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Posts posted by Forsaken

  1. Dont know what your talking about rly, if anything seems like zems are moderately rare. I have gotten little over 100 eks over past 3 weeks and about 4 zem drops. that is not alot at all saying atleast 65 are maxes.

  2. Vamp you make some good points, I can see both sides of the spectrum but I still feel you always have another option besides recall. And for your example, Say a fresh 180 mage is at CG and a full hero 180 war comes, is that guaranteed death? No, I just dont like how underpowered wars are here, and I thought this addition would be a nice touch.

  3. Vampyr if thats the case then you should be able to enter enemy towns buildings. I believe this is a good idea and is worthy of a testing period, not too much to ask. And yes Eldon, I understand what your saying, bit like I said make a level cap for this delay, maybe 160- can continue to recall as it is now, from 160 on you can defend yourself.

  4. 90% of the situations regarding recall are not like that. If they recall they postpone their hunting for that much longer, and then have to run back, basically same thing as dying. If they cant recall they might run vis around, lose em and continue hunting. I think the benefits of a delay on recall far surpass the negatives.

  5. So what if those players are like wtf as they cast and it doesnt succeed, thats karma for trying to recall. :D Jing this is my last note about para i promise :D Para used to be 45 seconds and there wasnt much problems there, para is fairly easy to avoid n get out of.

  6. Ok we are on the same page, u just said u can get in this situation. I really dont see a problem with testing this idea for a month. Also would like to see para 25 seconds tested, but thats a different story.

  7. Without a doubt every single one of you missed me so I figured id make Jordan like comeback. Dont quite know what character I will be playing yet, I will be more than willing 2 tell once I find out. Look foward to PvPing, prolly against elvines. Take it easy on me, im a little rusty and not quite the player I used to be.


  8. This server gloats claiming it is a PvP server no? I dont see the harm in testing it for a month or so, if the majority of the community dislikes it, you can change it back to what it was. Theres no reason not to give it a chance.

  9. I do not understand why this would not be changed. From personal experience, there are VERY FEW situations in which you have no other option to evade death besides recall. It is very hard to raid on a warrior, knowing that 1 cast can stop you from getting an ek, this is a little different than a mage cause mages have blizz, a damage spell that also freezes. A big thing that I have always argued against, 15 second para, already cripples warriors enough. Noone likes to be eking, have someone recall and pm you "jaja 10 hp noob", its annoying and unnecessary.

    My solution, as previously mentioned, make it so you cannot recall within 10 seconds of damage if you are above level 150. At level 150 you can properly defend yourself, and have enough stat points to evade death by other means. To ignore this problem is to live in ignorance of whats going on in the server.