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Posts posted by Ganksta

  1. +3ing is stupid, there would be way too many high ++ weapons/armors


    Can you at least put some kind of reasoning behind your posts? Obviously if +3ing was in, there would be lots of +3, +4, maybe even some +5. Ill tell you what there wouldn't be is +5 of any high stat items, or rare weapons.


    After +3 it's still a question of risk vs reward. Would you try to +5 a merien shield or gbh? I don't think so. People would only +3 items they hold valuable, or try for high bbhs which is still uber hard with the low success rates.


    Im gonna stop now.

  2. well, could a Gm make anny spell for WAR?

    only Mage get advantages.. etc..


    maybe can upgrade weapons to +3 without losing it.. 100% ??



    its only an deal! X)


    I agree with the safe +3 on armors and weapons. Just not 100% success each try, but 100% you wont lose item. Chance to lose stones.

  3. Diabolic sword.


    I don't think you put enough "very"s in there. It would be like excalibur/kloness rare you know? Maybe even abby ring rare. Bad rep is reallllllllly easy to get, so these items would be nearly impossible to get to drop.


    But I would really like to see different designs than the kloness. Alot of servers just change colors of shit and that takes no skill, nor does it make the server original and awesome.


    The names would be the opposite of kloness weapons which reward you for being good..... So the weapons that reward you for being bad could be called Diabolic Sword, wand, etc.


    Maybe keep the +dmg cap the same as it is on kloness weapons, but increase the negative rep requirements by double. For example;


    +100REP = +1 damage while using kloness


    -200REP = +1 damage while using diabolic wand/weap


    diabolic would also give you extra negative rep on your attacks when facing players. Would basically be the opposite of kloness.


    edit: I just used thesaurus and searched for synonyms for "Evil" and Diabolic was a match. Seems cool enough and appropriate for HB.


    This post has been edited by Ganksta: Apr 3 2010, 11:02 PM

  4. i wouldnt value hf alot more than is...

    but that just my point of view..

    some ppl already offering xelimas lol


    i will save my items for when a cancel/esw drops ;D


    I could agree with you if I knew the exact parameters of HF's damage. I heard earlier it does 600 with no ma no pfm. That's a 2 shot on anyone. 1 shot on some.


    ESW is generally useful for breaking those pesky mr/ma sets and making people walk. On top of that there are no necks to absorb the punishment., It's like blizz with no ie necks

  5. ResurWand(MS.10) 1 : 18367

    NecklaceOfXelima 1 : 18367

    DemonSlayer 1 : 18367

    BloodyShockW.Manual 1 : 18367

    HellFireManual 1 : 18367

    XelimaAxe 1 : 18367

    KlonessWand(MS.20) 1 : 18367

    Excaliber 1 : 18367

    LightingBlade 1 : 18367



    If item rarity is right, and excaliber has the same rarity as all of these which I KNOW are in game, then there is an excalibur. Who has it?

  6. if the drop is very very very low, i like it...


    I don't think you put enough "very"s in there. It would be like excalibur/kloness rare you know? Maybe even abby ring rare. Bad rep is reallllllllly easy to get, so these items would be nearly impossible to get to drop.


    But I would really like to see different designs than the kloness. Alot of servers just change colors of shit and that takes no skill, nor does it make the server original and awesome.


    The names would be the opposite of kloness weapons which reward you for being good..... So the weapons that reward you for being bad could be called Diabolic Sword, wand, etc.


    Maybe keep the +dmg cap the same as it is on kloness weapons, but increase the negative rep requirements by double. For example;


    +100REP = +1 damage while using kloness


    -200REP = +1 damage while using diabolic wand/weap


    diabolic would also give you extra negative rep on your attacks when facing players. Would basically be the opposite of kloness.


    edit: I just used thesaurus and searched for synonyms for "Evil" and Diabolic was a match. Seems cool enough and appropriate for HB.



    Different weapons have bonuses or penalties against monsters and players, here is a chart of weapons and their bonuses/penalties: (Human players are counted as M-type monsters)


    Short Sword/Main Gauche/Gladius: -2%HP (L)

    Savor: +3%HP (L)

    Long Sword: -3%HP (L)

    Scimitar: +3%HP (L)

    Falchion: +2%HP (L)

    Esterk: +2%HP (L)

    Broad Sword: -3%HP (S-M), +2%HP (L)

    Bastard Sword: -8%HP (S-M), +4%HP (L)

    Claymore: -5%HP (S-M), +4%HP (L)

    Greatsword: -5%HP (S-M), +4%HP (L)

    Flamberger: -15%HP (S-M), +10%HP (L)

    Short Bow: +4%HP (S-M)

    Long Bow/Composite Bow: +5%HP (L)

    Please add rest of the weapons in.






    Highest Damage:



    Ancient gives + 2 to max dice hits (e.g. weapon's 2d8 becomes 2d10)


    Combo gives +1 to max hit for each consecutive combo hit:

    Short Sword - 1st combo hit +1, 2nd +2, 3rd +3

    Long Sword - 1st +0, 2nd +1 3rd +2

    Axe - 1st +1 2nd +2 3rd + 3

    Fencing - 1st +2 2nd +4 3rd +6

    Arrow - 1st +0 2nd +1 3rd +2

    Hand -1st +0 2nd +2 3rd +3







    The number of critical attacks increase every 10 levels, i.e level 90 has 9 crits, level 104 has 10 crits (max crits is 18, level 180).


    Criticals recharge every 40 seconds

    Critical attack damage is: Damage + Damage*(Level / 100)

    Example: You do -30 with a flamberge normal hit and you're level 83, on a critical, you would do: 30+30x0.83=55 damage.



    Some good numbers

  8. Well tbh, I see this item as being way overpowered above that of Xelima Swords.


    It'd just be an ek machine, especially in sades and large fights. Sure, the mage using it would have to use safe (so he doesn't frag his teammates as well) but it'd simply destroy everyone and anyone (It'd get all the last hits after someone gets off that vital amp, it'd decide the battle in any mage pvp event - that kind of thing).


    It's a nice idea, but just too powerful to make a good player weapon, even with a 20 min cooldown.



    Well what bout the warrior weapon ignoring defense? Everyone seems to be ignoring that part of my post.

  9. Discuss.


    I think it would be fair for every dollar you donate, 1 rep is added to the char of your choice. This is in no way something you buy, but a "kudos" for donating.


    actually i think that the prices for donation are so high because they don't want ppl to do it. so i don't think they want to encourage donations



    Nooooo. They want to discourage abusing town change etc. Not discourage donating!

  10. New wand would be activation based, like Xelima or Ice swords. Basically the activation would let you blast people even through amp (would act like they are pfm) or through pfm (would be 100% normal dmg not reduced) Not sure of a name yet.


    New weapon would ignore the defense of targets, making it seem like they have no armor. Non activation based. (Could make the devastator like this seeing as it's so rare and it has the hooked end. And the name is already suiting :D)

  11. I believe what HB Korea did to correct this was that anytime you change server you are automatically removed from any party. If it's simply a map change, e.g. EF > SW then there is no effect, and no bug in the first place.

    yes but thats the easy way


    Easy fix is still a fix. I think it's gonna be pretty difficult to fix it to where the party stays in tact AND doesn't bug, but if you got time, then go for it!