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Posts posted by Shompy

  1. are hero set allowed?cause FH hp for war or mage is high so easy for them to owned for dk war with no fh...

    should be equal no hero set...just a suggestion


    Yeah !! U r so right... and dont allow DK15 wands...














  2. Kenpo... no des nada... por experiencia te lo digo.

    Si dejas algo a cargo... lo mas probable es que no regrese. Mejor dejalo ahi que junte oxido... no importa.


    Igual... es una gilada dejar el HB por el laburo. Deja el laburo por el HB me parece mas coherente.


    No le des nada a nadie. No se lo merecen.

  3. Quite frankly I am to the point where I dont see a problem. If I am fighting someone 1v1, or close to even odds and they call an entire guild in elvine, I pretty much have no other option to log out. Recall pads just lead to you getting gang banged, by guards and summons. Safe zones are typically pretty far away, and as a warrior, if im constantly frozen with 8 guys on me there is no way I am getting away. I dont know why we are discussing changing logging before changing recall, logging you have 10 seconds to hit them, recall all it takes is 1 cast for you to officially have wasted your time. On the subject of pulling, it sux, and I have been trying to think of a reasonable solution for ages, simple fact is there is none.


    Well... u know u cant recall at enemy town...


    But i agree with u... recalling is worst than logging. But there r a lot of player that will disagree with us on this.


    U say that u dont like to fight 7 vs 1... well my friend... u should look for another server, or another game. Cos it is Helbreath... and u r playing Nemesis... If u only want to fight 1 vs 1... then ask for pvp and dont go out... stay in ur city, dont log in on raid days.

  4. 1. Have disconnected characters stay in the game for a set period of time AND take damage during that time. 10 seconds?

    2. Make forced logs from outside be able to be cancelled by taking damage and take 10 seconds to complete.

    3. Make it so you have to stand still to log out. How about a reduced the time it takes to log out by a few seconds? Would this be a decent compromise? 7 seconds maybe?


    1-No. Cos that means that i will have to train without items or zems. 10 seconds taking damage at garden = death.



  5. But honestly, how hard is it to stop someone logging? Have a warrior bring out a bow and shoot them to make sure they don't logout.


    It's a nice idea I think, would be cool if it could be implemented.


    I challenge u to stop me from logging out.


    Last night i ran out of 6 elvs with IE activated...


    Im not saying it's impossible to prevent someone logging....

  6. Yeah except logging out will not make you link dead, only disconnections make you link dead.


    But in that case your are not covering the people that log out while running from a fight.

    It will be useful against Pullers, but not against loggers.



  7. -- My first idea --


    "Link Dead" - This will keep a players character logged into the server even if the player disconnects (without using the game's logout function). The character's name will be changed to "LinkDead" and subsequent players will be "LinkDead1" "LinkDead2" and so forth. The character WILL NOT take any damage after he goes link dead, so you cannot die in this mode. Here's the kicker: You are given a certain amount of time to log back into the game (to be determined) and then your character goes live and can be killed. Also, if the IP address you were using is detected logging into a separate character, the character that you disconnected on goes live.



    1. Will counter pullers permanently.

    2. Will take care of (most) same-person spying incidents.



    1. If you lose power,'re going to die unless they get the power back on before the elapsed allotted time limit.

    2. Doesn't counter multi-person spying teams, your friend can spy the area for you. But, this takes more teamwork and effort ;)



    Let's hear those ideas guys, hopefully it's not just my idea and a bunch of people critiquing it :P



    I dont like ur idea... Example... Im training with Josu at garden... and then i decide to log out and play with another char... lets say.. Garrapata. If i log on Garrapata, the LinkDead (Josu) will become alive... and i will lose a zem and exp.


    This idea is better:


    Its quite annoying to be fighting an aresden (elvs in case of ares) and chasing it for long time, and we you know you are about to kill him because hes running out of pots for example, and he logs out in your face...

    Or just, chasing it and logging out..

    Its a situation that makes me sick! (and most of players would agree..)


    So i was thinking, during the logout countdown the players has to avoid being hitted (this arleady exists) but also he has to stand still and if he makes a step, the countdown is canceled.

    So in any kind of fight it would be almost impossible to logout.

    In case your hunting, you just invi a log out without any problem.

    In case the players has to log out for an emergency...well i would like to think that in an emergency giving out ek and zem wouldn't bee so important...


    What do you think ppl?


