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Everything posted by mjau

  1. mjau

    Josh Is Banned.

    no offence, but its true
  2. mjau


    In my option, nemesis should have some more pits. Hellbreath isnt all about pvp, its about hunting and tradeing also but what you trade if you dont get any items? On last year of USA has been more drops than this time what nemesise have been up. Sormbringers, zerkwands and etx devoloped for make killing eachother for more easy. What i want to say? Go have a duel with warrior with all items and armors and you gonna see, it will take mby hour or more. For this these thing came into game. And btw HBusa died on 2005 when most of BIG names quitted
  3. Yea guys im out. Life has something more to play all the time helbreath. I made much good friends and i hope we will play sometimes again > another place - another time. Special thanks goes: MaynarD, ey! , HellBeast, Giggles :wub: , Shaggy, White, Josh, anger aka sticke, JJang, and other elvs who i didnt named (SORRRY) and ofcourse lots of aresdens who i have fighted :P . Im very thankful of real user of Kyoko to let me play this half of year what was very awsome and i hope he will start pwning hes own the aresdens. So play well guys, and take care.
  4. mjau

    *attention* All Players Please Read

    i think keyloggers, there was a guy who sended pm everyone with some link.... and IE downloads atomatically some shit...
  5. mjau

    So Fine

    This wont work out! Its like 5x ares for every elvine. We cant will helds, we cant win sades - WE CANT DO NOTHING ANYMORE. And ares portal is closed? Sweet - no all ares can get fullheros. This wont work out, u guys need to do something!
  6. mjau

    So Fine

    i havnt living under rock, i have been always playing. this talk that i wanted sell kyoko is lie and that im not playin that also. And yea that aresden tp will not het elvine, it will help aresdens get their fullhero quicker. Yea talking about teamwork, we can handle sometimes but on helds, never coz every elvine think we cant do it and really we cant coz we dont have not enogh people.
  7. mjau

    So Fine

    yea, noobs like u went to ares and look what happend