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Posts posted by ~Trinity~

  1. chau ivi un beso tanto tiempo, saludos al pene de nando, cuando vuelven, yo tmb toy a full con la facu, toy en el cursillo de ingreso


    porq chau?


    Porque es retrasado mental, a un nivel mayor al tuyo. Dice que esta a full con la facu, porque ensusian los pisos muy seguidos.



    Inner koinor, poderoso el chiquitin jaJAJJA

    jajajajaja, q sea a un nivel mayor q el mio no dice nada ,porq yo soy re inteligente, pro, capa, diosa, groxa, la best, todo junto jajajjaa

  2. jajajaja, me alegro q la hayan pasado biennn, donde se juntaron?? cuando? y donde fue la fiesta? jejeje, mas detalles gus -.- menos onda



    Dije la semana pasada fea, no te da el cerebro, en Olivos, despues de ahi encaramos a una fiesta de disfrases, pero pasamos x la casa de juan pablo primero para cambiarnos, agus tiene las fotos

    pero gus pnnnnn, dije cuando preguntando el dia!!!! no la semana -.- ya se q la semana pasada!!!

    y por diosss lo q es la foto de la fiesta de disfracesss jajajajajajjaa

  3. Farjat hold a contest for people to design skins


    then the top 5 program them into the control panel on the f12 key in the slot that says game tip since that option does not get used


    (could allow you to cycle though all five skins)


    Serioulsy a toggle skin button could work


    and it cuts down on the gripes


    then next year you can hold a second contest to see if anyone can top the ones already programed.

    good ideaa ^_^

  4. Oh yeah, the bitch is back (???)

    well i started again this server about... m... 2 days ago, i'm not playing like before (talking about time) and i don't like to train so i'm 117.

    I've realized that the server has gonne very nobish and stupid because of the people.

    Today i was at ig training and some ares (nazir and brother) came to atack us.

    Well they couldn't kill me :).

    They said "you amp all time" WTF MEN? IM 117 YOU ARE 180, I'VE 362 OF HP AND YOU DON'T WANT ME TO AMP? 1 GOOD BLIZZ AND BYE BYE WAILD HE IS DEAD!

    If you were soooo pro as your actitude sais you should time me and pfa me like i did with you :).

    IBut he was not satisfied by saying that, and he called me NERD LOL.

    Okay, who is the nerd? me that i'm 117 and i don't play a lot of time or you? (dk+8 or even more, and i think i saw a hero cape).

    Sure, i'm the nerd a i don't have social life lol xD.

    Then he called for back up!

    We (2 low lvls and 1 180) against 2 180 mages and he called for backup lolololol xD.

    Get over it men, there is no such thing as "honor" in a game, i use to tought that when i was 15 now i've grown up.

    And on this game, the most inteligent/skilled player wins, not the one who has more honor, those dies every time :).

    So plzzzz get a life :)





    nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, miraaaaaa queinnn reaparecio!!!




    falta q vuelva warmen y se prende fuego todo :wub:

    y vos? :rolleyes:


    y vos?.


    Hay un Trinidad en la guild ahora. JA

    ehhhh yo toy estudiando, pero pregunta en el guild q cuando pude entre, jejee, de hecho me metieron al guild :P

    pero buen, la vida es asi, no tengo tiempo :( raro, no? jajajaja



  5. Oh yeah, the bitch is back (???)

    well i started again this server about... m... 2 days ago, i'm not playing like before (talking about time) and i don't like to train so i'm 117.

    I've realized that the server has gonne very nobish and stupid because of the people.

    Today i was at ig training and some ares (nazir and brother) came to atack us.

    Well they couldn't kill me :).

    They said "you amp all time" WTF MEN? IM 117 YOU ARE 180, I'VE 362 OF HP AND YOU DON'T WANT ME TO AMP? 1 GOOD BLIZZ AND BYE BYE WAILD HE IS DEAD!

    If you were soooo pro as your actitude sais you should time me and pfa me like i did with you :).

    IBut he was not satisfied by saying that, and he called me NERD LOL.

    Okay, who is the nerd? me that i'm 117 and i don't play a lot of time or you? (dk+8 or even more, and i think i saw a hero cape).

    Sure, i'm the nerd a i don't have social life lol xD.

    Then he called for back up!

    We (2 low lvls and 1 180) against 2 180 mages and he called for backup lolololol xD.

    Get over it men, there is no such thing as "honor" in a game, i use to tought that when i was 15 now i've grown up.

    And on this game, the most inteligent/skilled player wins, not the one who has more honor, those dies every time :).

