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Taming Results

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Please consider urgently implement a balance to use the taming with bosses.

It's frustrating that we five tamers and the wyvern lasts so little, without being able to kill anything since BF is full of mobs. In IB is the same case, tws away.

The FW must be worse lol ...

Consider implementing corrupted whips taming increased, so it takes much less tame bosses and extension of time ...

On behalf of the tamers, extend the time of the boss and add special whips

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These boss mobs are badass, they resist very much against the tamers as their powers are really strong.

But there will be whips in the future given out through scavenger hunts which will increase success rate.

Or perhaps a potion that temporarly boots your taming % up by 5 or 10% (which also results in more success rate)

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