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Everything posted by Fatal-Monk

  1. Fatal-Monk

    Server Lag!

    Server has been lagging quite severly for the past 2 days.. i know its not just me cause alot of others are lagging to but we're all from australia. Dont know if its server end or our end can anyone confirm?
  2. Fatal-Monk

    White Screen Problem

    Hi guys, ive played Hb for many years but never had this problem. when i minimize the game and go back to HB the whole screen turns white.. i can still have sounds coming from the game but no gfx at all.. and this happens all the time. can anyone fix this problem?
  3. Fatal-Monk

    White Screen Problem

    Thanks for helping guys ive tried what sexy has told me to do but it still doesnt work. I cant even alt f4 out of the game. What happens is the screen turns to a bigger resolution and when i press alt tab to scroll through other programs they wont pop up. its like my computer is frozen.. Im running windows xp
  4. Fatal-Monk

    White Screen Problem

    ive tried both it takes me back into th game and my resolutions drops to 800x600 i think thats the game default but its just white i cant get into any other window so i have to force restart machine >.<