    So plzzzz get a life :)





    nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, miraaaaaa queinnn reaparecio!!!




    falta q vuelva warmen y se prende fuego todo :wub:

    y vos? :rolleyes:

  6. ' date='Oct 30 2007, 08:27 AM' post='195729']

    I THINK it's King's B-Day!!!!



    Have and awsome time mate, and I Hope Trin gives you something SPECIAL!! B)






    (I'm So excited I finally got to START a B-day post!!)

    of course i gave him something SPECIAL

    and he like it! :D ehehe

  7. wow glad to see you back on!!!, please catch the laming circles farjat, your the best at it :excl:


    O and while raising exp / lvl limit, why not just bring back all the characters from nem 1?? i rly miss my hero, and im begining to wonder why nem 1 was closed in the first place if everything is just going back to how it was?

    omg i so wish that could be truth, having my lil babies trinny and king back would be so cute :( but i dont think that's possible

    but till now, i m glad on having something like nem 1

  8. Since farjat is here and will make an update, would be great if you vote to let him know what do many users wants with the server.

    Of course it is just a parameter for farjat to know, because not every player check the forums and vote.


    Why do things have to constantly change ? Just leave it as the game was meant to be played. Many of the people casting votes probably aren't regular players and can easily find a high exp server.


    Lately this server actually became good because it was one of the more popular servers that played the game pretty well stock.


    Experience multipliers and higher drop rates don't make the gameplay any better - they simply inhibit and devalue the work it takes - and that's what the game is about. Play the game the way it was meant to be played.

    i was a regular player during 2 years and a half i think (not sure) but i dont have time to play on a lowexp server (so i m not playing helbreath at all).

    So when we had more exp, i lvled to 180 on hollidays and then during university, i logged in when i had time and have big fights, and wasnt a lowlvl running naked from one place to the other cuz someone was going to kill me being a lowlvl... etc



    i do miss old times :'( and im not joking lol, u can ask king and my family about it and they will tell u xD


    nem 1 was a good server till the last month


    What are you saying is, stay the server as it is... if you dont like it go and play another server?

    Actually the server has few players on, so keeping the server as it is now isnt working. We have to find the best solution to bring the old players and new players.


    The higher drop doesnt make the gameplay better, true. But higher the exp does...

    -Most of the players dont feel the HB like a game where you have to sit and hit monster 24/7

    -What make HB better than any mmorpg is the PVP, not the trainning.

    -"Play the game the way it was meant to be played." of course, we are not asking for big changes, new weapons, new dice damages, new magics, xelima boots or anything strange.

    -Players whine because nobody staty to fight or w/e, they dont like the "gameplay" that is going on... of course, you cant expect someone to stay in unfair fight where he knows the enemy with 0 skills will kick his *censored* just because there is a diference of 30 lvls between both.


  9. antes q nada, King aca biggrin.gif biggrin.gif


    posteo en la cuenta de triny por q alguien se ortivo, cof* hunter cof*, y me baneo la cuenta laugh.gif laugh.gif


    Bueno, un gusto haber jugado con todos, en especial para agenlandia y damnation. Realmente ya largue el game y hace meses q no entro, pero bue, es la despedida de los foros tambien. Un saludo a todos los que lo lean, y mucha suerte a los que sigan aca, o los q ya se hallan ido.


    No voy a nombrar personas, por q sino voy a estar escribiendo por 2 hras. Basicamente,


    - Saludos a todos los q son fueron y seran argenlandia, me diverti mucho estos 2 a?os y 1/2 jugando con ustedes, los raids, las hunts, las discuciones, las peleas, las amigadas, los eventos. Me llevo un lindo recuerdo con todos, guarde un par de ss viejas de cuando recien empezabamos a jugar y un par de los ultimos a?os. La mayoria tienen mi msn, ya saben donde encontrarme.

    Un saludo cordial a los GMs q fueron y siguen siendo de la guild (aca o en otro server), y para los players amigos con los q compartimos tanto. wub.gif


    - Good bye to all damnation, been very happy to play with all of u. Some of my best memories here are with u guys smile.gif . Good luck to everyone of u, I hope u have a nice life. Been very happy to play along with u for the past 2 years. Plz take care. wub.gif


    Saludos tambien a todos los jugadores que no estaban dentro de esas 2 guilds con los q me lleve bien, ares o elv. Mucha suerte para todos.


    Ty to the admins for some great times here, along with the GM staff. Take care

  10. ehhhh gusssss feoooo!! feliz cumple! graciasp or avisarme q era tu cumple!! jajajajaja

    espero q la pases bien hoy en tu dia! q te den muchos regalitos (le voy a decir a algun familiar tuyo q te compre un consolador asi te pones contento)

    y buennn FELIZZZ CUMPLE!!!



    p.s: un gran chan q sea la q hace el post!