guys, you are confusing items that could be expected to be legitimately ingame with fruit items.


    Should we remove Xel rapier and Xel axe as well?


    Can someone explain, with the existence of Xel rapier and xel axe why ice rapier/ice axe with a well-thought out drop rate should not be added.


    If you fall back on "its a fruit item like medusa bow" then you're not doing this discussion service. It's in a completely different league.


    Why is it impossible to allow ice rapier ingame but be ok with xelima rapier? If development was continuing properly for this game (not at the ice-age crawl that HB Korea has) it might be an item we could expect to see.


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


    You guys want either more crit range + ice effect, or more dice damage, less crit range, and ice effect.


    IMO Nothing needs to be added in this regard. The sword is a happy medium of dice damage and range. When used properly it almost always results in an ek.


    Xelima Rapier is a way for mages to X people. They don't need a weapon that would freeze, because they have SPELLS that freeze already.


    The only addition that could POSSIBLY be reasonable, would be the ice axe, but who really wants to sac the LS crit range for mediocre battle axe dice damage? (Hint: YOU AREN'T USING ICE SWORD FOR IT'S DAMAGE, AND YOU WOULDN'T USE ICE AXE FOR IT EITHER)

  10. Sometimes, you have to put HB down and log ..and nothing can be done about it...


    Why then should the enemy receive an EK.. just because you moved while invis and counting down.


    Maybe.. make logging in enemy town/maps throw you back to home town, or logging in ML sends u back to a particular spot in home town..


    just thinking in enemy town maps and ML.. the rest of the maps are fine and the time limits that we have to log back in are quite adequate.



    I'm sure you need to log as soon as you're about to die.


    That's what this is about, not some "OMG I HAD RL PROBLEN AND I HAS TO LOG OUT"


    If it was that big of a problem, you wouldn't care about the zem.


    If it was that big of a problem, you wouldn't have time to run the 10 secs and dodge to log out.


    Don't be noobs and logout everytime you're about to die, and people won't make suggestions like this. Plain and simple.

  11. the drop rate is good on nem. you and me just got really bad luck

    best ettin drop ive gotten was a power green pot.


    Blood axe/rapier here =D


    Not even ns bh or anything decent first drops.


    I compare the second drops I've gotten from ettins, to the ruby ring i got from mg, and mshield wand I got from frost :D