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Few Needed Suggestions

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Have a few suggestions, some I took from other servers that I thought worked great, and some just from playing Helbreath and experiencing myself.


1. Remove Fire Bow, as much as I love to use it, it's almost impossible to keep somebody paralyzed, especially in group PvP. Yes, it does require a good Spike Field, but in most cases it's basically impossible.


2. HP Count on Mobs, this is great when hunting. Legion had it (don't scold me) and it was awesome , everybody loved it. It made it so even warriors could tell the HP of a mob, and in most cases it helps you decide whether or not to kill the mob or run. Scan was used to determine HP in PvP situations.


3. Hunger Bar, again, Legion had this. Was great when displaying how hungry you are. Was displayed wonderfully like this:




4. Transparent Bag and Roof Tops, would be awesome if you could enable transparent roof tops when running under them, so people couldn't try and hide. Transparent bag when hitting F11, when the map and all other interfaces turn transparent would be awesome.


5. Click Somone + CTRL P to ask them to join a party, much easier than having to open the windows.


6. CTRL + N, make it so you can hit neutral targets without having to hold ctrl.


7. Mobs Attack Speed, they attack way too fast. Cyclops attack at an abnormally large rate, getting probably 5-6 lightning casts while not PFM'ed in perhaps, 2-3 seconds. I lost -200 HP with 2 seconds of not being PFM'ed. Its annoying, and it requires tons of DEX and VIT for warriors who want to train somewhere like ogres or trolls, even werewolves and get hit much more than often. Especially when you have more than one hitting you, so your only focusing one mob and your practically getting stunned by the others. It especially sucks for mages for mobs like Skeletons, and it doesn't give them a chance to cast in some cases. Its to my knowledge that Nemesis did this knowingly, but I vote remove.


8. 112 Int Requirement on MShield Wand, Warriors in a 180 using a tower shield and m. shield wand is incredibly overpowered and just a waste of time. Chances are if you have a tower shield and an m. shield, your not going to die. Quickly fire bow yourself out of paralyze, and equip your m. shield and tower and run for it. This should be a mages best friend, mages get offered very little PA in terms of things, and the more the merrier. Most mages can be clicked very easily.

Edited by MaryJane

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Yep. Olympia has these at the moment and it's awesome. That's why i love that server so much =]

contemplating which one to play.

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Have a few suggestions, some I took from other servers that I thought worked great, and some just from playing Helbreath and experiencing myself.


1. Remove Fire Bow, as much as I love to use it, it's almost impossible to keep somebody paralyzed, especially in group PvP. Yes, it does require a good Spike Field, but in most cases it's basically impossible.


2. HP Count on Mobs, this is great when hunting. Legion had it (don't scold me) and it was awesome , everybody loved it. It made it so even warriors could tell the HP of a mob, and in most cases it helps you decide whether or not to kill the mob or run. Scan was used to determine HP in PvP situations.


3. Hunger Bar, again, Legion had this. Was great when displaying how hungry you are. Was displayed wonderfully like this:




4. Transparent Bag and Roof Tops, would be awesome if you could enable transparent roof tops when running under them, so people couldn't try and hide. Transparent bag when hitting F11, when the map and all other interfaces turn transparent would be awesome.


5. Click Somone + CTRL P to ask them to join a party, much easier than having to open the windows.


6. CTRL + N, make it so you can hit neutral targets without having to hold ctrl.


7. Mobs Attack Speed, they attack way too fast. Cyclops attack at an abnormally large rate, getting probably 5-6 lightning casts while not PFM'ed in perhaps, 2-3 seconds. I lost -200 HP with 2 seconds of not being PFM'ed. Its annoying, and it requires tons of DEX and VIT for warriors who want to train somewhere like ogres or trolls, even werewolves and get hit much more than often. Especially when you have more than one hitting you, so your only focusing one mob and your practically getting stunned by the others. It especially sucks for mages for mobs like Skeletons, and it doesn't give them a chance to cast in some cases. Its to my knowledge that Nemesis did this knowingly, but I vote remove.


8. 112 Int Requirement on MShield Wand, Warriors in a 180 using a tower shield and m. shield wand is incredibly overpowered and just a waste of time. Chances are if you have a tower shield and an m. shield, your not going to die. Quickly fire bow yourself out of paralyze, and equip your m. shield and tower and run for it. This should be a mages best friend, mages get offered very little PA in terms of things, and the more the merrier. Most mages can be clicked very easily.


or make Mshield Wands work only in pvm

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1- nope

2-maybe, but only on bosses

3-yes, why not?

4-only transparent when you are under it, ok with the bag

5- ok

6- YES please

7- i only had problems with magic speed, not with physycal speed

8- warriors need mshield to tank big mobs so ^, make it work only on pvm and it will be fine.... if you want mages to be the only ones able to use mshield, they should not be able to equip a tower shield or other shield before 10 secs since they casted the last magic.

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1- nope

2-maybe, but only on bosses

3-yes, why not?

4-only transparent when you are under it, ok with the bag

5- ok

6- YES please

7- i only had problems with magic speed, not with physycal speed

8- warriors need mshield to tank big mobs so ^, make it work only on pvm and it will be fine.... if you want mages to be the only ones able to use mshield, they should not be able to equip a tower shield or other shield before 10 secs since they casted the last magic.


