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Posts posted by Forsaken

  1. lol I am the worst survivor... will not dignify that with a response. Humility is clearly an unheard of concept in south america, I congratulated Gimlin several times, and congratulated the guild publically, but all you guys *besides Gimlin* have to say is "oh was easy fight" "we didnt even use pots" and act cocky. And Gimlin, you are by far the best Arg member, dont kid yourself. I just dont see why we strayed from the general plan. As far as I know you could never PC in arena, might be different here, dont know. And I do not think slates are as common as you think, very few just have HP slates chilling in wh. I have thanked the GMs several times for the event, and said it was fun, some of you refuse to accept that and only focus on me "complaining" we strayed from the original format. I am done posting here, said what I need to. Thank you Squall and Jing.



  2. We will start out with an Aresden Free for All event

    All aresden vs All Aresden

    The last 4 players remaining are allowed to progress to

    1- pick a partner

    2- proceed to the 2 v 2 event


    Then we will do all Elvine vs all elvine..same thing

    pick the last 4 players who are left alive

    they choose a partner and move to the final 2 vs 2 event

    Posted by hunter in the thread.

    Dont know what so confusing about that...

  3. So are there 2 teams for the 2v2? Do the 4 remaining choose from each other? Or do the 4 each pick from sum1 who did not last?

    Kaxe for prize THNX

    If this question was answered Survivors would have another KB, hands down. We thought the final 4 then paired up, and 2 ares pvpd 2 elvs, 2 ares pvpd 2 elvs, and the winners met. KochaKoi and Lollipop would have wrecked Gimlin and whiteangel, nonetheless here we r...

  4. Thank you, all I wanted was consideration for it, and noone ever said you guys were. armin, yet again, IT IS NOT COMPLAINING. we are simply discussing alternatives. The main thing I was pleading for was no shield, which would shorten the fights. But JingGM said you guys are considering it, thats all I ask for, ty.

  5. Stang, there is certainly no problem giving out a rare item in an event, as long as it is posted ahead of time so all can participate, and these events rarely happen, so its not like rares are just being thrown into the server. These events are GREAT for the server and can be the most fun you possibly have here. Thank you for event hunter, but you need 2 revise some rules :D