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Everything posted by Ganksta

  1. Ganksta

    Just To Say Hi

    This was a pretty underhanded post.
  2. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    I make the epic ones.
  3. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    There are quite a few more than that ;) The point of my post is, that according to the length of time Arg has been up, it has way more rares than Int. For all those who keep pointing out that int has more rares total, DUH!
  4. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    Also, I might be mistaken, but doesn't item rarity include rares on gm characters?
  5. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    Lets Keep this clear. Nemesis INT SwordofIceElemental >>> 23 KnecklaceOfPoisonPro >>> 18 KnecklaceOfEfreet >>> 13 KnecklaceOfIceEle >>> 12 BloodSword >>> 12 NecklaceOfMerien >>> 11 MagicNecklace(RM25) >>> 11 KnecklaceOfAirEle >>> 11 StormBringer >>> 10 RingofArcmage >>> 10 NecklaceOfLiche >>> 8 MagicNecklace(DF+30) >>> 8 MerienShield >>> 7 ResurWand(MS.20) >>> 7 NecklaceOfStoneGol >>> 6 GiantBattleHammer >>> 6 XelimaRapier >>> 5 RingoftheXelima >>> 5 MagicWand(MS30-LLF) >>> 5 KnecklaceOfSufferent >>> 5 MerienPlateMailM >>> 4 DarkExecutor >>> 4 BerserkWand(MS.20) >>> 4 DemonSlayer >>> 3 KnecklaceOfMedusa >>> 2 Dye(Pink) >>> 2 NecklaceOfXelima >>> 2 KlonessBlade >>> 2 KlonessAxe >>> 2 BerserkWand(MS.10) >>> 1 MerienPlateMailW >>> 1 Excaliber >>> 1 XelimaAxe >>> 1 KlonessWand(MS.20) >>> 1 LightingBlade >>> 1 ResurWand(MS.10) >>> 1 MassFireStrikeManual >>> 1 Nemesis Arg KnecklaceOfIcePro >>> 11 MagicEmerald >>> 10 BloodAxe >>> 9 BloodRapier >>> 5 MagicNecklace(DF+25) >>> 4 MagicWand(MS30-LLF) >>> 3 MagicNecklace(RM25) >>> 2 ResurWand(MS.20) >>> 2 DemonSlayer >>> 2 MagicNecklace(MS18) >>> 2 KnecklaceOfEfreet >>> 2 NecklaceOfStoneGol >>> 2 StormBringer >>> 2 >1banned DarkExecutor >>> 2 >1banned LightingBlade >>>2 KnecklaceOfPoisonPro >>> 2 KnecklaceOfAirEle >>> 1 XelimaRapier >>> 1 SwordofIceElemental >>> 1 >banned RingoftheXelima >>> 1 BerserkWand(MS.20) >>> 1 KlonessWand(MS.20) >>> 1 MerienShield >>> 1 RingofArcmage >>> 1 KlonessAxe >>> 1 BloodSword >>> 1 MagicNecklace(DM+5) >>> 1 NecklaceOfMerien >>> 1 Nice numbers, anything to back them up? And either way, I'm just saying that maybe hb arg is catered to a little more than nem. (Makes sense anyway, wouldn't you pour more resources into the more active of the two servers?)
  6. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    In my experience kaxe mowed kblade... Maybe on Nem its different....
  7. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    What I'm saying is that by comparison, the event prizes on arg seem to be waaaaaay better than int!
  8. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    Even at 2 times the events, nem arg has been up for 1/3 or 1/4 the time of int. This means that by the time neme arg is at int's tenier, it would have almost 2-3 times the rares of int.... That's excluding drops, just judging from event items.
  9. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    Well if MJ's estimation is right, then it would seem that according to the time:events ratio, hb neme arg has had many more event items introduced than hb neme int.
  10. Ganksta

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    That's more event items than I've seen in my nemesis career. My career has been nemesis Int, and at least a year.
  11. Ganksta

    Forum Contest 1

    Helbreath Nemesis Int is so underpopulated because of that damn argentina nemesis?
  12. Ganksta

