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Everything posted by cilin

  1. cilin


    Eso incluye windows 7 con placas ATI? si, el mago farjat toco 6 caracteres del codigo fuente y voil?, nunca mas nadie configura su placa.
  2. cilin

    Ati Radeon

    I wonder why Original Helbreath developers setted it that way, maybe it was needed in older computers? as Hb is an old game? or just they didnt want the game to be fast at all?, any colateral consequences on disabling it from the client? many questions, im up for testing the "new client" down in XP integrated graphics and Nvidia. btw, if this works, you are the first one that did it, havent ever seen/heard about something similar.
  3. cilin

    Ati Radeon

    so the problem is client-side? nothing to do with the configuration of the card itself?
  4. cilin

    Ati Radeon

    I have 2 pc's with windows XP: 1st- Integrated graphics Intel 945 or something like that (not at home atm) Dual core 2,4 Ghz 2gb Ram Hardware Acceleration: Disabled FPS: 300-350. 2nd- Nvidia geforce 6400 (PCI, not PCI Express) Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz 1.5 GB ram. All settings of Nvidia panel are changed to Performance or disable instead of Quality. FPS: 160 -180 as a Conclution: Use windows XP and integrated graphics on Mother Board, or disable all VCard features.
  5. cilin

    Lag In A Week

    have to pay :S
  6. cilin

    An Equation For Working Out Ping?

    but farjat doesn't live in USA neither
  7. cilin

    Impsoible Entrar Al Server....

    no se alcanza a ver el c?digo de error, lo mejor q puedes hacer es usar una carpeta para hbna y otra para hbnInt, descarga el full del int y parchale el exe.
  8. Do you guys like the dk helm sprite? in my opinion it looks bad, Black wings or Horned would be better sprite for it. and its not hard to change it! here one screen.
  9. cilin

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    si que est?, o sino no podr?as verlo :D es el Item-EquipM o W depende si tu char es mujer o hombre. tendrias q editar donde esta el fullhelm en la foto pegarle el wing helm o el q necesites encima. Edit. PD: si te refieres al Mhelm5, ese no esta en item-equip jajaja ni se dieron la paja de a?adirlo, nunca se uso ese helm :S
  10. cilin

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    that sprite is not available, what we do is change silver full helm sprite for the others because dk helm uses that full helm sprite and adds the color atribute "black", to change it in f5 have to change the item equip sprite and thats another story.
  11. cilin

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    ahh el 5, ese no se usa en HB, me pregunto para que lo dise?aron si nunca lo usaron. ahh the 5, that one is not used in HB, i wonder why they designed it if they have never used it.
  12. cilin

    Lag In A Week

    where are you from? happens at every time of the day? lag rush or constant lag? tested any other web/server? as youtube/megaupload... De donde eres? pasa a todas horas del d?a? es lag constante o de repente un lag fuerte? probaste con otras web/servidores? como youtube o megaupload
  13. cilin


    funny thing is that super power green potion' sprite is not the same as the one u see of regular mob drop spgp, it is bigger as it always should have been... ill post a SS later back to home.
  14. cilin

    Abaddon Map Bugs

    A very annoying bug in Abaddon map is going on. When you die and ALT-TAB for a while, and then switch back to Helbreath and the Abaddon lightning "hits" you, suddenly you look like alive, you have hp, can use ~ and ! chat as when you are alive, BUT if you move it disconnects you and you appear in revival. It is very annoying because when you die in abaddon map sometimes you have to wait a bit for some1 to resu you, in that moment you alt tab and check email or something, then come back and you cant do nothing to avoid lightning to hit u, so u cant avoid the Bug to happen.
  15. cilin

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    which one is that helm, post Screenshot with zoom :D.
  16. cilin

    Abby Drops#2

    I dont have any superset thats why im hunting abby, to get a chance to get a good rare I can use/trade and be at the lvl of some overpowered players. Thats how HB had always been... wait few month in poland, same gonna happen. There is always ppl that plays 24/7. PS: +1 with topic, please at least one rare per Abby!, we hunt all monday and all tuesday to kill a Mob that drops the same than a Wyvern that take us 1 min to down?...
  17. cilin

    Sade Bugged 17/08

    nunca escuch?/le? eso, pero se que la sade de los martes esta bugeada y hace un tiempo incluso se deshabilit? por seguridad, no se si sigue deshabilitada o sigue bugeada pero me paso tambi?n q no largaba.
  18. cilin

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    u misunderstood me dude... Im talking about sprite (how do you see it) not about it requiriments ( im not asking dk helm's str requirments to be raised to 130 str, I want it te be 85 str as it is now, but make it look like a black wing or horned helm.
  19. cilin

    Felicitaciones Hbna

    tienes razon, no juego arg, a?n asi entre para ayudar a mis amigos, y te equivocas, entre cuando quedaban 112 mobs. en abaddon. Y Si fuistes vos el que jodio y jodio para q foodearan los necks JUSTO DESPUES de que se foodeo la S Gis gold50%, lo recuerdo perfectamente. Que necks y armas quieres que activen?? y que mierda tiene q ver con los manuales... ni con el thread (Felicitaciones HBNA)
  20. cilin

