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Posts posted by Err

  1. roso/eazy is not err aka ME, the only ppl i share with i know personally and have no problems with. Roso was using Mentones stuff while he "quit" and since then Roso decided to stop playing while having some of the items still on his char.

    I dont even know who hurtin is and I also sold my account so I can just use my friends characters on occasion so dont go blaming people that dont have your stuff. Mentone shared with EaZy/Roso(same guy) and thats pretty much all that needs to be said. Roso decided to go on and have a life outside of hb so he doesnt get on much anymore but mentone told me he tried for 2days to talk to him on MSN but he didnt get on(lol) maybe try longer...idk



    MY ITEMS are on my noob mage because like i said i SOLD my account so can you unban both accounts because that doesnt seem really fair to ban because I moved my items around lol, and if that kid wants to run naked do what u will with him just me please I am not Err anymore I am Radium


    Ive got all the account info, email, passwords you need just go on game ive been using friends char looking for a GM

    Items were passed in Aresden WWH from Err to Radium

    PA 24berk






    etc ..etc

    should be the same ip since i used both my comps

    from Austin, Texas. I was meaning to talk to a GM about the transfer of ownership but yall are too busy so im sorry

  2. What else am i to say that you are, lol are u not proud to be hispanic? I dont get offended when someone calls me an american or white so why do u think everything is a racist remark? Like i said before I know spanish and If I truly wanted to Insult in you a RACIST manner, then clearly I would have done so not by calling you something that you are and should be proud of. And in the context of the arguement, I was arguing that I could not understand your english because of how hispanic people form sentence structures. it does not translate into english because the nouns and verbs do not fall into the same spots. Yea of course i was saying things that were offensive but you were as well and you dont see me taking screenshots and posting them everywhere. Notice in your screenshot you are in town, why is that? because me and my friend made you and your friend recall which is the whole REASON for this meaningless post to begin with. Which also leads me to the point of, if EVERYONE took screenshots of people being mean then everyone in the entire server would get banned including YOU gamny so stop being so hypocritical when it comes to this. If I had been the one to recall I might have taken offense to what you said and wanted to get even but by posting a topic on forum is childish. And also just because I made you and your friend recall, shouldnt give you just cause to cry to GM's in order to get me over calling you Hispanic. If anything, you should be telling the GM's that I called you your nationality rather then a derogatory term that kids on the game shouldnt hear. nuff said

  3. hiSPanIC say the 4 letters cause its faster then saying the entire word, unless uve got a better abbreviation then idk what to tell you. And for the record I hate everyone equally so dont feel special. I know spanish and trust me if i wanted to be racist shorteninning hispanic was not even close to what i would say gamny.