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Posts posted by Ganksta

  1. Ya the damage sucks on this server. And everyone has super high life, so you have to para a mage 3-5 times with a team of people to kill a good mage, it's retarded. It's not supposed to be this hard to down a person. The PA is so overpowered in this server you have to raid with an army to kill anyone before they safe or recall.


    Actually the vit formula made it so that you have lower life totals :S


    It is very possible for a mage to solo helclaws. I bet if static tried with his mp set he could.

  2. Grats elguason! You're a great player as well as great GM. Never see you choose sides and you stay under the radar, but you're there when the need arises!


    Decent pvper too, and you don't cower from fights.


    elguason knows where to draw the line between player and GM.


    hunter knows too, but he already has mass power :P


    kudos to both hunter and elguason. I know it's hard for hunter balancing family and GM duties, but he handles it very well.

  3. And i need to add, the few abaddons that died, wasnt very generous!


    Would you agree that the more powerful rares need a slight increase in drop chance from abby? Considering that it takes such a long time to clear the maps and so much teamwork and effort? To kill an "end-game" boss like abby, we should be instantly gratified with a chance at having one of the more "epic" items in the game.


    I know I'm not alone in my thinking.


    Nobody wants to see any gold or stones when they kill abby. We get enough of that from the wyvs along the way.

  4. Yeah Procella and Infernia is easy. We always used to do it with around 8 people. Infact we used to clear Infernia just to get to the MMORC pit, they always dropped very nicely for us.


    Abbadon you need to be commited, by the time you get halfway through clearing it the pressure is on, the last time Abby was killed, Eldon, Autumn and myself were up for almost 2 days clearing abbadon before elvs found out. As people leave you MUST replace them. We ended up doing the whole thing in 3 days, it is a massive effort to do. Problem with it is, if you do it the way we did, you burn yourself out. Its not something you can do every week and enjoy. On the other hand, do it slowly, someone steals it.


    But I highly recommend Procella. MMOrcs drop nice stuff. Weve got a couple of really nice helmet drops there couple of capes and giant swords.


    but u'r not allowed to recall right ? which also means no repotting ? :/


    Thats right. You can usually clear Infernia/Procella on one load of pots.


    Abby you just have to bring a lot of people and share the pots around for the tankers.



    Clear demons and AM barlogs in INF with warriors. Wyvs and the non-am logs can all be killed with a group of mages.


    MOST of procella can be cleared with a good group of mages (6-8) and 2-4 warriors very quickly.


    Abby is the only hard part. The wyverns there are really easy as there are safe spots where you can stick/shoot them.


    The part that takes numbers and coordination is the clearing of just about everything else. Lots of warriors and a few mages should make it easy, but it still takes alot of time due to the amount of tough mobs :D

  5. cut abby map monsters in half, with int population. nobodys ever guna get to kill abby again


    It's not as difficult as you're making it out to be. We cleared all inf+procella in one day with about 8 folks.


    Abby map is the only thing that takes awhile, but the wyverns are easy mode with 6-8 mages, everything else can be done with 8-10 warriors and a couple mages and you'll have time to spare usually.


    Not to mention all of the stones etc you get on the way to killing abby. It's fun to do and you don't leave empty handed even if abby DOES have a HORRIBLE droprate on the rarer items.

  6. What about a game like "Memory". Where there are items hidden under food in the arena or something, and each person gets 1 attempt to try and match the items under the food. If a match isn't found, the items must be covered back with food for the next person to try! First three people to find matches wins?

  7. How about a very simple QUIZ EVENT. Any GM with stones could do it. Just ask a "general knowledge" question in your GM chat, first person to respond in whisper with the correct answer wins z/x/m? This could be at random times and maybe even only one question!


    I think an FFA PVP where mages could only use weapons, not spells, would be cool too. Staffs, short swords, rapiers! would have to be a 195int requirement and I guess 130mag. That means bmages have a chance too!

  8. Not trusted, jesus christ.

    I also am the only player who did both AresMule and ElvMule item distributions to new players.



    GM's took an item that belonged to 4 of us and gave it to a person who had a 1/5th share (which I'm not getting into again).



    Both of these statements are incorrect. Seriously, quit whining like a child just because farjat doesn't want you to be a GM. You seem to be the only one doing it, even though I'm sure many more people who are still active have put in GM applications.


    Anyone who's been on this server for any extended period of time should know that whining or arguing with farjat gets you NOWHERE!!! Except maybe banned.


    My two cents


    I think there are alot of great ideas within this post. Most of the ones I could even think of have already been covered! Keep up the brainstorming and cut out the nonsense guys :D



    Edit: I'm sure that Sexy has or knows someone trustworthy that can do an event or two a day, maybe even sexy herself... Who knows?

  9. I live in North Carolina, USA. My ping to the International server is ~50ms. My ping to the Argentinian server is ~180ms which isn't bad at all.


    Hope this helps.

    strange. your ping to int is pretty bad and to arg is pretty good for being iin USA



    Well (As far as I know) the int server is in Texas, which is half of the United States away from me. Seems you picked a high quality host for the arg server. I wasn't expecting such a low ping to it.


    All of this is using a wireless card on a laptop by the way.

  10. Off Topic: I can type spanish and be grammatically correct. Gracias senorita. And way to go elguason!


    You should really just chill out sam, you always try to "get me in trouble" lmao. Go play your game and ill play mine.


    On topic: I bet if farjat did read the logs as demise mentioned, he would probably ban mgd till