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Everything posted by Ganksta

  1. Ganksta

    Rares Weopans Dmg

    As I said, I don't think it's so much the dice that's the problem. I think it's the way crits are calculated on said items.
  2. Ganksta

    Josh Is Banned.

    That's his way of thinking then, but thats not how the staff here thinks. A GM is here to serve the community and must be respected at all times, throwing shit to a GM is a thing you don't do, and here GM's arn't equals to players, GM's are, have and can do more then players here, the GM's manage this server so they diserve to be respected. QFT. They volunteer their personal time to make sure we have the best and (here comes a create-a-word) freeest (lol) server possible. The management here is tons better than iENT or any other hb server. Josh was all up in some GM Kool-Aid, and he din't know what da flavor was.
  3. Ganksta

    Josh Is Banned.

    Josh was definitely more talk than delivery, BUT he also could deliver it: He always fought even with uneven numbers. He killed many of you guys and killed many of your hunts. I still think he was perhaps the best mage on server. And what you are saiyng that he 'always made it about the GM and not the player, always' is absolutely rubbish. He just loves to smack mouth to any1 gives him the slightest reason. The more you gave him reason, the more he talked, no matter if you were a GM or a player. In that matter he was equal to any1 who asked for it. Static, Danny, Crow, Inevitable, Enjoytry, Argenlandia, White, Hunter, Survivors, me on Zoro basically every1. Thats inarguable. He also plumbed. He plumbs mass. All these people "Ill miss you sweetcheeks" etc, gtf outta Josh is probably the 4th biggest douchebag on the server. I mean was. And I actually get along with him, but he reaped what he sowed.
  4. Ganksta

    Josh Is Banned.

    -A- is a letter, not a word.
  5. Ganksta

    Josh Is Banned.

    I have four words that will keep all of you nice people from being banned from helbreath nemesis for "speaking the "truth" about GMs". This is NOT a DEMOCRACY. If you're too immature to be able to hold those little fingers back from insulting someone, be it Helbreath Nemesis staff, or a regular player, then it's your own fault you are banned. Insulting one of the people who take their own time to volunteer to police the server, give us updates, make great events, AND KEEP IT FREE TO PLAY, is and should be a bannable offense. It's like being wounded in combat and telling the Red Cross to shove it. As a final note to Josh: Get over yourself. African   /ˈ?frɪkən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [af-ri-kuhn] Show IPA ?adjective 1. Also, Africa. of or from Africa; belonging to the black peoples of Africa ?noun 2. a native or inhabitant of Africa. 3. (loosely) a black or other person of African ancestry.
  6. Ganksta

    Suggestions: Battle Mage

    Yea that sounds like a good plan. Most times in pvp your fps plays a huge part in keeping up with fleein elvines (or aresdens, if you're an elvine) and being able to get far enough away and be able to cast fast enough to get spells off. If you don't have an alternative to the dk+8 sword, like an ancient or sharp flam with rep/hp or a crit flam with very good stats, then I would shoot for the dk sword after +8 wand. If you do have an alternative, go +15 wand before you upgrade the sword at all.
  7. Ganksta

    Need Help With Some Commands

    Make the kits and build them yourself? Or recruit a couple of people to build it. Dunno if it works, just a suggestion.
  8. Ganksta

    Suggestions: Battle Mage

    Go for a mag or dex angel. Your preference, but I would choose mag. First go for at least dk wand+6 for the extra mana save. Then you can upgrade your dk sword to +2 (dkgis) and choose what you want to do after. Why are you giving him bad advice? First of all it's not worth getting a angel if you are not going to upgrade them, it is a waste of majestic points. Second of all, the main dmg will be comming from your magic attacks, so upgrading your wand will be your main concern. DK+2 sword still sucks, so for pvp dmg get a reasonable crit flam. And DO NOT get mage hero items, get the ones for warrior. If it makes you run faster, it's worth getting. He never said he wasn't going to be upgrading it, so it's worth getting. You didn't know Du used an upgraded dk sword to get full hero (Along with blizz) did you?
  9. Ganksta

    Rares Weopans Dmg

    The only thing that I was saying about KB, is that rep doesn't appear to be as effective on nemesis as HB Korea, International, or USA. Therefore the damage is lower than it *should* be, maybe not by tons, but still noticeable. The LB, it has pretty decent zerk swings as does demon slayer. It's the crits that are really wacky. They are so spaced out and rarely are they very high (talking 100+) even on a naked player character. I think that crits are calculated differently here than the pay to play (ripoff) servers. Where I think they may be different is at what point the +damage is taken into consideration. LB - +4 damage during day, kb + damage according to rep, the +damage from rings and necklaces. Then again, I could be wrong, but that's just my speculation.
  10. Ganksta

