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About qba

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  1. nice job, altho u messed up 140+ leveling up... so far they had garden/dv/sw which were really cool places to exp, and lowbies could carry their items which are worth having zem from monday to thursday.. now people, especially mages between 140 and 180 are kinda screwed up. a friend of mine stopped playing for a while since he cannot even get a lvl without getting attacked... so, it's good from one point of view, but from another you're decreasing newbies chance to keep up with old players...
  2. qba

    Helbreath Nemesis Expansion.

    don't even be that optimistic.... i'm from poland, my average ping at Int neme is around 170, and it's fine for me. our average ping to Arg server, as we live not far from each other (not far considering distance to argentina), would be around 350-400. playing there would be a real pain in the *censored* for us :P eh, well, like i said i hope things on Int neme won't change much... This is the last 'normal' HB server left (hbpl doesn't count- it's kinda obvious why, and usa...well :P), and we all would like to see Neme getting stronger, not weaker :P
  3. qba

    Helbreath Nemesis Expansion.

    the idea itself sounds pretty cool, at least for argentinians... anyway, there are few things which you forgot to take into consideration farjat. First of all, there's plenty of european players around and my ping to argentinian server (ping www.patan.com.ar -t) is around 400... i guess it makes most of the europeans unable to play HB Neme Argentina. Secondly, an Argentinian guild makes like 1/2 of elvine strength, as there are many people from this guild wandering around. Having them moved to Arg server would couse towns on Int to be unbalanced... Moreover, the amount of players online is just a number- the thing that count are the ACTIVE players at the moment... look at the Warehouses of both towns, shops, and count how many people are AFK every moment. Even losing 15 active players would couse a LOT of damage to International activity... Well, these are things that popped up into my mind... as i said, the idea itself is tempting, especially for argentinians, but running 2 servers simulatenously isn't an easy thing- I'm totally sure you're completly aware of it. You also have to remember that HB is an old game- let's be honest- it is. Some people may check HB, and say- '0mgz poor graphics, and im gettin owned everywhere, i'm too lazy to train skills, and heck these people who already played this game are soooo skilled, unlike me... FCK IT I QUIT.' Doesn't it sound familiar? :P It's totally up to you farjat, I hope that even if you decide to run Argentinian nemesis things aren't going to change... much. Long live International Neme ! ;) cheers