    Felicitaciones Hbna

    GRACIAS!!! Alguien que no es mala onda ni autoritario.... Tenes razon en cuanto a lo 1ro, no lo vi desde ese punto de vista... no conforme del todo quizas, ya que sigo pensando que si el item lo buscas y lo buscas (de lime) lo conseguis. Si quizas estuve un poco suceptible, no sabia que "jode" asi. Gracias por la onda... quizas vos si entendiste el mensaje que quise dar. Salutes! Na no es ni mala onda ni autoritarismo. Cuando quiero ser autoritario te contesto y te baneo de una. Simplemente me encanta romper las bolas y a la gente que entra al foro no le molesta y sigue la joda. A la gran mayoria los conozco y incluso a algunos los conozco en persona... No te persigas pq en el foro no sabes si lo que toy escribiendo lo escribo en tono serio o en joda... Todo bien con vos, enserio. ------------------------------------------------------------- Cuando quiero escuchar opiniones las pido a las personas que se que me dan opiniones coherentes. Yo cuando leo el foro se la opinion de quien es seria y la de quien no. Puntualmente la tuya JAMAS la voy a considerar, asique mejro ahorratela porque te pones pesado! Este DamaBlanca para lo unico que usa el foro es para alegar, primero llora para que le hagan food unos fire protection y light protection neck, paraste la hunt de abby cuando quedaban 15 tw para q te hicieran el food, obviamente llegaron 4 tw a darnos masa y murieron 2 personas y no teniamos resu... deja de ser tan egoc?ntrico. Ahora dices que no quieres que tiren el sleep en un evento, ?sabes lo q hace ese hechizo? te paraliza culiado (sin poder salir por 20 segundos con magias como ff o fw...), nada mas, y cuando te pegan el primer hit cuando se acaba es x2 (cuesta 250 mana... nadie te va a andar tirando sleep asi por la vida como si fuera hold person). Si tienes tanto miedo ponete pfm y listo, si tienes amigos (...) seguramente podr?n tirarte invi tambi?n. Acaso nunca te has bancado un para entero?. Por otro lado... si ganas el item vos seguramente estar?s triste porque no te lo ganaste limandote el culo ... (te quiero ver), quiza no quieres que hagan eventos porque no te sientes capaz de ganarlos?. Y a este tal DiQ...que har?as tu si entra un desconocido a tu "casa" y te critica todo lo que tienes a dentro? todo lo que tu consideras bien y te esforzaste en tenerlo... y viene uno y te dice... tas mal loco el vecino tiene mejor casa... lo mandas a la mierda hasta el 2030. PD: me re vol? con la met?fora jajaja Suerte a todos, si organizan abby la proxima semana me prendo igual.
  21. cilin

    About Death Valley And Silent Woods

    totally agree, i use to raid DV and there is ppl lvling there, the grass area is similar to garden, you can lvl both mage and warr in DV, but SW??? SUX no1 trains there.
  22. cilin

    Physical Damage Formula Nemesis

    weapon stat as Consecutive attack Damage+ X goes after zerk implicit CAD of each weapon (the list posted above) goes straight to Hit Dice before any bonus (str, zerk, etc). this way u explain you can hit 20+ with a BS Esterk swinged with a 40 str mage. 1d7+6 at 3rd hit = 13 *2 = 26 (40 str has very low str bonus (8 %))
  23. cilin

    Physical Damage Formula Nemesis

    the info i posted is not related to CAD as a weapon stat, it means different weapons (skill) have their own bonus when you hit consecutive attacks, example, you hit with a blacksmith Flameberg, Claymore, or event DK sword ( Long Sword Skill)>>> 1st consecutive hit adds +0 to casual damage (hit dice of the weapon itself), 2nd consecutive damage =+1, 3rd =+2, 4th start all over again the combo. lets put an example: Flameberg. (S-M mob) = 2d10+0 first hit: Max dmg= 2d10+0=20 (starts combo) second Hit: Max dmg =2d10+0=20 3rd Hit: Max dmg= 2d10+1=21 4th Hit: Max dmg= 2d102= 22. Esterk. (S-M mob) = 1d7+0 first hit: Max dmg= 1d7+0=7 (starts combo) second Hit: Max dmg =1d7+2=9 3rd Hit: Max dmg= 1d7+4=11 4th Hit: Max dmg= 1d7+6= 13. same goes for each skill with the info posted above.
  24. cilin

    Physical Damage Formula Nemesis

    Combo gives +1 to max hit for each consecutive combo hit: short sword - 1st combo hit +1, 2nd +2, 3rd +3 long sword - 1st +0, 2nd +1 3rd +2 axe - 1st +1 2nd +2 3rd + 3 fencing - 1st +2 2nd +4 3rd +6 arrow - 1st +0 2nd +1 3rd +2 hand -1st +0 2nd +2 3rd +3
  25. cilin


    SI 20.00 hrs Si gano lo re foodeo en la guild