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Posts posted by Jos

  1. make a ball system already !! if u have a green ball.. u can summon a demon.. then the GB gone.. something like that..


    just an idea ^^


    I would keep it small minded indeed and no Wyv, TW or HC's

    Even a minotaur would make a huge difference, they have too many hp and can deal some nice dmg (even to wars).


    About the ball system, there are already summoning potions.. Maybe they can get another color depending on what mob?

  2. Or for the crusade, if there are lets say 10 sades in that day. The town that wins most win a price.


    thats the solution


    Ya I was thinking about a 20% exp bonus or something (6-4 wins, 7-3, etc). So you still want to win to get the bonus

  3. Well here it goes, once a month a sade day will be held.

    Which means 10 sades will be held every 2 hours. Nothing new, just some regular pvp action.

    This also means many ppl from different times zones can participate.

    Will be an active day guaranteed ;)


    Well there is indeed a certain % on each monster, dunno the real % tho..

    Scorped dropped a friend of mine a hp 70 wood once, so it doesn't has to do with seize.

    Not sure that slimes can drop any higher then 56%, bu I cannot confirm this for 100%.

    I Don't think that there is any possibilities to raise the : on each drop, just need to be lucky :)


  5. May be we can add a TP to TOH3 for 100K?

    BF TP (for Heldenians winners) for 20K?


    Would be nice to see this one coming, remembered they did this one on an old other server and it helped a lot.

    But indeed, keep spending it on lottery tickets :D ;)

  6. new quests are not cool.. i mean, there are quests to be done in BF and ares does never have bf =( why the fat guy from city hall is so mean to us


    I don't see any new quests, do I miss files somehow or are you comlaining over something that doesn't exsist?

  7. Not too sure, but I think this is my first post on this forum in my own language. :lol:


    Dutch translation


    De GM staff gaat beginnen met mensen te betrappen?die GOED doen!


    Elke GM zal beloningen hebben om uit te geven wanneer zijn zien of observeren wanneer een speler iets voordeligs doet voor de server, vriendelijk is tegenover een nieuwe speller, helpt wanneer het niet gevraagd is of gewoon een goede daad doet in-spel.


    De GM zal de beloning geven en uitleggen waarom je het hebt gekregen.


    Wanneer je een GM vraagt voor een beloning? Of tegen hem vertelt over iets goed dat je gedaan hebt? Krijg je niks.


    Je mag het niet vermelden of aan ons tonen?we zullen dit zien voor onszelf.


    We willen tonen dat we het opmerken wanneer je iets goed doet en we willen je ervoor belonen.


    Goede mensen ZULLEN NIET als laatste eindigen deze keer!



    And whats the problem with spanish post? U r not forced to understand spanish, or to reply a spanish comment... Just ignore that post, and move on to the next english post.


    There is no problem with a topic posted in English.. It's about a thread that starts in English and then suddenly gets some spanish posts.

    When your interested in a topic you want to know everything thats being said..


    I do agree with you guys that some people can express them self better in spanish, but for the spanish people who do speak English, wouldn't it be possible to give a short explanation of what this person is saying?

    On a other hand it's indeed not your job to translate.. especially if it's a huge text..


    Anyways, I do understand both sides of the story..


  9. hihi HB nemesis Admin,



    i cant find out where is the " item information " section ?


    Pls help




    Just go to:



    There you will find the necessary information regarding armors/ weapons/ rares/ monsters/ etc..


    You can also go to the regular site ( and click on the "nemesis portal banner" which will bring you to the same link mentioned above.


  10. Wuld be interesting spell, whichone casted works ~30-60s. and do not let to your enemy get out of your screen.

    Could be a double effect - do not let to You get out of your enemy screen also.


    I agree with MJ, but I'm amazed that you of all people sugjest this. You do realize that would mess your defencive tactic up right? :P