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Posts posted by Phuck

  1. Thank you for event! It was great event.. even tho we knew that Survivors would be hunted down 1st we tried =D


    If you are taking any suggestions, I hope we could have tournament type of guild pvp event in future with same kind of rules as in this event. That would really be fair for every1 =)




    mayb u should work on ur surviving skills =] not flaming just being a smart *censored* :P


    and suggestion for future,u should cast confusion on all players


  2. every1 just aims for fh.they dont care if low lvl or not.but on the other hand i agree for server to reset because alot of people have turned into "hb rebirth' charicters, e.g JoshCOOL with mer plate and zwand.i play Lux sumtimes and i dont get nothing no were az good!so i vote for reset.but this topic is stupid about the my opnion guys.