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Posts posted by Gruelius

  1. Hi all,


    playing from australia and i ragequit 2 years ago cause i kept on getting my *censored* handed to me because of lag (i have a l 180 zerk warrior), am i doomed to stink at pvp cause of a melee class with lag? or could i still have a chance at pvp?


    or should i make a mage.


    really like pve but unfortunately thats not the main point of helbreath lol



  2. Lots of Vista users have an extremely hard time running this game and suffer very bad FPS whenever an angel is on screen. Some people have managed to fix it, not sure how though they havent shared their tales of success on the forum.

    ah k, thats cool


    i thought you were going to start saying "VISTA IS A BIG VIRUS" and things along that line. All good :P

  3. Hey all


    If this is allready possible with some keyboard shortcut please inform then flame me :P


    What i would like to see is the ability to hold down a key and then be able to select that grid for buffing or attacking.


    Why i want this is if im fighting a monster say and i need zerk from someone, instead of me having to run around it so they can actualy click me they could just do it *through* the image of the monster to me by clicking on my grid.


    Would also make it easier to kill things as when ogres swing i allways change targets :(

  4. Magic missle will train your MR, but it takes HELL of a time ..


    The best is to train your MR at garden, or get a ligthning protect necklace, and some mr items, and go to cyclops and get it trained there..


    Lightning protect necklace gives 25% absobtion of the ligthning spells.


    Gaining magic resistance only occurs when any magic misses you completely, like someone hits you with Energy-Strike but they aim at you but you resist the dmg.



    Yeah what i did was i just made a lvl 20 character with enough mag to constantly magic missile me while i just only get hit 5-10% of the time.


    If it actually works that way ill just do that over a long long time (possibly with multiple characters :D)


  5. Ive only been here for a few days and i still enjoy it. Sure some 180's lame ek my defenceless mage brother 4 times in 15 minutes but hey the rest of the game makes up for it :P And if hes around they go for the weaker one first while i run :P


    The droprate is great on this server. Easy to get kind of helpful statted items for low lvl's and high level statted items are still rare :D


    gold isnt a issue either aswell.

  6. SOLUTION: Ban McLuvin, reverse the trades and return the wings. From then on make it a concrete rule if you lend your items it is your problem, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, no exceptions no if, but or maybe.


    GM's here baby the population of the server way to much, fix this problem then its time for some tough love.


    babying the population? All i ask for is for the gm to feed my character, protect it when i farm and give me hugs =3


    I think the reversing of the trades and then enforcing this no lending rule is a great idea.

  7. Thanks for the advice


    CBF playing for a while.


    if i want to level i can either kill scorps and spend a hour to level in safety or i can enter PL/ML to hunt WW/SG/CG/CC and 5 minutes in a lvl 180 comes and EK's me.. fun


    If i was actually level 180 or close to it id be all for PVPing but no matter how hard i try to level i just get pwned


    Yes i realise this is a pvp game and thats how most people roll but i guess i dont like it as much as i used to. Ill prob go play some noob game for a while haha


    if there are any safe places that anyone knows of that would be nice :)



    I guess im just winging which isnt really helpful. Has much thought been put into this?


    If a map was created that was just for noobs like me to just lvl i dont think that would be too good because then people would just farm stuff too easy i guess..


    if the civilian level could be extented to 160 or something that would be an idea, cause most the time people are fine in the respective pits i guess.


    Anyways sorry if im rocking the boat but we r just gettin a bit pissy about being pwnd every second lol

  8. Hey all

    Ive got a lvl 110 zerkwarr and my brother has a lvl 86 pure mage and i was wondering if you could give us some tips for leveling. I tried going for werewolfs and stuff and claygolems but whenver we go near the pits ares kill my lvl 86 brother and i just run off and recall lol.


    anyways where should i go? Ive tried death valley but there isnt enough cosnistencty for my likings lol


    and yes im a noob f**k but ive been out of the game for so long i have forgotten most my stuff