1. Why nope? Because you don't want to be para'd? This is already a 180 server, people last long enough. No one is going to die with a fire bow in the game, and I can tell you right now your going to lose tons of players to people who just use a firebow to get out of a paralyze, make it a rare drop. It should not be in the blacksmith, it is way too overpowered, especially when everyone has high stats. Please come up with an argument as to why you think it shouldn't be taken out other than the fact "its supposed to be in Helbreath" or "nope". Thats not a good argument whatsoever, so try again.

2. No, on everything BUT bosses. Warriors can't see HP on mobs, its annoying. You don't know whether somethings almost dead or not, and when hunting things, its just useful. Scan can be used on boss mobs to see the health, because you will have mages. Your not always ganna have mages next to you.

4. Of course only when your under it..derp.

7. I had problems with physical speed. Go attack Crayfish, they attack at ridiclious speeds. Both magic and physical need to be reduced. All monsters attack at crazy speeds. Try the troll pit or the skelle pit.

8. Just PVM works for me.

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Do we have Hunt Masters / Raid Masters and Captains / Teleports here? xD they are AWESOME and gives the guild something to do as a group to farm contribution and upgrade guild ranks

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Do we have Hunt Masters / Raid Masters and Captains / Teleports here? xD they are AWESOME and gives the guild something to do as a group to farm contribution and upgrade guild ranks


White already coded that LONG BEFORE other servers did... :wub: :wub:

In fact, other servers copied that idea from us :P


Personally, i owned a Lvl 3 Guild at Nemesis 2 having ranks like: Leader, Commander and Veteran.

Each of them adding special features if you upgrade that rank (in the guild hall)


At Lvl5 you can get ranks like: Crusade Commander, Siege Commander, Crusade Constructor, Siege Captain and more


ALSO if you keep upgrading your guild you get more space based on slots to add more members:


Lvl1 10/10

Lvl2 25/25

Lvl3 50/50

Lvl4 75/75

Lvl5 100/100

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thanks free ;)

I remember now.. that was about the time i stopped playing....


can't wait for this to go live then i can test it out.. might give beta a go.


Buy xelima rapier. jajajajajajaja

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Perdon que escriba en español pero tengo algunos errores con el ingles :F


1. Me parece que justamente ahi esta la habilidad de ser rapido y tirar un spike field, si no esta magia va a perder su utilidad y diversion, aunque me digan que sirve para que corras y te baje el hp, no jodan, sirve para que no te desparalyzen con fuego.


2. Ver el HP de los mobs es lo que mas extraño del legion, es muy comodo y util saber si falta poco para que muera o si esta recuperando mas hp de lo que se le baja.


3. La barra de hungry ni me molesta, cada 10 minutos me hago food y listo.


4. Muy util.


5. Muy util.


6. Este punto es muy bueno para los wars, sobre todo en los eventos todos vs todos, donde te toca pelear seguro con alguien de tu city.


7. Es verdad, el ataque de los mob esta acelerado, y en el que mas se nota es en el ogre, te pega 5 golpes por segundo masomenos, una bestialidad.


8. Tambien muy util, no lo habia pensado, en 1 vs 1, war vs war se te pone tower + m shield y olvidate, en cambio solo con tower ya cambia la cosa.


PD: Y algo para agregar, esa barra del Legion es muy util y elegante, con las 3 barras una abajo de la otra, HP, MP, SP, y al costado la de Exp quedaria perfecto, y sacar la barra de exp que hay en este momento, que


es larguisima y quita una pequeña linea de vision de la imagen.

Edited by Macro.

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The thread was posted in english. Since all of us can continue chatting in our favourite language... Toi nälkä palkki on ihan hyvä idea! Ei haittaa mitään, jokainen huomaa sen kuitenkin... Tulijousi pitää säilyttää, se on erittäin tärkeä jos on matala int. Läpinäkyvät katot ja bäg on nobojen hommaa. Ja loput ehdotukset ovat turhia.

Edited by GeniuS

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The hunger bar was nice because you could see when you were hungry, but not completely starving. You also knew how many food it took to make you full. The fire bow needs to be removed or PvP will even more useless than it already is. People have tons of stats at 180, and if you want fast-paced PvP like White[GM] said he did, then your going to need to take these precautions.



Nälkä baari oli mukava, koska et voi nähdä, kun oli nälkä, mutta ei täysin nälkää. Sinun osasi myös monien elintarvikkeiden kesti sinut täysin.Palo keula on poistettava tai PVP jopa enemmän hyödyttömiä kuin se jo on. Ihmiset ovat tonnia tilastot 180, ja jos haluat nopeatempoinen PvP kuten White [GM] sanoi hän, niin sinun menossa tarvitse ottaa näitä varotoimenpiteitä.



El bar era agradable, porque el hambre se podía ver cuando estaba hambriento, pero no morir de hambre por completo. También sabía cuántos alimentos que se tardó en hacer que se llena. El arco de fuego debe ser eliminado o PvP será aún más inútil de lo que ya es. La gente tiene un montón de estadísticas a 180, y si quieres PvP rápido como White [GM] dijo que sí, entonces vas a tener que tomar estas precauciones.

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