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Posts posted by ~Trinity~

  1. eoqyn si tu war es teikirisi emi te owneo en pvp:S

    aparte quien sos chabon dios.. pss porfavor... entra y te hago pvp ya! plz :)

    si te matan un char.. te lo matan... juegues vos... dios o maria santisima... el nombre del char es 1 solo.... 0 excusas plX!

    osea q yo soy groxa porq mi char es groxo, porq el gordo lo hiso groxo, pero ojo, entonces yo soy groxa, no? chan, un persona es noob o no en el char q este, osea a lo sumo es: no importa en q char este, lap ersona es noob.. osea mi me pongas en el char q me pongas soy noob, no se si me entendes... en mi opinion es al reves de lo q dijiste.. igual, si tipico ponen la excusa, pero tmp es como vos decis...

  2. ehm.. trinity! u are not lag than me!.. i cant even stand at town! keep dc dc dc! sometimes rabbit and cat can make me dc too! lamO! yesterday night i was killing those rabbit and cat :D

    i stay in shop and i dc, how's that?

  3. pvp cano!! u know i m lagg to xD ahahahaha, yeah, lag is killing me lately :'( i coulndt ek, so i went to train, couldnt stay in druncia city more than 20% of my exp... lag--->dc---->recalled <_<, so i went shop to talk to my friends, lag, dc, inside shop, talking, whati said appear on screen 10 secs later of when i said, so i was kind out of talk, lol i cannnnnnttt dooo this :'( uaaaaa :P




    so... pvp? :lol:

  4. in person i dont think so south have so much time to play running and chasing with u.. he got a very limited time to play hb since he is working now! even sometimes i call him ask him to on! he say he got no time to play!

    ehm.. still need to ask hiM!

    ask him!!! we r very curious! :D

  5. err... he was chasing South for 30 minutes while South had m-shield and tower equipped.


    then he dueled South with exchange and won.



    at least... that's how I read it. :unsure:

    me too

  6. nope.


    I wish I was though... cuz I'd have full hero by now :(


    like Trinny......

    u would if u continue playing!!!





    we'd have 5 more full hero ares. :glare:

    lmao! :lol: ahahahaha, no no no, we would have one full hero elv

  7. Trinny pwn me in pvp..... :(

    realy? when? was it me, or was it my char?



    that one time in Elvine?


    no pots allowed, we fought a little in from of shop? ^_^

    oh that was my char, not me :D i m nooby, so dont worry


    oh wait, or was it me? omg cant remember, i can rmember one time we were j/k all in front of shop elv, with raciel too, but cant remember if i was the one killing u xD

  8. ur jealous of me for have dk+15 pown u in pvp, and got more post and be more pretty than u =]

    i hope u mean dkwand+15, and hope u retract of that "pwn u in pvp", cuz that's not damn true!!

  9. lmao dan!! that was the day when aria, boogy, raciel u and i (and somebody else?) decided to go raid??? and when we get to shop, and was walking to box someone in shop, and the someone move and i got into shop?????? lmao!!! i wasnt at ares not even 5 min ahahahaha