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Posts posted by Exxo

  1. Pimpq - I wanted dices on this server not written somewhere else. Like that I can show you ten diffrent pages.


    Has the same as USA? Yeah but I'd like confirmation of GM or something. Or write here the dices.

    If its like in USA, the dmg should be a bit bigger.


    If DK swords has dmg like on that portal or HB USA, so IT SUCKS. 2d10+2? Its lower than GS ...

  2. Hmm... Could anyone post here Dice dmg of the most popular weapons on server? I mean like:








    And the most valuable thing to me, dice of the DK swords?

    I read somewhere that dk sword dmg supposed to be. (in brackets)


    Flam sword, its dice. [4d7]

    Then GiS sword from +2 till +6. [4d6+2 (+2..+6)]

    And dragon sword +8 till +15. [4d6+3 (+8..+15)]


    In BS, I don't think this is weapons real dmg (or maybe I got wrong conts). And why BBH has so high dmg, other weapons sucks.


    P.S. Unban wonsz :P