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Thnx for defend the noobs, I feel happy :)


I support the ideas! Its true is hard to find mass fight near IB, but man you dont need safes to do that..No point there... Mass fight is about call back and back comes fast... Today elvs are to scared to face 20 vs 2 or 3, so thats the reason aresden almost own us.. But... if elvs organize and go raid like i saw 2 o 3 days ago, mass elvine raid owning all the aresden in the way, that was gorgeous!!

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It's refreshing to see all the community thinking that way. I have mentioned several factors and scenarios where invul doesn't work.

It is clear that the pros obtained by invu got outweighted by far by the cons.



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Para mi hay varios factores que hicieron que decaiga la cantidad de gente, la principal claramente fueron las caidas que tuvo el server debido a los ataques, y despues cuando no podias entra a tu cuenta ni cambiar de mapa por que se quedaba contando los segundos, eso para algunos fue frustrante y se terminaron yendo. Y la otra parte es por el invu, sinceramente se valora la intencion de crear algo para favorecer a los player, pero PARA MI, en esta, fallaron. Jugue muchos server, fruta y low, y en todos el sistema de safe funciona como dijo MagicWarr, el safe te permitia tener un respiro para pedir ayudar y que empiece la batalla, incluso estando en el safe, les tiras summon, y haces que pasen de mapa y asi los podes agarrar desde el otro lado, aca no podes hacer eso por el invu, a veces le tiras spike y se lo anulas, pero a veces no funciona, sin contar que en city no podes tirar spike. Tambien cuando corres alguien y se mete en un lugar, vuelve a entrar y sale, muchas veces renovando el invu todo el tiempo para que pasen los 10 segundos sin daño y asi poder usar recall, creo que el safe daba muchos menos beneficios que la invulnerabilidad.


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Honestly what's wrong with the server? No crazy high dmg items have been dropped so should have to grind for your items and work hard for eks....invulnerability is still a debatable topic but the minute you bring back safe zones people are going to scream about criers just camping safe and the same time boxing tps to ek is hilarious xD


My two cents would be bringing back the safe zones but have some way to shut off criers that's it! =]

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its impossible to make every1 happy. there will be allways at least 1 CRYER. you cannot make every1 happy at the same time EVER

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its impossible to make every1 happy. there will be allways at least 1 CRYER. you cannot make every1 happy at the same time EVER



exactly. Its about makign the majority happy and the majority want safe zones back. I think the player count shows that to,.

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I said it before and i say it again. The real problem is not the invul, the safe zones or the balance/disbalance. HB is a community when people will cry to the staff no matter what they do...


The real problem is that people who play are old players and after a few weeks they get bored or remember why they quit, and they don´t come to the fórum to cry, they just quit, so the problem is that you need to make the way to 180 easiest!!. I only have time to play on weekends and I stop playing because was imposible to train in peace for more than a few minutes and all the guilds only accept 180s


Making easiest the way to 180 will not make the server last less, because the real game starts when you are 180.


The same thing happened with Nemesis Argentina a few years ago and i hope you learned!

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I said it before and i say it again. The real problem is not the invul, the safe zones or the balance/disbalance. HB is a community when people will cry to the staff no matter what they do...


The real problem is that people who play are old players and after a few weeks they get bored or remember why they quit, and they don´t come to the fórum to cry, they just quit, so the problem is that you need to make the way to 180 easiest!!. I only have time to play on weekends and I stop playing because was imposible to train in peace for more than a few minutes and all the guilds only accept 180s


Making easiest the way to 180 will not make the server last less, because the real game starts when you are 180.


The same thing happened with Nemesis Argentina a few years ago and i hope you learned!


Eh, I disagree. Invuln/no-safezones makes for a large change in gameplay and the imbalance is very evident. It's not really "crying", it's legitimate complaint/suggestion.

There is a niche for 180/200 25x and Nemesis fills it mostly with success. Whereas, no successful server has ever had invulnerability, so it's really not that crazy to request to remove it.

