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Server Status Report: Second Week / Estado Del Server: Segunda Semana

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I enjoy to make this summarys just because theres ppl around who trust us and care. I will keep doing them.


We started with a lot of attacks.

This attacks lasts around 20 minutes. but once ended. we noticed our servers didnt holded them and caused some rollbacks.

We have fixed everyone who sended a ticket. so theres no lost for us. At least we fixed the people who got us by the official channels.


We got attacks this second week also. But this attacks, CAUSE NO ROLLBACK NOW.

Our main goal was to keep players data. And we are not having them anymore so its great.


The big Botnet DDos attack still there. But they cant make real damage now. As players data gets saved. And the downtime they cause is lesser everyday.


Near the weekend we got a group of Rule-Brokers which was banned. So they started to shoot our Login port.

They found an issue to exploit. They threatened us for unban.


We fixed the issue and we will fix the new issues they can found. We expected this kind of behaviours and we dont take threats.


We used the downtime attacks caused to add fixes for them. We feeded our shields to build our server INVULNERABLE to different methods.


About INVUL...

White is already discussing/planning/coding some fixes for it. Give him a break. He is doing already great.


Also PLZ dont forget we build a server FOR LONG TERM. And adjusting this on first month WAS EXPECTED


PD: U can freely speack any language on general chats. But the staff can only guarrantee to understand English.




Hago estos resumenes sem*spam*es porque se que hay algunos a los que les importa y quieren saber.

Abrimos con muchos ataques.

Estos ataques duraban unos 20 minutos. pero una vez que terminaban el server no se reponia y hacia rollback.

Arreglamos a todo aquel que lo reporto con tickets como corresponde.


Tuvimos ataques tambien esta semana. Pero durante los ultimos YA NO CAUSO ROLBACK

Nuestra prioridad era evitar los rollbacks y lo logramos asique ahora podemos avanzar.

La botnet grande sigue ahi latente y va a seguir molestando. Pero mas que laguearnos unos minutos ya no pueden hacer. Afecta cada dia menos.


Este ultimo fin de semana un par de Rompe Reglas a modo de queja por ser baneados lograron bloquearnos las conecciones con ataques al puerto.

Encontraron un hueco y lo atacaron. Nos amenazaron que nos tiraban el server si no le sacabamos el ban


Arreglamos ese problema para que no lo cause mas. Y vamos a arreglar todos los futuros problemas que encuentren. No nos gustan los RompeReglas, y no acptamos amenazas.


Usamos los ataques que recibimos para crear protecciones que ya quedan. nuestros escudos fueron INMUNIZADOS a diferentes metodos.




White ya tiene planeada la solucion. Denle un respiro, esta a 4 manos. Pero no va a tardar mucho.


Nose olviden que este es un server construido PARA LARGO PLAZO. Y a todos estos problemas y ajustes necesario que haremos en el primer mes, los esperabamos.


PD: Ah y se puede hablar en cualquier idioma en chat general. Pero si no hablan en Ingles es posible que no les entiendan.



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Same thing with forum and tickets, if you want a staff member to understand your post, please post in English or use a translator! All of us speak at least 2 languages, but we ALL understand English.


(Also, please try to continue the original language that a topic was started in, even if it was NOT English!)

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