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Posts posted by Milk

  1. Okay so im guessin that this issue may have been addressed bfo but im 2 lazy to look back and check so sorry :unsure: but okay i was thinking maybe we can give mages a dark knight cap with a lil more defense on it then just a normal 120 cap... i think that this isnt a big thing to ask for and since wars get the whole fit wit tha helm i think it would not only look cool as hell but also add a TINY bit more defense and again im just saying this idea mainly for looks so if it can be done with same defense as 120+ and just a lil darker color to show a 180 lvl that would be really nice... i thank u guys for lookin at this and appreciate ur feedback :)

  2. My sister want to start playing again... i dont know if u guys remember her, her name is Ashely...? but anyways ima let her play when she wants and also ill just come on for heldenians or when i get a chance... Happy Memorial Day everyone :P

  3. bye milk keep my cape as a gift :P


    PD:how long till u back? i kno u are a adict to HB, ull be back :X

    well i might just come back for heldinian or something... for the time being anyways, gotta prioritize some things in life XD

  4. ' date='May 23 2008, 01:44 AM' post='217131'] gotta do what is best for you...but..that being said.


    Cant ya just log on weekends for a few hours? or even for held?


    Come on man...we need good players to STAY not GO!


    Take some time and think about it. You dont have to be on as much as before but at least


    come on for small doses. Maggie is going to be very upset. You dont want that, right?

    No, I love Maggie! ok well leme get some things on track in my life and ill dl it again and come on during held or when i can :P lol only u hunter can talk me out of it!

  5. Well first start off by saying i love u guys... Been a good run with me but some things came up and i gotta get my priorities straight... Wanted to thank all the gms for all the help and for being the best gms on any server special thanks to Hunter<3 and Farjat! U guys r great people and tell Maggie i said bye :P... Well aight guys enjoy playing love u all and gl with everything...



  6. ' date='May 11 2008, 09:44 PM' post='215807']

    the population is not lopsided at all


    Elvine usually chooses to raid at the shop over playing in a Heldenian


    When Aresden was losing every week, i dont recall anyone making a post as pathetic as this one.


    I am a GM in this game and when I am on Hunter I do not favor one town over another.


    My player happens to be Aresden because I have always been Aresden on every server I play.


    This post is just ridiculous...stop crying, whining and get your townsmates to participate properly in a


    Heldenian instead of gang-banging, camping at the shop.


    Serveral GMs also have elvine your entire thesis is faulty.

    HOw is it faulty iv never seen a gm kill wyvs on a hunt to help elvine?? yet when Sexy gets loged in to kill wyv its ok?! i mean i guess call me out on it if u will but its the truth

  7. i never saw it...srry?

    Im glad u never seen it but of course its gona be denied no one wants to actually put it out there but here i am its a true fact so get over urselves bc ares is at a great advantage just bc they r perfered by gms... i mean this is for the games sake GMS... no elv =no nemesis u guys know this!.... HUNTER u remember in nemesis one wat happened and so do u FARJAT... and u guys acknowledged the problem and fixed it so we here once again asking u to fix it!...

  8. Gms have ares character therefor would prefer to have BF and Tp... Man iv seen GM kill wyv to help Survivors need i say more?....

    Of course, on our normal characters we do anything we can to help Aresden, since we're Aresden. On our normal chars, we are players just like you.


    Our GM characters (and related powers) are not used to favor Aresden or Elvine in any way. A very rare specific case, like the one you mention, that barely affects anything, is hard to prevent. But it doesn't happen often enough to be problematic. Unless you can come up with some statistics or hard facts I doubt anything needs to be different.

    On the contrary i already said that IV seen ares log gm characters and and help kill tw and wyvs... ask demenester if its happened bfo... hes seen it iv seen it and wrig has seen it

    when it was Sexy... U guys know wat it comes down to... Its happened bfo jaapy and here we are again!

  9. If you are implying that your town lost an attacking seige because of one sided towns you are gravely mistaken.


    Maybe you should have visited aresden shop. There were more elvines camping in front of it then there were elvines helping with Heldenian.


    Perhaps elvine needs a lesson in how to work as a town.

    Im not only implying that Vampyr u know dang well ares is favored thats the end of it no more needs to be said.... they r favored... We boycotted game once bfo and it can happen again...

  10. As u all may remember in nemesis one the server was getin lop sided and in favor of ARES so us elv had to boycott and all went farm shop... Well here we are again! I could take a week or two of losing but the fact of the matter is that ARESDEN is favored way more by GMs than is Elvine... This is a true fact and im sorry but as much as it may be denied its a true fact.. We, The Elvine, want u Gms to hear us out and plz fix this problem.. Whether it is gonna Be Chaning Several Ares to Elvin, Like u guys did once before in nem 1... or something else u guys can come up with but this needs to be changed... We cant go on playing and i for one know that we r at a disdavantage for just playin on the wrong town! This is in no way fair to Elvine so do something plz!


    so true the only "gm" who has elv player is egualson

    rest are all ares or are favoured with ares

    change it

    U guys need to understand Even if it is not said Gms favor ares.... Get that in ur heads im not talking about heldinian im talking about this game in general We Elvine are at a disadvantage! So if u wanna bring some players from ares over to elv do that or do something... Gms got ares characters of course they would want ares to win held? its common sense.. more drop rate and bf... wat the hek we get? summon here n there? i mean honestly only gm i c help us is Hunter other than that wats going on?!?

  11. As u all may remember in nemesis one the server was getin lop sided and in favor of ARES so us elv had to boycott and all went farm shop... Well here we are again! I could take a week or two of losing but the fact of the matter is that ARESDEN is favored way more by GMs than is Elvine... This is a true fact and im sorry but as much as it may be denied its a true fact.. We, The Elvine, want u Gms to hear us out and plz fix this problem.. Whether it is gonna Be Chaning Several Ares to Elvin, Like u guys did once before in nem 1... or something else u guys can come up with but this needs to be changed... We cant go on playing and i for one know that we r at a disdavantage for just playin on the wrong town! This is in no way fair to Elvine so do something plz!

  12. Isn't this supposed to be open for another couple days? The original post says Friday @ Midnight (I'd guess server time)


    its Wednesday here right now, so somehow that seems to be a bit far ahead of schedule. I just started playing here again, and was thinking of giving this a shot -- oh well.

    haha ya me 2 i just looked at it and was about to start making one :glare: :glare: