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Posts posted by Tzunal

  1. edit. I just got banned for 10 days. I think I did nothing wrong, but I guess GM decides it. If a player starts to insult me, I will talk back if I'm in the mood, no matter if he has a GM char or not. Hope that bans for personal reasons won't ruin the whole server in the future. So retarded to get banned for talking when a player with GM char started the fight in the first place.


    Positive thing is that now I have more time to play poker, been a bit lazy last weeks and one reason has been HB. :)



    the reason why ey banned Gorilla is ridiculous!

    anyway.. Man if your banned, im not playing either. This is the style of HBNem get Loyal players? huh..




    EDIT: Come in skype man!

  2. Server wont restart, thats really funny how people ask for restart AFTER they sell their itens.

    A restart would also make us LOSE lots of loyal players, the ones we prefer than people who sell their itens when they are bored and quit


    Make a vote of it! ^^


    Citi give maybel lolli access, we could do some pewpew







  3. Mmm... ELLO SANTA! XD

    Well.. just got level 180 and... i changed my mind > Cancel Manual < thank you god bless !


    ahh and nickname in game is : YeHA! / Elisabeth


    -Edited by White[GM]:


    50%+ is kinda... undefined... anything can be 50%+ ... please define 50%+


    >Edited by Tzunal[xD]:

    Is fine<3?