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Posts posted by Shompy

  1. Estuvo bueno, pero esperaba algo mas dificil, no chuguie una pot, ni me bajo de 800 la hp, tengo 900+ con el war.


    Iba con cuidado esperando que se pusiera dificil y al final el q se apuro gano.


    De todas formas muy buen laburo, y el resu se quedo en el guild :D


    Sorry, no tiene nada q ver con el tema pero queria dejar eso dicho.


    que bueno... ahora ya tenemos con que revivirte

  2. lo que pasa que tenes la misma forma de hablar que el loro que cabe se compr? por eso no te entend? en un principio.


    JAJAJA dejen de meter a mi loro, todavia nose si es macho o hembra, una amiga dijo

    "ponele Doris" onda q no es una vaca :D




    te deja tocarle la cabeza ? si te deja y se sienta es lora. Yo tengo una lora le dijieron pEPE durante 15 an?os hasta q el veterinario nos ense?o eso. Ahora se llama pepa


    y ya sabia de hace mucho eso de entrenar en ig pero me rinde mas en garden. Pregunto pq me intereza.


    IPB Image


    Yo tuve una pareja, macho y hembra... los dos se dejaban tocar la cabeza... se diferencia en el plumaje -.-

    IPB Image

  3. Mira... vos creeme a mi.


    El otro dia me levante temprano, no sabia bien que hacer... asi que me puse a jugar un rato al HB... a ver si me caia algo. Y ya sabes, aca desde Mexico... jugando en un server argentino... se me laguea bastante... asi que medio podrido... dije, masi... mejor me hago unas tostadas... puse la notebook al lado de la tostadora... y cada vez que me ponia a tostar... se me iba el lag...


    No se si sirva con licuadoras o microondas... si no te funciona con Fargo... proba con Bimbo que son las que use yo. Despues me das las gracias.

  4. To be honest, I agree, moving towns is a joke and never works the way you want it to.


    I wouldn't disagree if you did it though, but TBH pollerudos is far too inactive to effect any sort of change even if you did.


    Just wait and see, it'll balance it. It's just cyclical. If it keeps going on I have some plans as well ;)


    5 ppl but with 2 xelimas. Turn heldenians means bring balance maybe.

    And the best planter of all times


    Korean guys never plays helds.... so... XR -1


    With Pollerudos (XR + XAxe)... im pretty sure it will change that. 2 activation at the same time... = 10 eks + Held for elv

  5. Gongraz Gimlin and white...


    It was good fight from what Ive heard and what Ive seen, if and I mean IF the rules were not changed I believe we'd have another k-blade in Survivors right now, but the rules were changed... end of the story.


    Also the match up war + mage vs 2 wars was not good idea, we should have either put 2 mages or 2 wars against Gimlin and White.


    I think our participants Josh and Worm are both outstanding players and they fought well, the war + mage combo just didnt work vs 2 wars in this kind of event.



    I just dont know why u keep saying that IF the rules were not changed... u would win?? Lollipop + Kocha is it? It would end up the same...

    U just ignore whats whiteangel and Gimlin stats/items.


    Congratz camilo for winning the event.


    Gimlin < Nark^

  6. Gaucho fh incoming!!



    guys stop this bullshit, the players who wins this kind of events are always the same, same guilds, same item whores people, u will have more events, u will have more chances and prizes. Im really far from the best players in argenlandia, i just got the finals maybe becouse of luck, maybe becouse our team was the best to fight a mage/war team, and for sure i won only becouse whiteangel was there, and none of us is gonna use KB on any of our chars anyway rofl.


    And if all this talk is only becouse ur "honor" got hurted... this is a game xD



    dont be shy gim... u did it, it was all u.



    igual... tuvimos la bendicion del dragon y su aliento... aunque probablemente era solo la respiracion de calu... no estoy seguro.

  7. All I see is stupid responses. We lost because we didnt understand the rules? Hard to understand them when they are changed without notification. Colo ur quote makes no sense... at all. Yes they played well. But the rules should have never been changed.


    We didnt know either...


    Anyways... maybe we should undo the event cos some ppl didnt like the rules. Right?


    Next time... Hunter should make a complaining/whining event... and then u will win for sure.

    Prize: Endurance 14 Tissue

  8. So are there 2 teams for the 2v2? Do the 4 remaining choose from each other? Or do the 4 each pick from sum1 who did not last?

    Kaxe for prize THNX

    If this question was answered Survivors would have another KB, hands down. We thought the final 4 then paired up, and 2 ares pvpd 2 elvs, 2 ares pvpd 2 elvs, and the winners met. KochaKoi and Lollipop would have wrecked Gimlin and whiteangel, nonetheless here we r...


    No one knew that... thats why i recalled when semifinal started. No point wasting time.


    Maybe Lolli > Zoro in this kind of event... but.... u whiteangel and gimlin played well... and were fair winners.


    I dont know why are u complaining... Survivors didnt win any pvp event so far... u lost again... whats the surprise? Last time u lost to Inevitable.