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Posts posted by Do0z

  1. Well I have not yet taken part of most of the summon event's as I find my self unware of random events.


    But yesterday when I was checking back on HB while I where AFk in WH , I saw Hunter[GM] saying there whould be a summon event at shop.


    And I thought cool , now I might get to kills some monsters..

    So I ran off from WH to Shop , to take part in the event.



    The thing is: Me and other people who live outeside US usally experience LAG NUKE's everytime the gm /summon [mob] [number] , cuz they spawn to many monsters at once , whic leavese me and other's standing helpless in the middle of 50 monster's. While the mages are having magefest. ( for those who dont LAG ofc )


    And when I personally complained about the lag it caused.

    I get ignored tottaly because the GM is having to much fun hosting the event for those who can handel 50 mobs on the screen at a time , while we others have to stay away from the event.


    What I tried to ask Hunter about yesterday , was that if he could please /summon 10-20 monsters at a time.So that I'my self and other's with LAG problems could actually enjoy the summon events with the rest instead of having to pull monsters away to another area , or stay away from the event.


    My final point is that I wish the GM's whould take this in consideration next time.


    And please yes I know im complaining about it and I also know some of nemesis staff hate complain's.

    But there is such an easy sulotion to this problem if you whould actually take my advice.


    I know what im talking about I have been GM my self and ran multiple servers during the last year's ,

    So feeding me B/S like saying: It's a techniqual issue from my side like internett connection ect.. Is false information because it's not!


    It's the root of lag it self when GM's nuke the spawn command.


    Thank's to all GM's who read this..

  2. Spell name = Ethernal Form

    Mana Cost = 100.

    Req INT = 160.

    Only Droppabel by Ettins , Demons and Gargoyles.



    This spell puts the person under the effect of Ethernal plane walk.

    Whic makes him/her invisible to all living things for 30 sec.

    Also it cannot be detected by anything.

    Spell will break if wearer uses any spells or physical harm.

  3. Etting pit = NO

    Raid time Weekends = YES

    Raid time Wedensday and Thursday = HELLS NO!



    You guys got to stopp trying to change everything , this is HBusa like remember? -.-''

    The only reason you people whould like to raid a town is because you like to hang around scopr pit where the low levels train.

    So you can get easy ek killing 140- ...


    Hey guys wakeupp we got ML!

    Yeah tahts right ML!! ML is filled with eks , just takes a littel more time getting them , besides you usally fight 140+ in ML.


    I say keep it as it is.

    If there would be any raid days in any regular day I whould recomend raid time = 6 mins only not more or less.