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The Most Racist Coment Ever Made

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hm... it isnt "the most racist coment ever made" lol i think ur gone too far... i know its an insult but

1st its in whisper mode at least...

2nd... its the same thing that always happen..

3rd.. just play and dont listen to this stuff

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why is that racist? cause he is calling you a monkey? i dont get i, i call ppl monkeys all the time.

Edited by lugiore

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You 2 need to go to school as fast as possible.

Lugiore must be 0 iq probably. If for you its normal, and you do it all time, here comes a confession and a new ban (and you should go to a shrink), because its racism, according to whole world i guess.

Mr-Popo you serious?

#1 Anyway, its 1 minute raid and he is an elvine, otherwise he would use red. Using whisper or not still offending me the same manner, dont matter if whole server read it or not. LOL.

#2 If it always happened, how come they not banned forever? Serious fault in here. And if he keeps doing it, no other way than a forever ban now, no?

#3 I always play listening this stuff, but if it was otherwise, i bet i would be banned forever 100 years ago. Hearing some1 offending your country during a game, kinda ruin the game for me.


And by the way, its the most racist coment ive ever seen, as i typed, i dont really need your opinion how racist it sound to you or not.

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but i call people monkeys because they act like it, not because i think that they come from a primitive race.


and unless "macaco" means something racist, macaco isnt an english word so i dont know what it means, i dont see anything there that states he was calling your race primitive, just you, and that isnt racist in itself..........


if it dose mean something regarding your race, then yes, it is bad and racist



and my iq is 133, Mensa told me that.

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atop cry dual always crying about ppl insult u... play and dont cry man.,..o dont talk to me ....


u say i no hace zems u racist coz im poor :(


and mcaco is group musical in argentina ;)

Edited by Kurama

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GMs: next time ban those who made this kind of topics instead of sending tickets, delete their forum's accounts too.


Im not on a bad mod, i just remembered why i wasnt around in the last month+

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GMs: next time ban those who made this kind of topics instead of sending tickets, delete their forum's accounts too.


Im not on a bad mod, i just remembered why i wasnt around in the last month+


Understood. Too bad I read this after reading the other topic about racism.

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