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Posts posted by Ganksta

  1. lol i quit at least a month ago. and i still have everything i had when i quit, minus the mplate that medic- stole from me. And if anyone wants to stake items on a 1 vs 1 with me i'd love to see some1 step up to the plate, especially u cleanser, maybe u will fight with "your" items????


    Ok, I've tried to not get involved with you but I wont let you accuse me of stealing items.


    I changed my PW after you first made a stupid *censored* ticket from MY account about GM abuse wich in the end (I know this is not was not your intention or your fault. But it was a stupid thing to do.) got Therapist banned.


    Then you started accusing Danny of stealing all my items and completely ignored my request of wanting to talk to him before contacting GMs, by tricking him to think you were me and stealing some of the items back, wich made him change his PW and later on get his acc banned.


    Anyways thanks to cooperative GMs we figured it out and Danny gave me my items back before I even got to ask him for them.


    Danny never had any intentions of stealing my items and we are still good friends.!


    Besides that you started acting like a first class jerk ingame even more then you did allready.


    If i'm not wrong you got banned with my Ice Sword a few weeks before you quit.


    I guess you gave me UR part of the offer on the Mplate as a gift, for idk, *censored*ing up lots of lots of shit for me.


    If i'm correct our offer was zerk wand ms10, ma9 hose, ma12 berk, ma9 plate, ma9 wings, IP neck. Ur part was zWand ms10.


    Thanks to you I am not allowed to write tickets about items / other players anymore.


    Is it too much that I decided to change my PW after all this?


    All this being said you fooded my Ice Sword after I changed my PW.


    SS proving that i never stole anything.



    PS. I'm very sorry for posting this. I know it's way offtopic but it had to be done.


    This is one cat you should've left in the bag. Both of ya.

  2. Nemesis 2 had 1 or 2 rox

    couple ressu wands

    1 dark exe

    3 bsw

    3 mfs

    2 sleeps

    1 k axe

    2 kb

    Dunno how many ie swords, i can only remenber 1

    1? kwand

    liche neck

    sg neck


    Thats what i can remenber

    Lets Keep this clear.



    Nemesis INT


    SwordofIceElemental >>> 23

    KnecklaceOfPoisonPro >>> 18

    KnecklaceOfEfreet >>> 13

    KnecklaceOfIceEle >>> 12

    BloodSword >>> 12

    NecklaceOfMerien >>> 11

    MagicNecklace(RM25) >>> 11

    KnecklaceOfAirEle >>> 11

    StormBringer >>> 10

    RingofArcmage >>> 10

    NecklaceOfLiche >>> 8

    MagicNecklace(DF+30) >>> 8

    MerienShield >>> 7

    ResurWand(MS.20) >>> 7

    NecklaceOfStoneGol >>> 6

    GiantBattleHammer >>> 6

    XelimaRapier >>> 5

    RingoftheXelima >>> 5

    MagicWand(MS30-LLF) >>> 5

    KnecklaceOfSufferent >>> 5

    MerienPlateMailM >>> 4

    DarkExecutor >>> 4

    BerserkWand(MS.20) >>> 4

    DemonSlayer >>> 3

    KnecklaceOfMedusa >>> 2

    Dye(Pink) >>> 2

    NecklaceOfXelima >>> 2

    KlonessBlade >>> 2

    KlonessAxe >>> 2

    BerserkWand(MS.10) >>> 1

    MerienPlateMailW >>> 1

    Excaliber >>> 1

    XelimaAxe >>> 1

    KlonessWand(MS.20) >>> 1

    LightingBlade >>> 1

    ResurWand(MS.10) >>> 1

    MassFireStrikeManual >>> 1



    Nemesis Arg


    KnecklaceOfIcePro >>> 11

    MagicEmerald >>> 10

    BloodAxe >>> 9

    BloodRapier >>> 5

    MagicNecklace(DF+25) >>> 4

    MagicWand(MS30-LLF) >>> 3

    MagicNecklace(RM25) >>> 2

    ResurWand(MS.20) >>> 2

    DemonSlayer >>> 2

    MagicNecklace(MS18) >>> 2

    KnecklaceOfEfreet >>> 2

    NecklaceOfStoneGol >>> 2

    StormBringer >>> 2 >1banned

    DarkExecutor >>> 2 >1banned

    LightingBlade >>>2

    KnecklaceOfPoisonPro >>> 2

    KnecklaceOfAirEle >>> 1

    XelimaRapier >>> 1

    SwordofIceElemental >>> 1 >banned

    RingoftheXelima >>> 1

    BerserkWand(MS.20) >>> 1

    KlonessWand(MS.20) >>> 1

    MerienShield >>> 1

    RingofArcmage >>> 1

    KlonessAxe >>> 1

    BloodSword >>> 1

    MagicNecklace(DM+5) >>> 1

    NecklaceOfMerien >>> 1


    Nice numbers, anything to back them up?



    And either way, I'm just saying that maybe hb arg is catered to a little more than nem. (Makes sense anyway, wouldn't you pour more resources into the more active of the two servers?)

  3. You have just one year playing int.. how can you know that?


    There were just a few useful prizes in nemesis arg.. and i have 3 of them (rox, kaxe and ice storm)


    Im sure, and i been told that nemesis int had maybe 2 times more events than arg..


    Even at 2 times the events, nem arg has been up for 1/3 or 1/4 the time of int. This means that by the time neme arg is at int's tenier, it would have almost 2-3 times the rares of int.... That's excluding drops, just judging from event items.

  4. so there is 40 minutes for LB and just 20 minutes for DE? nah! shouldn't it be same amount of time? GM can you say something?


    Did lots of testing or leveling or eking whatever you want to call it. In my experience, LB sucked hard while it was night (40-00 minutes) but owned during daytime. If you just look at the clock while leveling in a map that reflects day/night (like ML), you will surely notice that day/night go by these times.


    The "Minute Method" also worked for me in dungeons and TOH etc.


    Never heard anything about rain helping what-so-ever. I just know rain negatively affects your casting probability.

  5. LB has +4 damage from 0-40 minutes. DE has +4 damage from 40-0 minutes. Night and day are determined by what minute of the hour it is.


    Ex: From 01:00-01:40 your LB will do +4 damage.

    From 01:40-02:00 your DE has +4 damage.


    This works for dungeons.


    Edit: This is from my personal observations while using LB.

  6. Wand of Leech. Each successfull hit restores a small percentage of mp.


    Hammer of Thor. Does extra fire based damage.


    Wand of Resonating Power. Every hit with this wand will fly opponent, no matter the damage.


    Couple questions for details:


    For the wands, are those effects only on physical attacks, or magical as well?


    For the hammer: Do the Fire Prot/Ele necks decrease damage? If yes, all the damage, or just the extra fire damage?



    Nice ideas so far guys, keep them coming!


    For the wand of leech, physical and magical attacks count. I imagine the % of MP gained would be relative to the damage. Like 5% of 100 dmg = 5mp recovered. For the power wand, I think it should be just physical damage, since most spells mages use fly anyway.


    For the hammer, sure the fire necks decrease damage, but only the extra fire damage. The physical damage won't be reduced by elementals. Should be 1 die side higher than bbh. Like bbh is 3d10 then the thor hammer would be 3d11