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About TwiSteD

  • Rank
  1. TwiSteD

    A Welcome To Our Chinese Friends Players

    well, nice to have them aboard.. but, if 80 - 300 players are planning to join elvine, they don't have my respect, i think they'll know within long that elv is outnumbering aresden in redicouless amounts
  2. TwiSteD

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    who said Eld0n the best mage ? if his noob use long boots and cape violet HAHAHAHAH if eld0n are the best mage pvp me, and what about the real good mages? who know eld0n man :S god.. is amazing... btw, eld0n die all days :S this is THE BEST MAGE? OMG LMAO.. go hb pl or usa.. zzzz Who the hell are you to talk? usa players owns everyone in here so bad, ROFL! anyways thumbs up or Eldon, he's a respected player, it's not all about dieing or not dieing, i bet he gets 5vs1'ed all the time
  3. TwiSteD

    Best Guild

    since i came back to nemesis some weeks ago. i joined inevitable the first day, and never will i regret that. in all the mass fights i've been in where Inevitable have actually been represented, we have won. i'm not talking about 5 inevitable vs 15 tho. we can kill some, but in the long run we will have to retreat, but we still get more eks than they do from us, muhaha
  4. TwiSteD


    yo, i was just logged in. shop was empty, then i got DCed again and coudn't log in :S