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Everything posted by Shompy

  1. Shompy

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    even so... 70 players can easily kill 10 HCs. in 1 box = 8 players with BBH2 + DM3 (some ppl has better items, some has lower) a HC will last like 10 sec.
  2. Shompy

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    Im just saying.... that u should test this event first...
  3. Shompy

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    So... 70 players vs 10 HCs... 20 mages and 10 tankers. >>>>> 2 mages and 1 tanker per HC. Then... the 40!!!! players kills 1 by 1...
  4. Shompy

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    Oh yeah... thats a better idea... lets crimi 20 times. If im going to kill abbadon... abbadon is what im killing, not elvines.
  5. Shompy

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    That'd be easily exploitable. Also you'd need to consider a damage timer on it to stop people saving their guildmates using it in cases of PvP. Further, you'd need to stop people getting around that damage timer to avoid getting kicked while they drop steal by hitting each other. Also, you'd need to know who is untrustworthy to kick them, in which case you should have done it in the first place. I spose if they are waiting standing on abby its fairly obvious - but it'd still not really work. However, I think this is something you learn from. Once you learn someone is untrustworthy, just don't bring them again. Sure, you're going to lose out sometimes, but eventually you'll end up with a trusted core, and things will be fine. I guess i didnt said it right. This command is for abby map only. But there could be some problems... im just looking for a solution, maybe from mine.. u can improve it and make the one. Anyways, the things is... that no one wants to spend 12 hours playing HB, just for learning who is and whos not trustworthy in game.
  6. Shompy

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event that i see it like that...youre right...ratio is nerfed lets do 7:1 Hm... i think u must test it first. 70 players vs 10 HCs... my guest... no ones dying.
  7. Shompy

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    Hm... maybe u can make a command for hunt leader as : "/kick -Nickname- and it will kick any elvine (if the hunt leader is elv) and the same for ares hunt leader. Then... ares can raid elv hunt... and elv can raid ares hunt... but no elvs will be able to steal or participate in the hunt if the hunt leader doesnt want to. Is it possible to create this command? to kick a player out of a specific map?
  8. Shompy

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    100 PPL = 10 HC... What if we kill them all and nobody dies?? Or did i miss something?
  9. Shompy

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    Nobody banned Oldies because stealed drops... When i went to them to ask...found them abusing a bug and banned for that. Check the clocks in the loglines...Theres less than a minute between reps of the same giver chars..... No... me entendiste mal... Lo que quise decir, es que no hay razon, ni hay necesidad de bannear a alguien por robar el drop. Listo, se hizo y fue. Pero el drop deberia de quedarselo Hellbeast porque se gasto, y a vos te consta, en organizarlo... y se fue con las manos vacias. Lo mas logico seria que le des el drop y listo. Sino, con que ganas va a huntear de nuevo? Ni a wyv va a querer ir. Maybe that's not all bad. If we downed an abby every week alot of rares would prolly drop and i personally i don't like servers with too many rares. So.... lets close apocalipsis and BF then.
  10. Shompy

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    The thing is... that everyone can join the hunt. And if u let this go without any punishment... i think no 1 would care to go hunt Abby anymore. Why should i bother wasting 10 hours of my life... if i can go at the very last minute of the hunt and try to steal the drop? Maybe the best thing to do is to give the drop to Hellbeast. I think there is no need, and there is no reason, to ban Oldies. But at least u can give the drop to Hellbeast. Thats my opinion. If Oldies keep the drop... im sure BiB wont hunt Abby anymore.
  11. Shompy

    Farm Recall

    I hate those ares that comes to elvine and then run to farm to recall. Can u change that ?
  12. Shompy

    Kill A Gm Event!

    Argenlandia will support u GMs..... Boxing u waiting for ares to kill u and then, get the drop
  13. Shompy

    Best Guild

    We have GeeMe1,2,3,4,5 Chars from an event... so... if want, we can do it =] Oh really??? Dissident + FunnyGirl + Millie + Novatita + America (jorge)
  14. Shompy

    Best Guild

    Farjat - Hunter - Squall - White - ????? vs Argenlandia plz XD
  15. Shompy

    Gran Dt

    Yo te pague... asi que no te hagas el pobrecito. Ademas... a quien le queres dar lecciones si sos de estudiantes? Sabes quien esta puntero?? GIMNASIA L.P.
  16. Shompy

    Gran Dt

    el futbol no es lo tuyo chaval. Es cierto, pero en toda la secundaria no me pudieron meter ni un putin gol... ni en situacion de 5 a 1... habria q hacer torneo de martiGol aca nel HB... onda tomar 3 casileros de distancia y darle un golpe a un chaval parado cerca de la entrada al shop o wh etc, el q emboca la "pelota" nel edificio en los primeros 2 intentos califica pa la siguiente ronda, hasta q quede uno solo. recomendale a junter. Mierda... o tenes 8 tentaculos o sos muy muy muy muy gordo.
  17. Shompy

    Gran Dt

    Lo gano Mati y yo ya le pague. Ahi arme mi equipo Marcos Gutierrez Di Gregorio, Desvaux, Matellan, Papa Bertolo, Montenegro, Ortigoza, Gonzalez (racing) Leguizamon, Armani
  18. Shompy

    Server Lag.

    Yo juego sin lag. Mudense a Mexico.
  19. Shompy

    Chat Bar Wont Go Away!

    Eso solo te pasa a vos. Sucio.
  20. Shompy

    Plz Read This Really Funny

    Ademas escribe todo cortado y con faltas de ortografia
  21. Shompy

    Tool Lammer....

    I killed him 2 times before i figure out what was he doing. Then i tell everyone that... my no one cares about it.
  22. Shompy

    About Stealing Wyv Drops

    Im really tired of this guy stealing wyv drop. Everytime we hunt, he comes and steals. Is there a way to get him banned? He is an aresden AMP war.
  23. Shompy

    About Stealing Wyv Drops

    Sure. Maybe GMs can change poolking to elvine so this pain in the *censored* will become urs? XD
  24. Shompy

    About Stealing Wyv Drops

    [and then? u detect him... he can still steal your drop.
  25. Shompy

    About Stealing Wyv Drops

    But we all know poolking always do that. Every guild in elvine knows that. There is nothing GMs can do?