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Everything posted by Shompy

  1. Shompy

    Anti-pulling Coding

    I dont like ur idea... Example... Im training with Josu at garden... and then i decide to log out and play with another char... lets say.. Garrapata. If i log on Garrapata, the LinkDead (Josu) will become alive... and i will lose a zem and exp. This idea is better:
  2. Shompy

    Safe/recal Etc

    This is what i said for a long long time... Recall in safe is = logging out in a fight. To Exec: dario... ayer me recalleaste en pvp... asi que ahora no te hagas el canchero.
  3. Shompy


    Adhiero a mi superpoderoso GuildMaster... Ademas... vos sabes que cada vez que raideas... todos te aimean a vos... en donde casteas el cancell... click click click... Zem-1. Te van a prender XR, IE, te bumpean con SB... Asi que no te preocupes... la maldicion del cancell es esa... y mas siendo Lagartija, te clickean hasta los guardias. Hace lo que quieras... si queres aimear a SLYONE nomas... todo bien, pero seria mas divertido que lo usaras siempre.
  4. Shompy

    Happy Bday Funnygirl

    A juli todo le rebota....
  5. Shompy

    Run/walk Mode

  6. Shompy

    Armors For Mage In Pvp?

    i can kill a war with only AB. In DK much easier. when RLY HIGH mr => longer. mage needs only dk+mp set hp, dr for rare itemed wars i use everything. even mr on mage and i never lost a pvp with my mage. It's just too easy Who is ur mage... i would like to have a pvp against u.... unless ur mage is Lollipop... in that case... i know ill lose every battle. On Topic: PVP a lot.... and then u will know what u need in each fight. We are all different... some ppl likes dex mages... and some likes vit mages... Some strategies requires X armors... it depends on ur skills... so, go pvp a lot... and then u will know.
  7. Shompy

    Unsafe Maps Warning

    It is annoying... but that 0.00001 sec doesnt make any difference... U can just click and fight...
  8. Shompy

    Upgrading Ancient Wepons, And Strong Armor

    Um just becuase like strong endurance +14 blows. Maybe make it so when u upgrade strong armor its NEVER SAFE. Even making it+1 u could loose it. What do u guys think about that idea? Pointless.. If any armors worths to lose a merien... then u wont take the risk to lose that armor.... rite? Is like upgrading a Sharp BH Rep7+1... unless u have like 2342345345 high stated weapons.
  9. Shompy

    Sheild Skill Resistance Decreased

    pvp me i use war and you use mage lets see if your saying the truth PVP me.
  10. Shompy

    Happy Bday Funnygirl

    Vos no entendes nada... hay codigos en el campo. Oveja hay una sola y no se cambia. Es como los dragones y sus jinetes. Si se muere uno, el otro tambien. Estan ligados de por vida. No viste Eragon vos? Ingenuo. Feliz cumple Juli. Acordate que siempre voy a estar ahi para apoyarte, trolo.
  11. Shompy


    Oh... Gratz Ramz.... Topic Closed?
  12. Shompy

    Giant Plant's Attention Span

    and who's the leader =\ Guess i'll don a MR set and start blizzing garden without PFM. Stay invi and check how the spawn move, you will notice the spawn follow to one GP. Also you can hold the Leader, invi yourself and the spawn will not move, then you can blizz in line... That only goes for bigger spawns, usually gp's respawn in pairs so.. Monsters follow amped players better than pfmed players, but amping urself makes u lose more mana. Didn't know that! I shall AMP myself from now on. If u r going to AMP urself while training... then u should kill IGs... Just save me the hassle of being disturbed by opposing town. Oh... go to farm.
  13. Shompy

    Giant Plant's Attention Span

    and who's the leader =\ Guess i'll don a MR set and start blizzing garden without PFM. Stay invi and check how the spawn move, you will notice the spawn follow to one GP. Also you can hold the Leader, invi yourself and the spawn will not move, then you can blizz in line... That only goes for bigger spawns, usually gp's respawn in pairs so.. Monsters follow amped players better than pfmed players, but amping urself makes u lose more mana. Didn't know that! I shall AMP myself from now on. If u r going to AMP urself while training... then u should kill IGs...
  14. Shompy

    Giant Plant's Attention Span

    No... the annoying thing... and im agree with him... is that, once u pfm ur self... Clops or Giant plants... stop following u... So its really hard to kill a group of those monsters with a mage...
  15. Shompy

    No Life?

    WTF? DK15 Wand in PL?
  16. Shompy

    Auto Repair

    Thats the problem.... I hate going to shop to repair emmy / Hero Robe... Just make them repairable (se dice asi? XD) at BS.
  17. Shompy

    Sobre Windows 7 Y Helbreath

    Y bueno... al final tenia razon. Te basas en tu sexto sentido femenino.
  18. Shompy

    700 Skills

    lol not if u have 10 mag ahhh only noob char like Gamny has 10 mag.... gamny has 50 mag thx ;) Well... then tell me who has 10 mag in his char? i know alot u tell me who has xrapier ;) Shaggnut + 10 (koreans)
  19. Shompy

    Sobre Windows 7 Y Helbreath

    Insisto... como haces con tus ojos para asegurar que da 800 fps reales? Tu vision capta los 800 cuadros en un segundo? Tengo semejante monitor de 22' con una respuesta de 1ms y le veo hasta la marca de pantuflas del char...te puedo asegurar qe anda mejor...nada mas! probalo mexicano nae! ^_^ P.D.: No es Beta chino manco, es te hagas el duro y particiona o comprate otro disco y probalo! Otro disco? Tengo disco de 500gb... casi todo lleno de porno. Borro un par y listo. Pero no me lo voy a instalar... Y que tu pantalla sea de 1 ms.... no significa que tengas ojos bionicos.... ni en pedo llegas a ver mas de 10 cuadros por segundo con tus ojos... mucho menos vas a ver 800... anda a mentirle a juli.
  20. Shompy

    700 Skills

    lol not if u have 10 mag ahhh only noob char like Gamny has 10 mag.... gamny has 50 mag thx ;) Well... then tell me who has 10 mag in his char?
  21. Shompy

    700 Skills

    lol not if u have 10 mag ahhh only noob char like Gamny has 10 mag....
  22. Shompy

    700 Skills

    shield magic MR long sword hammer bow PR Fencing thats 8 skills to raise if u have XR.
  23. Shompy

    Solution To Loggers

    hmmm recalling is fair IMO .. alot of times it has a bad side for example having to run back to a fight logging out is lame and i totally agree with this suggestion ;D Logging has it bad side as well... U cannot log for at least a few minutes... if u r afraid to die of course. Im agree with this suggestion... im just saying that logging is not that bad.
  24. Shompy

    Solution To Loggers

    Recall was implemented for a reason... so is Logging after 10 seconds without receiving any dmgs... So ???????????? What r we discussing here?