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Honestly imbalance is to do with time zones....I'm a nerd right now and I'm playing alot of hb ATM and at times I just get completely overwhelmed by the point where I can only afk and not hunt because I've lost like 8 zems in an hour!

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I said it before and i say it again. The real problem is not the invul, the safe zones or the balance/disbalance. HB is a community when people will cry to the staff no matter what they do...


The real problem is that people who play are old players and after a few weeks they get bored or remember why they quit, and they don´t come to the fórum to cry, they just quit, so the problem is that you need to make the way to 180 easiest!!. I only have time to play on weekends and I stop playing because was imposible to train in peace for more than a few minutes and all the guilds only accept 180s


Making easiest the way to 180 will not make the server last less, because the real game starts when you are 180.


The same thing happened with Nemesis Argentina a few years ago and i hope you learned!


Eh, I disagree. Invuln/no-safezones makes for a large change in gameplay and the imbalance is very evident. It's not really "crying", it's legitimate complaint/suggestion.

There is a niche for 180/200 25x and Nemesis fills it mostly with success. Whereas, no successful server has ever had invulnerability, so it's really not that crazy to request to remove it.



I´m not saying that fixing those things is not important, im just saying that i think is not the main problem why ppl quit.


I think making it really easy reach 180 will not change anything important in the server or its future, just ppl without having easy eks.

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I said it before and i say it again. The real problem is not the invul, the safe zones or the balance/disbalance. HB is a community when people will cry to the staff no matter what they do...


The real problem is that people who play are old players and after a few weeks they get bored or remember why they quit, and they don´t come to the fórum to cry, they just quit, so the problem is that you need to make the way to 180 easiest!!. I only have time to play on weekends and I stop playing because was imposible to train in peace for more than a few minutes and all the guilds only accept 180s


Making easiest the way to 180 will not make the server last less, because the real game starts when you are 180.


The same thing happened with Nemesis Argentina a few years ago and i hope you learned!


Eh, I disagree. Invuln/no-safezones makes for a large change in gameplay and the imbalance is very evident. It's not really "crying", it's legitimate complaint/suggestion.

There is a niche for 180/200 25x and Nemesis fills it mostly with success. Whereas, no successful server has ever had invulnerability, so it's really not that crazy to request to remove it.



I´m not saying that fixing those things is not important, im just saying that i think is not the main problem why ppl quit.


I think making it really easy reach 180 will not change anything important in the server or its future, just ppl without having easy eks.



Honestly, I agree with this. The staff would probably disagree because they consider easy 180 to be fruity but IMO it would help the server's population. Also, the fact that there are 4 raid days per week hinders goldies in their training even more.

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Yo creo que sacar los safe zone hace que no se armen peleas como antes de 20 vs 20, ej: antes si querias ir a peliar sabias que en rmle o rmla siempre se armaba! Porque? Por que si eran 20 ares y 4 elvines te quedas en el safe y empesas a llamar no solo a tu guild sino que vienen de todos los guils y se equilibra y podes salir a peliar, lo que veo es que lo que pasa ahora salis solo te cruzas con 20 ares te tiran 15 mim bow y ni llegas a llamar que moriste o corres tanto que cuando llega la ayuda ya no estas ahí, sabemos que para peliar hay que ir en grupo y yo creo que los safes ayudan mucho a que se armen los grupos


Por lo menos asi lo veo yo!!! decia el gran Guilermo que en paz descanse


Coincido totalmente, si el problema de las Safe Zones era que se quedaban a abusar del chat , que se implemente una penalizacion mas severa a esos pesados que solo buscan pleitos por el chat all, por el regreso de las safe zones y por mas aguante al nemesis que estan haciendo de todo para que la gente se valla, valanceen las citys, yo deje de jugar por que no podia entrenar en ningun lado , de cada 10 ares hay 3 elv raideando, y si la respuesta es que en horario europeo hay mas elv, no nos sirve a los occidentales por que podemos jugar solo en estos horarios , ni loco me levanto a las 3 am para jugar , saludos nemesis server