    Suggestions: Battle Mage

    Go for a mag or dex angel. Your preference, but I would choose mag. First go for at least dk wand+6 for the extra mana save. Then you can upgrade your dk sword to +2 (dkgis) and choose what you want to do after.
  11. Ganksta

    Rares Weopans Dmg

    I think DS damage is fine on zerk/normal swings. Same with lightning blade. What I've seen of gbh, it sucks. But I guess it has more strip probability (30%?). Haven't seen many crits. What I gather from ds/lb (and even k blade) is that crits seem to not calculate properly. They do very random damage, and alot of the time the crits are lower than zerk swings or dashes. I don't know if the calculation is correct or not, because I don't look at the files. K Blade would also be heaps better, but as most people witness there seems to be an issue with the reputation on HB Nemesis. No one besides Lii uses any form of a righteous weapon (besides maybe whoever has the kwand I heard about)
  12. Ganksta

    Suggestions: Battle Mage

    Don't ever go 200int on a bmage. The only thing 200int gets you over 195int, is MiM. And it's not as valuable as say.....5 more vit. 104 or 130str is usually what people shoot for. At least 50dex 110mag at least, usually the least is 130 though. (For a blizzer you may want 150 minimum) vit is mostly an afterthought with bmages, unless you are going more for support than offense.
  13. Ganksta


    I quite possibly should've listened to you Mike. But I never called you names or anything, and yea I didn't know who was my friend and who was a wolf. Only posting in here because I miss Cleanser. Isn't Crowmaster/Alex banned?
  14. Ganksta

    Is This A Bug Bug From Website?

    I believe since he was replying to a topic inquiring about a particular part of the website (the inventory system) that Cleanser was, in fact, the first correct person. Also needed no correction.
  15. Ganksta

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Dear Santa, I would like a cancellation manual for christmas. Yours Truly, Ganksta
  16. Ganksta

    Hellclaw Clinic

    Damn why are you so cool Hunter? Prolly the best idea ever imo, tired of having to let noobs die that hit TWs in the wrong spot :S
  17. Ganksta

    Warning !

    I clicked on that link. All it looks like is a bunch of code and shit. You telling me I got a keylogger now?
  18. Ganksta

    Eks During Sade

    If you don't want to be in a guild, that's not anyone's problem but your own. Guildmasters sacrifice their points (20 chr) to be able to see the dots on the minimap. It's up to the guildmaster to properly coordinate his builders and soldiers. You can pretty much ask in ml at any given time, and you will be given directions to whichever stone you want (elv, ares) If you want to see the dots, then give guildmasters the 30% damage bonus that soldiers have please :)
  19. Ganksta

    Picture Of Me (aealy/yarones)

    stfu idiot at least he got the guts to show himself.. i havn`t saw a picture of u yet... u are probably fatty with pimples all over ur ugly face stupid shit You have a filthy mouth young one :) But honestly, no one wants to be reminded of that picture. Should title it "13 year olds gone wild!" harhar
  20. Ganksta

    *** Merien Stone Event For All Levels***

    I smell granny smith apples.
  21. Ganksta

    Hi Guys

    It's called pressing TAB+F4 repeatedly and very fast. jaapy and White know exactly what I'm talkin about because they were shown just how much of an exploit it is.
  22. Ganksta

    Dammage Settings

    Sounds like I need to make a 200str 200chr character!
  23. Ganksta

    Dammage Settings

    NO, nemesis never had it, prolly will never have it... Strength does not affect the amount of damage you deal. it only affects the amount of damage dealt when using your hands (str / 12) on the other hand... DEX increases your HP (hitting proability). how does it do it? your HP increases by DEX - 50 if your dex is higher than 50. so 200 dex = 150 HP (200 - 50) Well I guess that explains a little bit. You're supposed to get a damage bonus for adding strength <_< That would be like mages not getting a bonus to magical dmg for getting 200 mag -.- I think I remember it being .3% bonus per 10 mag, and .2% bonus per 10str, which is 6% at 200mag, and 4% at 200STR respectively. Yet another way warriors get gimped!
  24. Ganksta

    Dammage Settings

    NO NO, as in "Right weapons aren't bunk", or NO, as in "Don't factor in the +dmg from right weapons befor the crit/zerk calculation"?
  25. Ganksta

    Dammage Settings

    Maybe at least factor in the + dmg from right weapons before the crit/zerk calculation? I think this would make right weapons suck less, because they are bunk on nemesis :P