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Posts posted by T-Pain

  1. My opinion is that corrupted/limited items doesn't work with primary drops, for event/quest prizes they are very nice. Could work for secondary drops too, who wouldn't want to have xelima rapier, even just for 2hours ;)

    If the point of this is to make hunting more interesting, I would like to see quests like: I have been hunting cyclops for X hours, custom NPC appears(or just a guard or something) saying "Man! You are are becoming professional cyclop hunter! Let me help you! Hope this helps!" and passing you exp/drop rate potion of X hours which would be activated immediately. (Potion would work only on Cyclops!)

    Getting that exp/drop potion would include completing the given quest.

    Just an example, quests could involve collecting mob parts etc...

    Not bad idea, make drop booster only work for 1h on the mob youve been hunting...

  2. T-Pain, sounds interesting... but how about keeping the base idea to drop corrupted/limited items, but then mix it up a bit with your idea and have a corrupted and limited extending potion to increase the duration of the item, like a 1h limited potion adds +1h to an item of choice...

    So once you get a good corrupted or limited item, you can keep extending it by making or finding the potions...


    Perhaps can add the potions to be made through alchemy using body parts of monsters to create them... and add them to the drop tables, slightly less rare than merien/xelima/zems from mobs.


    Sounds very good. It will be very interesting this way, maybe mix some of the ingredients with mining or manufacturing stuff. Gotta think a bit about it not too make it too difficult or it will be kinda frustrating.

  3. White i was thinking:


    How about instead of dropping the corrupted items, monster should drop enchants potions and add stats to armors (obviously the armor you add these stats gets time corrupted), this way we can promote the use of dead skills: manufacturing, alchemy.


    Lets say you get mp enchant potion, it adds 7% mp rec to any armor. The armor is corruped, and you can stack more mp pots until the armor dissapear.


    Does that makes any sense?