I totally agree, if the problem was that Safe Zones were abusing the chat, you implement a more severe penalty for those heavy that only seek chatting all lawsuits, by the return of safe zones and more stamina to nemesis who are doing everything to make people fence valanceen the citys, I stop playing because I could not train on any side, of 10 ares are 3 elv raideando, and if the answer is that there are more European time elv, not useful to Westerners that we can play alone in these times, or crazy I get up at 3 am to play, greetings nemesis server

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Agrego el comentario de que si seria mas facil ser 180 el server tendria mas players, por que se dificulta entrenar, pero como los gms que sostienen esto consideran el servidor a largo plazo no tienen en cuenta el tiempo que puede llegar a levelear un char y dk+15, saludos

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Si tenes 1 hora por dia para jugar, te va a costar llegar aca, y en la mayoria de los server relativamente "low". La exp esta por 25, y sin contar que los crayfish y las quest te agregan un plus. Ese no es para nada el problema.

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No juego mas por estas razones:


1º) Es el unico server donde ml y ib no rinden huntear porque la exp es una porqueria ( por ende no va la gente )

2º) un pit de crayfish en d2?? Osea el mapa de DC para entrenar te lo pasaste por el ocote.

3º) civi hasta 120?

4º) Invulnerable? de ultima sacame el safe de mapas donde habitualmente se pelea ib,ml , druncian, apoca y ml mine... No se si me olvido de algun otro.

5º) para mi el dmg del war es relatibante bajo con respecto al mago ( quiero aclarar que lo digo porque use a los dos y de 2 blizz me baje un war )...

6º) lag habitual la mayoria del tiempo ni que hablar que te comes un bump y te quedas 1 minuto quieto...

7º) No apoyas la mass figth, desde que arranque el server no vi una mass figth... Y es lo unico bueno que le queda a este juego, ya que ningun otro juego lo tiene. Por otro lado si te gusta promoveer farmear hacete un server de diablo o Mu...


Jugue a olympia y todos los giles ( porque jugaron a este server siempre, deliran que es el unico server como la gente que hay y estan mas que equivocados) yo raideaba en el olympia y en el mapa que ibas tenias gente... Todos los pits, se armabas agites todo el tiempo... Ni que hablar que apenas empezo el server habia 350/400 ons... Delay habia al principio pero cleroth fue sacando updates para mejorarlo ...

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Los que quitearon son todos argentinos.. Mi guild Rezpekt, quitearon 18 de 27..

y Los 2-13 ya no queda casi ninguno, muy pocos..

La mayoria quiteo por el tema de las caidas, roll backs constantemente, te bumpeas y se te cae.. y bueno, el delay es del server, si todavia no lo pueden modificar, tendremos que esperar a que white le busque la vuelta.

Pero si a algo le estan errando en mi opinion es al vulnerability, es totalmente asqueroso, es PEOR que un safe... cuando no existia el vulne, vos le tirabas summons, ck, o algo, ahora ni eso, los elvs juegan a correr para cambiar de mapa y recallear, es decir, juegan a favor del vulnerability, por mas desbalance que haya, (cuestion de time-zones) eso no debe pasar, pero creo que habria que hacer 1 votacion o algo en general para que decida todo el server, y no estar cuestionando todos los dias aca en el foro.. buscar una SOLUCION que sea para TODOS, y no para unos pares..

El server de tener casi todos los dias 250, paso a 150- , yo creo que es hora de empezar a darse cuenta el PORQUE.. (si es que le interesa a la gente y al staff)

Yo me quedo jugando, voy a esperar los cambios y las respuestas, si a este server lo dejan igual que el delay que tenias en el olympia, es el mejor LEJOS... solo eso.

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Es una lasitma que la gente se vaya, el server va muriendo y se torna aburrido a medida que no haya mas agites, etc..

Pero hay que pensar en frio y darle una oportunidad al staff que creo qeu esta dando lo mejor de ellos cuando le es posible ya que es mas un hobby que otra cosa.


Aca White habla de los fixes que vienen y por que se retrasaron.

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