    (im srry for my english if someone finds hard to understand the thread xD)

  8. Adhiero a mi superpoderoso GuildMaster...


    Ademas... vos sabes que cada vez que raideas... todos te aimean a vos... en donde casteas el cancell... click click click... Zem-1.


    Te van a prender XR, IE, te bumpean con SB...


    Asi que no te preocupes... la maldicion del cancell es esa... y mas siendo Lagartija, te clickean hasta los guardias.


    Hace lo que quieras... si queres aimear a SLYONE nomas... todo bien, pero seria mas divertido que lo usaras siempre.

  9. che pa reflotar el post y k no muera......ademas ta bueno sacarle a mierda :P


    pero o no se defiende porque no quiere, o poque tiene miedo a las represalias o por que es todo verdad????



    Funny de onda.......atak! atak!


    A juli todo le rebota....

  10. DK and MP - MR against mages.


    Time your regens, Use mp set when u gona regen, then DK armour vs wars. MR vs mages, when mages start AB you, switch DK.

    i can kill a war with only AB. In DK much easier. when RLY HIGH mr => longer.


    mage needs only dk+mp set

    hp, dr for rare itemed wars


    i use everything. even mr on mage and i never lost a pvp with my mage. It's just too easy


    Who is ur mage... i would like to have a pvp against u.... unless ur mage is Lollipop... in that case... i know ill lose every battle.


    On Topic: PVP a lot.... and then u will know what u need in each fight. We are all different... some ppl likes dex mages... and some likes vit mages... Some strategies requires X armors... it depends on ur skills... so, go pvp a lot... and then u will know.


    what reason for this?



    Um just becuase like strong endurance +14 blows.



    Maybe make it so when u upgrade strong armor its NEVER SAFE. Even making it+1 u could loose it.


    What do u guys think about that idea?




    If any armors worths to lose a merien... then u wont take the risk to lose that armor.... rite?


    Is like upgrading a Sharp BH Rep7+1... unless u have like 2342345345 high stated weapons.

  12. Well,100% sheild+tower+dkset mage is a defense which doesnt let warriors do more than 20dmg :S and if the sheild skill is decreased it is easyer to take out mages in 1vs1 or 2vs1 if your good enough,beccause the f2 sheild bow f3 trick is a strategy for practiclly immortallity


    think about it :D

    pvp me i use war and you use mage

    lets see if your saying the truth


    PVP me.

  13. ojala te regalen otra oveja y te cambien el agua de la sanja

    negro comun




    pd: feliz dia


    Vos no entendes nada... hay codigos en el campo.


    Oveja hay una sola y no se cambia. Es como los dragones y sus jinetes. Si se muere uno, el otro tambien. Estan ligados de por vida. No viste Eragon vos? Ingenuo.


    Feliz cumple Juli. Acordate que siempre voy a estar ahi para apoyarte, trolo.

  14. Dont kill the leader from the spawn, PSN (to mark it) and PFM it.


    and who's the leader =\


    Guess i'll don a MR set and start blizzing garden without PFM.


    Stay invi and check how the spawn move, you will notice the spawn follow to one GP.

    Also you can hold the Leader, invi yourself and the spawn will not move, then you can blizz in line...


    That only goes for bigger spawns, usually gp's respawn in pairs so..

    Monsters follow amped players better than pfmed players, but amping urself makes u lose more mana.


    Didn't know that! I shall AMP myself from now on.


    If u r going to AMP urself while training... then u should kill IGs...


    Just save me the hassle of being disturbed by opposing town.


    Oh... go to farm.


  15. Dont kill the leader from the spawn, PSN (to mark it) and PFM it.


    and who's the leader =\


    Guess i'll don a MR set and start blizzing garden without PFM.


    Stay invi and check how the spawn move, you will notice the spawn follow to one GP.

    Also you can hold the Leader, invi yourself and the spawn will not move, then you can blizz in line...


    That only goes for bigger spawns, usually gp's respawn in pairs so..

    Monsters follow amped players better than pfmed players, but amping urself makes u lose more mana.


    Didn't know that! I shall AMP myself from now on.


    If u r going to AMP urself while training... then u should kill IGs...

  16. are you requesting to get rid of pa and ma monsters?


    i mean it would eb GREAT, but nah, i enjoy getting pissed off hittign a plant with bbh+3 rod and dm5 and hit 1's

    its funny

    you realize how shitty ur damage can be =S


    No... the annoying thing... and im agree with him... is that, once u pfm ur self... Clops or Giant plants... stop following u...


    So its really hard to kill a group of those monsters with a mage...