    Forum Contest 1

    Helbreath Nemesis is so well-maintained that we get updates regularly to improve the game.
  13. Ganksta

    Nite And Day

    Did lots of testing or leveling or eking whatever you want to call it. In my experience, LB sucked hard while it was night (40-00 minutes) but owned during daytime. If you just look at the clock while leveling in a map that reflects day/night (like ML), you will surely notice that day/night go by these times. The "Minute Method" also worked for me in dungeons and TOH etc. Never heard anything about rain helping what-so-ever. I just know rain negatively affects your casting probability.
  14. Ganksta

    Nite And Day

    LB has +4 damage from 0-40 minutes. DE has +4 damage from 40-0 minutes. Night and day are determined by what minute of the hour it is. Ex: From 01:00-01:40 your LB will do +4 damage. From 01:40-02:00 your DE has +4 damage. This works for dungeons. Edit: This is from my personal observations while using LB.
  15. Ganksta

    I'm Baaaaack!

    Just kidding :P
  16. Ganksta

    The Real Story

    IcyMage has never had a brother, it's just one of those excuse things.
  17. Ganksta

    Black Dragon Spotted On Bi

    Try /pf MaynarD No wonder he always sneaks up on you.
  18. Ganksta

    Best Weapon Suggestion Ever?

    Bad Rep Weapons. Simple, they are the opposite of kloness weapons and much darker in design and color!
  19. Ganksta

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Couple questions for details: For the wands, are those effects only on physical attacks, or magical as well? For the hammer: Do the Fire Prot/Ele necks decrease damage? If yes, all the damage, or just the extra fire damage? Nice ideas so far guys, keep them coming! For the wand of leech, physical and magical attacks count. I imagine the % of MP gained would be relative to the damage. Like 5% of 100 dmg = 5mp recovered. For the power wand, I think it should be just physical damage, since most spells mages use fly anyway. For the hammer, sure the fire necks decrease damage, but only the extra fire damage. The physical damage won't be reduced by elementals. Should be 1 die side higher than bbh. Like bbh is 3d10 then the thor hammer would be 3d11
  20. Ganksta

    The Next Update

    Can you at least put some kind of reasoning behind your posts? Obviously if +3ing was in, there would be lots of +3, +4, maybe even some +5. Ill tell you what there wouldn't be is +5 of any high stat items, or rare weapons. After +3 it's still a question of risk vs reward. Would you try to +5 a merien shield or gbh? I don't think so. People would only +3 items they hold valuable, or try for high bbhs which is still uber hard with the low success rates. Im gonna stop now.
  21. Ganksta

    The Next Update

    I agree with the safe +3 on armors and weapons. Just not 100% success each try, but 100% you wont lose item. Chance to lose stones.
  22. Ganksta

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Wand of Leech. Each successfull hit restores a small percentage of mp. Hammer of Thor. Does extra fire based damage. Wand of Resonating Power. Every hit with this wand will fly opponent, no matter the damage.
  23. Ganksta

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Diabolic sword. I don't think you put enough "very"s in there. It would be like excalibur/kloness rare you know? Maybe even abby ring rare. Bad rep is reallllllllly easy to get, so these items would be nearly impossible to get to drop. But I would really like to see different designs than the kloness. Alot of servers just change colors of shit and that takes no skill, nor does it make the server original and awesome. The names would be the opposite of kloness weapons which reward you for being good..... So the weapons that reward you for being bad could be called Diabolic Sword, wand, etc. Maybe keep the +dmg cap the same as it is on kloness weapons, but increase the negative rep requirements by double. For example; +100REP = +1 damage while using kloness -200REP = +1 damage while using diabolic wand/weap diabolic would also give you extra negative rep on your attacks when facing players. Would basically be the opposite of kloness. edit: I just used thesaurus and searched for synonyms for "Evil" and Diabolic was a match. Seems cool enough and appropriate for HB. This post has been edited by Ganksta: Apr 3 2010, 11:02 PM